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Hello, Bros. How is it going? I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for your support. Hugs and kisses. Love you all. Namaste. Welcome to another Monday Post! <3

First things first: if all goes well I will be releasing Episode 09 of my hit educational game Star Channel 34 to the general public next Monday. Release of the Android version should happen on the same day.

Time sure flies. Public release of the previous episode was on October 7th 2019. So, 4 months ago. It kind of sounds like it took me a very long time to develop Ep.09, but it's actually the opposite. I managed to produce this one in a rather timely manner. The reason it's been almost 4 month since last release is that two and a half of these four month I spent being sick and not able to work.

Story time. I didn't want to talk about it while it was still going on, and to be honest I am still worried that by talking about it now I could jinx something and get sick again somehow. But at the same time I need to share at least some details with you.

To keep it short I developed some sort of chronic pain syndrome in my ass muscles (of all places). So I literally could not sit on my butt for longer then 10 minutes at a time. It was brutal. I tried to write and code while lying down but it was hard being productive under those circumstances and drawing was out of question of course.

The tests. I went to many (MANY) doctors and spent a hefty amount of money on all sorts of tests. I went through 3 different MRI tests! Had my blood drawn, underwent multiple ultrasound examinations (including one exclusively for my balls). Also went to 2 different proctologists and learned that I definitely do not appreciate it when people stick foreign objects up my ass. I also went to a couple of neurologists, a traumatologist, 2 different osteopaths and  probably some other doctors I am forgetting to mention.

The depression. The worst part about all that, apart from wasting a lot of money (thank you for your support guys), was that none of the docs could tell me what was causing the pain. So, to sum it up: I could not work, my ass was hurting and nobody could tell me what the problem was. I started to get really depressed. Some of the Monday posts I had to force myself to write while standing on my knees in front of my desk.

The miracle. Eventually I got lucky though. I went to one neurologist and although she also could not tell what was wrong with me, she prescribed me some pills. At this point I lost all the faith in doctors but also was willing to try anything. I bought the pricey pills and 3 days later my pain started to go away. And one week after that I was already working on Episode 09 while pondering over how happy I am just to be able to sit on my ass again. 

The conclusion. I went to see my doctor last month. She says that the pain was probably caused by some sort of mental strain, but since the pills worked it was obviously a muscle spasm that caused my ass nerves to misfire. I am still taking the pills, but my pain is gone and I am already working on Episode 10. Guys, if your ass does not hurt when you sit on it, please appreciate it - it's a wonderful thing. 

Now about Episode 09. There are few things I want to mention. 

The interface. Starting with this episode the HUD will change a bit. I relocated some of the buttons and simplified a few things. I guess some of you may not like it, and some of you will, but my hope is that most of you won't even notice. The change is here to stay though. I gave it a lot of thought and new HUD really made my life easier while I was working on Episode 09.

The Stars. I also low-key boosted the popularity stars gains from the shows from 1 to 2 popularity stars per show. Thanks to this you will be spending 50% less time sending girls on missions. Again, most won't even notice this I'm sure ^_^

The "H" button. Also for the first time in the history of my games the "H" button will be working properly. All thanks to Arcticman who patiently walked me through the process of implementing that feature :)

New BG. One of the new backgrounds is still being worked on so for now I had to use the WIP version. If all goes well it will be replaced with a proper background by the time of the public release.

That's it. This is turning into an extremely long post already. I think I'll just wrap it up here. Thank you for your support guys. See you next Monday. :)

P.S. I sent out a thank you letter to all my Patrons. Let me know if you didn't get it.




Check your patreon inbox for the game lads.


Awesome, many thanks, glad you are better, being in pain is the worst ^^


Sad android noises


Glad to hear everything is fine now, you had me scared there for a second. Looking forward to episode 09. Look on the bright side, with having gone through this experience (Doctor's putting forgein objects in your ass), you can now write more immersive and detailed anal scenes now.


amen take them vicodin pills man :D hopefully you feel better and work your ass off (without pain) on the next episodes to come :) also sucks to be probed im thinking that was just a fan that stuck a camera in your ass so that he knows what you will work on in the future ;) take care mate looking forward to the next ep :P


I'm sorry to hear about your issues but I'm glad to hear it's getting better. I'll also make sure to appreciate that my ass is not hurting right now. As usual any grammar/spelling errors I might encounter will be added as replies to this comment if/when I find them.


Glad to hear the painful story had a resolution.


Glad to hear you're feeling better, Akabur!


"The slut from channel 6 II" Captain: "What was your initial reaction, when she did it the fist time?". "Fist" should be "first".


Caramba cara que barra você passou mas que bom que está melhor, eu gostaria de poder ajudar mais, pois, adoro seu conteúdo mas o dollar é muito caro aqui no Brasil. Melhoras


Yeah, a new episode, that rocks! You rock. But is the public really ready for this? You may be too dangerous to be left alive. Anyway, I wanted to ask: is it possible to jump directly to episode 9? Long story short, I acquired a new laptop since last episode so I may have to start again from episode 1. I doesn't really bother me because I love the humor, the writing and all in this game, I really do. It's just that it might take a certain amount of time haha. Time sure flies, like you said. I remember when I read about you creating a new game and having to wait for new releases. Now, it's ep. 9. It's like a child that we would see growing up. :') Ok, that is maybe exaggerating a bit lol. Anyway, thanks for your hard work. I'll just wait for this next release and hoping really really really hard to see some lewd scenes with L.O.L.A. :D


ooo I lika do da cha cha


Just hit the "EPISODES" button and you can choose what episode to start from :)


Great work, as always. For once I think I have nothing to really say beyond that. Except maybe that I'm impressed with the amount of content we got considering what your situation was. Even if you had been working on it for a full 4 months without ass related problems getting in the way I'd still consider this a good amount of content. And I'm kind of curious, did someone else do some of the art in the Hermione storyline, or did you just try a different style? Keep being amazing!

Sid Santos

That whole ordeal was literary a pain in the ass, glad to hear some great things :D


You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. The best part is I think I figured out a way to work faster now and next episode despite being a bit special should not take too long. Hopefully :) As for Hermione, I did the art as always, but I changed the technique. The final result was not pristine as my usual full screen CGs but it allowed me to work literally 4 times faster! I hope to continue to do pics like that in the future leaving full screen CG for super important moments only. That should allow me to save tons of time ^^


"Quest" button only appears at 2 stars or more, but events themselves need only 1 star to start. Is that a bug?


Блин, сочувствую по поводу жопной проблемы. Рад, что теперь всё в порядке


Glad to read that you are ok now. 💪🏻💪🏻


Glad you are feeling better. Brother, I am there with you about wasting money on doctors. Too bad there is no refund on needless tests. Look forward to playing this episode after I go to work which is stressing out my finger muscles. 😆👍


Hermoine don't give you any comments after returning from new shows. Is that intentional?


Time to forward the ass pain to the star channel crew members, amiright?




so i guess you can say these last few weeks has been... a pain in the ass? it was right there, i wont apologize. seriously tho, im glad you found a solution. have a splendid week mah dude.


Sorry did not receive your message(


Sent another PM to you directly. Let me know if you still have't gotten it.


Consistent low quality, good job!


i'm happy you recovered, i got huuuge back pain recently too, i lost 6cm in heigh during the first 7 days, my spine was completly twisted, so i couldn't walk, sit or lie down properly. I'm with you, stay strong ;) thank you for your work, as always, and i'll do the episode tonight :)


Not a bug. This episode didn't have any quests but quests always cost 2 stars. I do realize that this is a bit confusing though. I'll try to figure out a better solution.


Last couple of moths actually. And yes T_T I'm just happy to be in working order :)


You lost height?! 0_0 Dude, that sounds scary. I hope you're alright now. Have fun with the episode :)


I know it might sound weird, but I appreciate knowing what the problem's been and am happy to hear that you've managed to finally get some relief from what's been going on so I can worry about you less! Thank you from I assume all of us for still trying so hard even though times have been rough, you're a (the) pillar of this community and we're all lucky to have a creator like you in our lives~


( I really liked the Thank you letter (if anyone is confused about this ask, its not in an email but in another place you should be looking)) otherwise, the new episode is awesome, scratched a lot of long lasting itches. I'm still going to keep shamelessly asking for new costumes (for Hermione and LOLA).


here's to hoping that the next girl is from mass effect.


A very long and sincere post. Indeed, 4 months is a lot, but if your absence was due to illness, then everything is OK. Get well


Didn't get the thank you letter or the game, I'm only a $1 patron though


Man, you don't appreciate how lucky you are to be able to sit down until you realise that there are people who can't do that.


Just sent you a direct message. Let me know if you didn't get it.


I am pleased to receive your report that your posterior has returned to its proper, fully functional state. Hopefully, with appropriate time and care, your friends will also return to their proper, "not teasing you about your ass", state as well. I suspect that the second condition will last longer than the first. Good luck.


I'm stunned, when you say "i'm sick" i thought something more normal (nothing so related to your work), i just wanna say: you will be alright, don't stress to much yourself.


Something something butt stuff, something something Soviet conspiracy.


Great job, this one is easy among the best chapters to date, and the new addition is A+


April is still the best girl


Sorry to hear about your ass.


Yeah, I know. This was weird experience for me... Well in any case, I am back to normal for now, let's hope I will be able to work on next episode in peace.


Glad you are feeling well! I got a neck spasm one day at work and I couldn’t turn my head hardly at all for several days. It was awful. So I can only imagine what it would be like to not be able to sit because of pain. Excited to play the new chapter!


Yeah, I friend of mine also had that. Scary stuff 0_0 Have fun with the game :)


i have a desk that is height adjustable so when my ass hurts i can just stand for an hour or two.


Damn, this is a very sad story, man! I hope your pain is really gone and won't distirb you more... It is, right? You don't need to bother yourself with doctors again, right? Please, take care of yourself, buddy, and don't push yourself too hard. Health is most important and we can't buy it for money, unfortunately (&gt;_&lt;)


That Ep 10 teaser has me extremely excited!


Ok! so i finished it, it was greeeeaaaaat! :D I'm ready to see more of Lara x Ashelin (can i call it Larasheline? ;) ) and i wasn't ready for the new girl xD She was perfect, i like my girls hairy lol My favorite part was helping Harry i think ;) hopefully, episode 10 is coming soon* ! :D


Oh, and the new HUD is cool, it feels good to not have to click as much as before. To make it better, it would be great if the "go back" button in the "girl menu" would return you in the "crew menu" instead of the "main menu" :)


The new HUD confused me at first, I wondered if there was a bug, but I figured it out fairly quickly after that and it does make it generally easier to navigate the game. The new girl was... not who I expected, but I'm curious to see where you're going with that.


Thanks, dude. And yes, health is the most important thing.


I just wish you the best, your games are awesome... saludos de desde Colombia, tus juegos me encantan.


Cool, I'm happy to hear that. I hope to never change the HUD from this point on. I think it's slick and simple now and it made my work easier while I was putting together this episode. :)


Bro it's so good jasmine has to move over I think April is now my favorite from you


Heh XD Yeah, I'm glad I finally got to do some fun stuff with April :)


HOLY BALLS !!!1! I almost cried at the end, the new girl is just so great I never thought something so wonderful would ever happen. This was really the best episode so far. And that teasing at the end, I'm so pissed because I now have to wait the next episode to see her in action. Well played. Amazing girl. Best feels in a while. 15/10 would play again. [And I'm not even mentioning the rest of the story, which is really something we've all been waiting for !]


Thanks, dude T_T That's the reaction I was hoping for. Now I just need to make sure next episode tops this one XD


New girl is the straight up best girl you have ever choosen. Also I adored testing this episode! :D

Trevor Bond

I am SO sorry to hear about this, and how much effort and money it took to get fixed up. I'm just glad something worked! Glad to have you back and HOLY smokes, 2 months to crank out an episode?! You, sir, are a machine! Fantastic, can't wait to tackle this one! Thank you for your perseverance and hard work!

Durzo Shadowborn

This was a fun update. Granted some things could've been changed, but still...that new girl! :o Hoping to visit some old friends and bring them aboard the ship! *cough* like a certain tailor, barmaid, and teacher *cough**cough* :) Stay Well!


Hey, Bro. How about double post in a week ? :)

Ian W

Great episode! I really enjoyed the plot lines, and i can hardly wait to see what happens next. I did notice some typos. Slut of Channel 6 II "What was your initial reaction, when she did it the fist time?" fist should be first Slut of Channel 6 XV "It's April! She's must be in trouble" She's should be She New Girl "Sir, you presence is really required in the warp gate room." you should be your Sneak Preview "Episode 10 is gonna punch you right into the feels!" into should be in (although into is kind of funny)


I really liked this new episode. Congratulations!


I'm glad you are not ill, Have a great life, I love your work


Downloading it right now... but are you OK, dude? I mean, are you running a fever or something? Did aliens abduct you and ever since they brought you back you haven't been *quite* yourself? Or, perhaps, I've been away too long: because was that an actual release date that you just gave, at the beginning of this post? What happened to "COMING SOON" and then, boom, release without warning? What is this world coming to? First the Corona virus, now Akabur sets release dates... the world as we knew it is collapsing around us...


Best update... EVER &lt;3


Congratulations on getting better My mom sometimes gets muscle spasms when sitting so if your sitting a lot I recommend getting a shiatsu massager they’re really good


Thanks for the new release and the hard work. Glad to hear you got rid of the pain in your ass.


already finished the chapter, new girl....grand finale, i didin't see that comming


in chile when we apreciate something good we use the term "filete" te quedo "filete"


Just finished new chapter. April's scenes were not bad but Hermione's scene was very good.My favorite from entire game. Keep up good work.


I wonder how are you gonna get away with this new girl Anyway, wonderful episode, I enjoyed it a lot New HUD - fire Did you reduce amount of that scratching space sound when clicking on anything or is it just me? Glad you're feeling better, keep up the good work


Dunno... I tried to reduce the over all amount of clicks you need to do to access stuff. Maybe in turn in reduced the sound you mentioned (not sure what sound you mean though). Anyway, thanks for the feedback, it made me go ^______^


How can you develop pain in the ass? Are you exersising at all?


You know bed pimples? Can not be more the 2 to 4 hours straining any of your body


Yeah. 2-3 times a week. If not for that I would be long dead I think with a job like mine. :)


The new hud seems pretty cool and will feel fresh! Love you Akabur. I've been gone but I've always cheered from the shadows and always will. Good luck with the next ep! I'm really far behind so I can't wait to see the things you've cooked up. :) Edit Take care and don't forget to rest!


I liked the update, and the fact that you now get two stars for each show. But I still struggle to figure out what I have to do to get stars and money at the beginning of every episode. Not very intuitive... Anyway, it was fun!


Your work is absolutaly great, especially considering health problems. Thank you so much for such an educational program!!! maybe you already know about Enki Bracaj from Albanian Zjarr (rf. y2u.be/bsj-SsjgaRM and rf. y2u.be/zMW2Dywc_t8) and jacket-over-naked-boobs dress code in Zjarr News. What if your work is not fiction but a prophetic vision of the future ))) What if April similarly updates her image with a yellow jacket?


Watched the both vids. Good stuff &lt;3 They are like 5 years old though T_T Well in any case thank you for your feedback. I'm happy you enjoyed the this episode, man.