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Hello. This is me - your benevolent leader. I am here today to share another amazing piece of educational material with you. Go download it and share it with you family and friends.

Thank you for all the bugs and typos reported over the week. Here is a list of things that's been fixed:

- A number of typos.

- The event button does not disappear anymore.

- A certain missing CG variation added to the CG gallery.

- A certain unfinished background replaced with the finished version.

Also I had to take out the new "shake" animation I've been using in this episode to shake the character sprites in some of the scenes. It didn't work properly with the Android build so for now the best solution is to get rid of it altogether. (You probably won't even notice this though, just some under the hood stuff).

And that's about it. I don't feel like talking much. All is good, working on Episode 10. Thank you for your support. ^_^

Oh, and you can find the new episode on my itch.io account. There will be no MEGA or MediFire links this time. Please don't kill me.




I don't know if the itch link was supposed to be to your account, but it just goes to the itch main site now. For people looking for it, just search Akabur on the itch front page.


Finally got a chance to play through the update over the weekend. Great update with a lot of fun content. Good work, Akabur!


Awesome news, many thanks ^^


So much bromance in the Gif, thanks ! Have a good week, BroWaifu o/


Yet another successful step towards [CENSORED]


I try to avoid posting direct links to anything on my Patreon page. I trust you guys are smart enough to figure things out on your own ^^


Dang that guy isnt swole, hes just swollen.


AMEN!!! :P

Trevor Bond

It's a beautiful game.

John Hall

It's a fun episode. And it's nice that your Monday Post comes with such a lovely illustration of a Monday posterior. :)


Me: oh akabur said that the next episode is gonna be a short one and he had health issues so it can't be that good... akabur: SURPRISE! it's was I dio! seriously though, i think this is my new favorite episode we got a little bit from each girl plus genie finally doesn't have blue balls anymore (yay!) great job with this episode akabur-san! P.S:- I was a bit skeptical when you said that the new episode will introduce a new girl but when I saw the new girl...instant hard on. BEST.WAIFU.EVER !


Hey man Hope you don’t mind a bit of honest criticism every now and than So, I played through the whole episode today, I do appreciate the really sizable amount of content, our brave hero getting some, your writing and art are as good as always. But, at least to me, there is something missing. Well – SC34 is barely a game at this point. Sure, mindlessly clicking over and over for stars and credits and to navigate menus is not much fun, but now that the shows give double stars and all the events are grouped under all button pretty much all I do is „next” „next” „next” in one place and that’s it. No exploration, no looking around if I haven’t missed something maybe, no visiting the girls to see if they don’t have anything for me, I dunno, nothing in the shop even. In ye olde times I was “living” in Agrabah or Hogwarts, hanging around, doing my stuff, progressing side activities, making friends, maybe even having to actually think how to solve a challenge every now and then. There was a world around the story and, to sum it up, I miss being able to immerse myself in that word, and not just follow the events. To me that’s ‘the thing’ separating your work from countless VNs out there, and I’m sad to see it kinda fade away. Anyways, best of luck and glad your ass is doing fine :)


You sneaky man. I did not expect that new girl. Good episode with plenty of great content. I hope in ep 10, we'll see some more girls get webcam shows and some more interaction with the newest addition (maybe even playable? In a kind of, throw a bone to genie's friends like when snape made a brief appearance). I don't want to say too much cause no one likes spoilers but it would be nice to see genie's allies from previous games as trainers themselves. Tonks does bdsm, the teacher from princess trainer, snape as a playable, and other like instances. Food for thought


Yeah I agree, I wouldn't mind it as much if Akabur's other games were the same but they got me used to a whole other level of interaction that this game just doesn't reach. It's still great fun though, I think it definitely tops the other two in terms of writing and humor, just definitely not in terms of exploration, interactivity and h-scenes


That was a pretty good episode, not gonna lie. A bit too much breast milk though, I'm all for including different kinks but I feel like it's a bit forced after a while (it's also supposed to be very rare without having been pregnant but it's an eroge who cares really). Still a bit sad that Lola gets ignored, hopefully we'll get more of her soon. As for the twist at the end, that was awesome, really good choice for the new girl lol


Wonder why this popped in my head... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC3pGcRHeQ0


As already mentioned a little earlier, I also notice the simplification somewhat negatively. Perhaps it would be possible to incorporate a state of mind which can be influenced at least in part by your decisions and which can be improved by gifts and leisure time. So the player has the possibility to choose but has to deal with the consequences of the choice. What I also like is that a new animation has been added. Can I have some more, please. The only thing missing to make me happy is a few more shows with our girls. For example, Hermione and Snape could get a little closer or there is an additional reward from Ashlin for their loyal troops.


I happy to hear that. I can't wait to show you guys what I have in store for episode 10! Hopefully no RL stuff will attack me for a couple of months while I work -_-


Thanks man. I hear your suggestions but will leave them without a comment for now to avoid spoilers XD


Yeah, I knew all that breast milk will weird out some folks. Dunno, I have a weird sense of humor sometimes. Don't worry though, I think I had my fill with that for now. Will be concentrating on more conventional stuff for a while (conventional for my usual work that is). Don't worry, I am very interested in Lola's story myself since she has no corporeal body and I never head to work with a character like that. It's just the time is not right yet :) And I am happy you liked the new girl :)


<3 I haven't played since ep 7so I'm looking forward to this binge when I get back home


> another amazing piece of educational material Yesss! I already feel I'm becoming more educated! :3 Congratulations, man! I'm glad you keep doing your awesome work despite all the negative stuff that happens in this world. Thank you, Aka-sensei! (^^) p.s. those guys on the gif... What a pure manly no-homo love!


I kinda dig the anime art style of this release's menu. Obviously yours is greatly appreciated too.


A great episode and the subtle variation of the events according to your decisions are fine, I love that direct line with few branches, they are not as exaggerated as other games that in the end you miss most of the scenes, you have everything from the beginning and that I like. I only saw one thing that bothers me with the new menu, when you enter when changing an outfit to your girls, when you return you go directly to the main screen, it would be good to be able to return to the girls menu, since if you want to change several it is annoying to have to enter and exit all the time.


After our little witch got figuratively shafted last time around, with naught but a few off-screen lines during the Princess Quest SIM, it was quite lovely to see her get literally shafted this time around. I also like the sexual tension you've got brewing with Lola. She's dropping the hints but the Captain's too distracted. And the UI changes are definitely noticeable, very streamlined as opposed to the previous UX. I do feel like it detracts from visiting the crew individually, though. Outside of hairstyles and costume changes, there's no actual need to do so anymore. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it just feels like something's missing because there was a need before. Great episode overall, lengthier than expected. Certainly didn't see that new crew member coming. It even felt like you were hinting at somebody else entirely within the event. But I'll avoid spoilers here. Suffice to say, excellent work good sir. Good health and God speed with episode 10.


great stuff my dude need more lara stuff tho ;) or in general keep up everyone with scenes :P i can already see that iris will be the next girl ;) other than that i noticed some small typos here and there i think it was 1 or 2, one was with april i think and idk the other one, either way great episode keep up the good work and keep them contents coming soon* :P


thx for the episode. great ideas and artwork. keep it coming. it would be nice to include some more items to convince the girls in the future :-)


Thanks. I commissioned that piece like a year ago. Finally got the chance to use it ^^


I couldnt jerk off to the ginny and harry foursome I was laughing too hard. Well done.

Hego Damask

Great episode! Gold standard! I do like the budding.....romance? more like pure barely contained lust, between Ashylin and Lara. That is going to be juicy when it explodes. Oh poor Hermione, is it her fate to forever be forced into naughty situations that she "doesn't" want to be in? Will Lola's secret unrequited needs never be fulfilled? Will Jasmine ever get to play with her big uddered, big eared piggy again? 😈 ^^ Will the whole crew sit down together now every morning and pour some freshly pumped milk into their breakfast cereal ?😇 I think the strength of your work is that because it isn't a pure video style, it is forced to lean heavily on humor, character building, well done sexy art, and a reliance on situational naughtiness. Less is more so to speak. I hope I communicated what I meant properly ^^ Two thumbs up, you beautiful Slavic man.......no homo


Very nice one; the best episode so far. Good balance of sexiness, sassiness, and other ess words. I'm expecting great stuff in the next updates :)


oh akabur... please forgive me for what i did ... i just , you know, doing modding and.. i.. accidently.. "adapted" the girl outfit for "the new girl"... result is.. hm hm... special . XD (you can check the result in the website ( you know wich one) if you want.. but.. dont kick me for that, its all your fault to add that new girl HAHAHA XD). cant give you link because patreon rules about nudity :(


Yeah I know what you mean. One one hand multiple choices are great on the other I sometimes feel like making one choice I miss out on content and I don't feel like re-playing the game again. -_- And I fixed that thing with the menus in the public version. Now when you leave a character wardrobe room it takes you to the crew-select screen ^^ Thank you for your feedback :)


Thanks. I'm happy you likes the Hermione stuff. Also don't worry, Lola will get her own story arc when the time is right ^_^ Yeah, new UI made things pimplier but of course some sacrifices had to be made. The said sacrifices for for the grater good though - it streamlined the developing process for me by a lot! Thank you for playing my games, man!


Thank you for your feedback, Slam. I hope those typos had been fixed already -_- And don't worry Lara will be getting her time to shine!


Ha-ha-ha. I shall use this text if I ever decide to record a SC34 trailer XD Thank you for much for you feedback, man.


Thanks. And your feedback is noted, I'll try to keep the balance going in the next episode as well.


I think the mental image along is enough for me, thanks ^^


at the point i was, i went full on... and i ported the Jasmine "pro-totallyfamilyfriendly-stitute" outfit (the one with the condoms)... the result is epic ! (and terrible in same time, but its hilarious XD)


Where is the link to download the android version?