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Hi, dudes. All is good. Another Monday Post on time. I am Mister Consistency. 

Yet again I don't feel like saying much. I'm sure that's just a phase, but for the time being this will be another super short post. 

This was another productive week. As of right now I need to write and put together Next Episode Preview event that I end every episode with. After that I will finally get to adding music and sounds and all sort of flags and variables to make sure the events work in order they are supposed to. There is still a lot of work ahead but Episode 09 is definitely coming soon*. Also next episode will introduce a new girl. It was a tough choice to make and I can't wait to see how you guys will take it.

That's it for now. Thank you for your support. Love you.

P.S. Starting with Episode 09 I will be making slight changes in the interface towards simplifying things. If all goes as planned this will be a quality of life change for both you - as a player and me as a creator. Also your saves will still work and you will be able to choose any episode as usual :)

P.P.S. I wonder how many of my patrons are NOT on discord? Hypothetically speaking how many of your would not mind if I release next episode through Discord instead of patreon?




I'm not on Discord, and have no interest at all in joining discord. Patreon is definitely the way to go! Thanks!


I dont use discord often, but I can open it up to download it :)


I don't use Discord either I'm afraid!


I'm not on Discord and I really don't want to join either. A patreon link for the release would be appreciated :)

DJ Quinn

I'm not in the discord. When I glanced at some of the conversations, it didn't seem like the kind of server I'd enjoy hanging out in.


discord works


I could go there, but I am not logged on there. Do you plan a plan B. In case Patreon blocks you or what it is about. ^^. Just want to be prepared...

Trevor Bond

I am not on it, but I have a friend or two I might tap if needed.


Not on discord, mainly due being a digital hermit


i am not in your channel could join if you send it there put would prefer patreon


I am on Discord, but I rarely use it. +1 to Patreon here


Hi Akabur, could you send me an invite for Discord ? I am a patreon for some years and I haven't received an invite...


I have a Discord account, but I almost never use it.


I dont use discord and i have little interest in joining. I hope it's not to much trouble for you to keep providing the links via patreon :)


How do you get all those $ and * seen in your screenshot? Cheater is what you are! I am living from quest to quest, exhausting the poor girls in between to earn money with live shows, and I always have barely enough for just the next quest all the time...


And PPS.: I would not like Discord-only releases. I am almost never there.


id prefer to not drown in discord servers personally.


I prefer patreon release. I don't use discord vey often.


I need a new link on your discord server - current didn't work :)


If I can get an invite to discord that’s fine but I normally go to your Twitter account for the link


i'm not on discord pls send discord link


I look for the link here


I need a new link, too. Then I won't mind how you release your masterpiece.


Please do continue to release it on here


Please release the next episode here.


Could you please release it here? I'd rather not mix a sfw gaming app with this nsfw platform :x


"how many of my patrons are NOT on discord" +1

John Hall

Though I'm on Discord, I don't use it much as I think the interface is terrible. It will be much easier for me to spot that a new release is out if you release it here.


not on Discord / too chaotic for me


I would mind, not on discord


Hahahaha enjoyed the evolution of Akaburs answers.


I'm afraid I'm not on discord. I'm too old to understand it and too lazy to try.


I think that making changes to the interface will really affect a lot and the gameplay will improve. Good luck


I would prefer not Discord. I occasionally use it briefly, but try to avoid it for the most part.


Not only am I not on Discord, I actively avoid chat programs like it


I have discord but the interface makes it really hard to find what i would want to see


Would definitely prefer to stay as is...peace


Babushkas 4 Life! >If all goes as planned this will be a quality of life change for both you Hmm, what could this mean? Sounds good and I'm intrigued :)


Discord releases is fine. A lot of creators have a locked #release channel, which contains nothing but links to official releases. Works great. Just be sure to announce it on Patreon, most of the people on Discord aren't on it every day.

Amf Anon

Discord invites expire very quickly. Not your fault, but very annoying. I missed my invite, so I'm not on discord.


I have Discord account and find it mostly useless. Discord is "meh" and let's stop here. And I follow @akabur *wink*.


i have discord and use it daily, but i still think it's confusing to navigate; never the less i wouldn't mind if you released it on discord, as long as you posted here that you did <3


I'm not on discord. It's one too many way of communication for me.


🥰🥰 great


I have discord, but don't use it; one too many things running at a time for my computer.


Either, makes no difference to me, ask Purity.


Patreon please... Another thing: What happened to your friend Smersh? Been silent for a while.


I'm not on Discord yet. Maybe in a couple of months.


Why not


I have some ideas, but I think it's a bit too early to panic. I hear you about the discord though.


I was just curios, things will be done the same way for a while I think.


Hm, that's odd. You can easily find the invite link on my twitter. When you join, if patreon bot doesn't assign you proper patron role - let me know.


No biggy. I was just curios to see how many of my patrons are NOT on discord. Quite a few apparently. :)


I know what you mean man. I took me half a year to finally start using it properly... Anyway, don't worry, I was just being curious. There is no need for you to join Discord :)


Well, I was just being curious. I will continue to use Patreon the same well and will just mirror some posts on Discord I guess.


Apparently you can create permanent ones. I had no idea. You can find it on my twitter now.


OK. Smersh is... urm... Going through some stuff. But I will make sure to mention that somebody was asking about him on my patreon ^^


Not on discord


Don't mind discord, though as mentioned by someone else would still be nice to have posts on patreon that you did.

Miguel Silva

I like patreon cuz its more clean/clear than discord, but i usually download all your content on F95Zone, so do as you wish