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First of all! I would like to thank every single one of my patrons. Thanks to you guys I am able to continue to exist through my Akabur persona. With your support you're making it possible for me be this weird russian creator and continue to work on my odd projects. You guys pay all my bills. If not for you I would probably have to go get a job at Russian McDonalds or something. What I am trying to say is: thank you for your support.

Yet again I don't have much to say. This was another productive week for me. I usually feel most in peace when I'm working and see a project slowly taking form. This week I made a few posts on my Discord at the WIP channel, so if you are into that sort of thing, feel free to look there for some minor spoilers. 

That's it. Still don't feel like talking much. Just want to get back to work. See you at the comment and on my discord.



Trevor Bond

Merrily back to it huh? You're welcome! Stay awesome!


Welcome, keep up the awesome job


Episode 09 is so tempting *_*


Oh man I can hear the laugh in that post #104 picture. Something like 'huh hurr hurr hurr hurr'


Keep your cool work up, and yes, work in russian McDonald's, I'm sure not the best option)))

Nikolaj K.

Persona!? Are you saying akabur isnt your real name!?

morris ridgeway

Love the photo montage. Be well


I like Video Game Russia the best, at least then the streets aren't so muddy.


100% of true :)


Русские вперед!


Keep up the great work!


Yea Russia gets a such bad rep, and the MSM needs a scapegoat but thanks to capitalism and the emergence of a free Russia, of the sorts, I get to sponsor people like you Aka! and not worry what the MSM or communists are doing...


Сука блять


2 YEARS STRAIGHT !!!1! HE DID IT \o/ Congrats, BroWaifu ! Here's to another 2 year streak of your Monday posts o/


Рубака он такой


Damn, it's already 9th episode... I still have a feeling like the first ep was released just a few weeks ago. 3.5 years flew like nothing :(


Во имя Луны!


Hey man! It's been a long time since I send some bromantic love your way: been going through some major life-changes the last months (no, not THAT! I always wear a condom for crying out loud) and adult life has been whipping me relentlessly, so I missed out on a lot of the smut fun. The bright side of this however was that I got to play Star Channel's episodes 5-8 back to back, non-stop. That's why I'm writing you, to give you feedback on that: awesome, awesome, awesome! Well done, this was amazing work! And, even though Star Channel must be really challenging to write with all these characters available to exploit, you're pulling it off admirably, maintaining a delicate balance. Also, the Snape-Genie relationship is pure sleaze-gold. If you ever do a witch-trainer gold, you should definitely invest heavily on that. I'm rooting for a "drunk Snape &Genie gangbang a slut(s)" storyline / CG. In any case, many thanks for bringing smut and laughter in an otherwise bleak and "adulty" phase of my life. Who rules? ;)


Hey! It's been a while since I've commented but I felt like I had too. Thank you for providing us with entertaining games. I was wondering last week all of a sudden why I stopped receiving news from you since you use to do a monday post, well, every monday. And then I remembered that I stop checking my e-mail account recently for, well, reasons lol. In the previous monday post you're talking about a troublesome part of your life, what's going on? Nothing too serious I hope.


I agree with Mr. Stibbons, that will be awesome, a pure, tender and smooth storyline about two pals hanging out like brothers in order to fuck as many under-ag....sweet girls in an explosion of love, passion and cum over their faces and tits, just think about it (wink wink)


Yeah. I mean you won't be able to send me moneys and I won't be able to do what I do if the iron curtain was still up. Damn, I probably wouldn't even ever watch any of the Aladdin cartoons. 0_0


Hey. I actually remember you, my dude <3 ^_^ And yes, life can be really a relentless bitch sometimes. Thank you for your kind words, man. You made my day. Also don't worry Snape is not going anywhere. P.S. Make sure to join my discord. We can chat freely there :)


God, I love you man. :) As for your question, yeah I had to deal with some RL stuff, like all of us must every now and then. The downside of that was that I pretty much lost 2 months of working time, and is why this episode taking so long again. On the bright side of things I managed to continue with my Monday posts, I feel better now and more importantly Episode 09 is coming soon*


No, no, no, no. I just misspoke. Akabur is my real name. And Lola is 100% real! I swear!


I have a question : is it because of image rights that hermione doesn't look like Emma Watson ? Are you afraid of getting sued ? Actually, how do you manage to not pay any royalties ?