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Sub, bros. Another week went by... Welcome to your typical proof-of-life post. Oh and I did record another tutorial  ^_^.

The tutorial. Don't take this new (super awesome) video  tutorial  too seriously. I recorded it in one take and half of the time I am not even sure what I am talking about. But I think a video like this beats some random funny pic I usually pull off the web. ^^

No whining. So, yeah, I'll spare you the whining this time I think. It was another crappy week, boo-hoo, I made it through, the end. 

Still not whining. But that's the thing with one-man-production development teams isn't it? If one person, for whatever reason, becomes unable to perform his duties the whole project just stops. Oh, well... I am still working, just not nearly as fast as I wish I could.

Good news. On the bright side of things I am (mostly) done with all the art assets and with the major portion of the writing. Also I had a chat with Dahr few days ago and he offered his help so there could be (maybe) some extra stuff (like costumes) created by his hand as well :)

That's it. I am still around. Sorry for being secretive and just saying "I going through some stuff" instead of giving your proper details. I will gladly talk about all that when it's done and over with. For now I will just try to make sure next episode happens soon.

Thank you for your support,  my dudes. Don't forget to comment and stuff. Love you. <3


Drawing From Your Mind Without Any Reference!!!

If you have time to read this, you have the time to hit that LIKE button, bro.



Waitaminute... 'soon' with NO ASTERISK ? NEXT WEEK ? :O OMG SANTAKABUR IS BACK BOIS !!!1!


thx for the update... take your time :-).... we know its worth waiting


Damn, I was thinking last Monday was yesterday~ I guess I spent too much time in guilty gear... ...Baiken outfit for Ashelin T-T


Hope the week is better buddy, not burn, nice update ^^


I wish my drawing is better too so I can help you T_T


Just don't end up like Mr. Hands ; _ ;


I think I see hair in his palms o0


Akabur: record video tutorials Me, 15 years later, answering how did I become a billionaire-artist: I watched Aka-sensei's video tutorials


Oh my God, stop doing those tutorials or I will actually be able to draw something :)


Can you tease something to help us waiting =)


Hang in there Ak. We love ya.

Trevor Bond

You're allowed to have rough weeks and take time for your problems, regardless of being a one man production team. Everyone else gets to, you can too! I'm enjoying these videos, it helps show off your process and it gives us a chance to see the work style you have. And it's fun to hear you ramble about stuff lol. Keep being awesome and take what time you need!


It’s great that you figured out the problem. Today you did without whining, but if you also have something to ponder about, please do not be shy. Lol


Excellent to see you're still kicking. Stay that way.


You turn me on to cool games so to return the favour check this out https://gamcore.com/games/strip_poker_night_at_the_inventory strip poker with most of your favourite game anime or cartoon girls (a few guys) and even if you lose they still get naked


These tutorial videos are pure gold man, First thing to make me laugh all day. Thanks for all the great work your putting out there. Legend


Yeah another tutorial, keep up good work


Will there be any Christmas outfits ;)


Unfortunately that was only a typo. Sorry my dear browifu.


Dude your skill is quite decent already. And it will only get better with time. In that sense an artist's skill is like wine I guess :)


I googled for Mr.Hands but found nothing. Maybe it's for the better.


15 is a long time. Could you please hurry up? It would be nice to have a billionaire person as one of my followers on twitter :)


With big power comes big responsibility. I must keep going XD


Like what? There will be a new girl in the next episode and it's someone absolutely nobody is expects.


Thanks Trevor. As always your support is inspiring, man ^^


I checked out the link. The game looks interesting. Unfortunately I don't know how to play poker -_-


Heh... I don't really do events, sorry. Maybe one day when I have an assistant or something. ^^