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Hi, guys. I hope everyone is doing at least OK. It's Monday again and you know what that means, don't you? Enjoy another awesome tutorial (proof-of-life) video. Namaste and all that.

Buaha! I have absolute nothing to say! But I must fill in this space with at least some letters. So here I am typing. *Type!* *Type!* *Type!* OREOs go good with milk, french fries are good with catchup but without the support of my patrons I would be a bum.

The Work.  It's been 11 weeks since Episode 08. I'd say that's a very long time... But considering all the things that's been happening to me lately I am just glad I managed to keep on the development going at all. That being said I appreciate your support and patience, you guys are freaking saints and true heroes here.

The good news. RL stuff didn't bother me nearly as much this week. In fact it was a rather pleasant 7 days and I managed to get a lot of stuff done. It feels good to be working at a proper pace again ^^

Next Episode. Despite unforeseen crap that I still refuse to talk about I decided not to cut any content from Episode 09's original planning. So there will be plenty of story for you to go through and I still hope to add a new girl in this one. Again, thank you for your patience.

In conclusion. Love conquers all and my love for my supporters knows now bounds. If my life was that Azur Lane game I would oath every each one of you. I know the way I do things is not perfect but I appreciate so many of you sticking with me despite whatever. Thank you for your support. Episode 09 is Coming Soon*


How NOT TO DRAW anime eyes.

My family never loved me. *Sniffle!* Don't be like my family. Hit that LIKE button.



Forget about the new girl. Give us Hermione content instead, please !


So much wisdom in your words, Glad you are doing fine, hopefully you can end the year uneventful


So the new girl will be from a movie, cartoon or game?


Hope Hermione is in the work


Ansioso pelo próximo episódio queria ver mais de "ugly ears" meu inglês é bem ruim então vou digitar em português mesmo


I really like your videos. Thanks for taking the time to make them :)

Trevor Bond

Geez.... I never thought about anime eyes that much. I feel blown away now! As for the game, looking forward to it, but work at your own pace and to your own standards. It's done very well so far! Hope life turns to your favor soon!


One more tutorial video? Soon we will start calling you GTA: Great Teacher Aka-zuka ;)


I like the tutorials, it gives me small details to be a smartass about towards people who actually know how to draw.


I love your games and now you make tutorials, what a wonderfull guy.


just glad this week was better than the others have been. we'll be here waiting on you my friend


I'm glad you had a nice week man, you deserve it for sure. Keep safe.


Woah another girl? I thought Lara was suppposed to be the last one


Would you accept ideas and/or sketches of new girls?


The good thing about this series is that there is no limit but his creativity.


In always liked the way you make eyes and now I know why! Thanks


Thanks, dude. I kind of ran out of ideas already though (only took me 3 vids to completely drain my idea poll, lol),


Absolutely. I can't promise I'll use any of it, but I'll gladly take a look at whatever you have to show :)