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Sup, bros. How is it going? Another Monday - another Post, nothing out of the ordinary here. Love you all. Hags and kisses. Namaste.

The Vid. If you are not into the whole drawing thing - just ignore the video. I am sharing it here because I think my Patreon has been lacking that artsy flare lately. Also I think a self-respecting, professional illustrator such as myself is long overdue for sharing his profound wisdom with the world.

The Vid. Seriously though I recorded that video because I thought it could be fun and sharing a video beats sharing some random pics I pull off the internet. I put zero effort into this one: no editing, no music (no actually useful info), so please don't worry about me recording silly vids instead of doing something more productive :)

About my personal life... Gosh, I had such a weird couple of months. Health stuff, other stuff, it's like one thing after another and all I can do is try to keep up. Needless to say that in a situation like that it's hard to stay creative and be productive at all. Thank you for all the good wishes by the way. It honestly helps. Also I do manage to keep these posts going on so things can't me THAT bad, right? ^_^

Also let me apologize in advance for any weirdness that could (or could not) occur with my patreon page or the schedule of my posts and such. Obviously this is all temporary and eventually things will settle down and I will record an hour-long video talking about stuff that's been going on with me recently. But for now all I can do is thank you for your patience. Hugs and kisses XD

Not that anyone cares, but I am finally done with Terminator: Resistance. Loved every second of it by the way. ^^ And now I moved on to Shining Resonance Refrain (On Switch), which just tickles my weaboo bone in all the right ways. The combat system is a joke, but the rest of the game is... divine ^_^  

Also.  It's been 9 weeks since Episode 08. I still keep count, don't worry.

In conclusion. I am fine. I am still around. And I continue to work and that's the only thing that is important I think. Thank you for being a part of my life, bros. Honestly. Now go leave me some comments so that I could reply to every each one of them and feel like if I actually have a social life or something ^^



How To Draw The Wrong Way.

Don't forget to hit the LIKE button. I only care about... THE LIKES!!!



Hope you are now better buddy, aboiut the video, life is so full opf things we don’t need tahn a Video of Akabur is always welcome, I mean, Terminator 6, Charlie Angels, we get lots of things we not really need and hey, at leats your video is greta ^^


Английский не плох, но акцент выдает)))


Damn, while you playing weeaboo stuff I'm on the other hand just finished walking simulator for ps4 - 41 hours into nothing -_- Anyway, did you see all Guilty Gear 2020/Strive trailers? The game looks juicy as fuck, and I can't wait to see more waifus ^_^


Heh, thanks. Yeah, and moves have been pretty shit lately...


I watched like 2 hours of some guy playing in on youtube. It was interesting to watch, but it didn't not ignite an urge to play the game. I hope you had fun with it. Kajima is an artist. As for Guilty Gear 2020/Strive, I just looked it up. Looks epic as heck 0_0


>Started the video >"If you don't know what paper is..." >*Laughed like an idiot and scared my cat :D:D:D Will watch it later after I cook some stuff to eat. >feel like if I actually have a social life Amen, bro (.__.) Looking forward for a long video with the story of what's happening with you now. I hope everything's fine and you are not changing into a trap or something. Take care, Aka!


Hey, it's a serious problem. The younglings are loosing their way. We must teach them about essential stuff like that XD Thank you for your support, man.


mandatory "Yo bro cheers to a new week!" comment. Have a good week bro


Save the f* trees man, say NO, to paper! As for your undo button... xD

morris ridgeway

Great opening dialogue. HAHAHAHA




Well, I only can say I hope you feel better soon man, I really do. Take care of yourself please.


I literally just started re-watching Acchi Kocchi... [Insert "Coincedence I think not!" Meme]


the VIDEO is how to draw the RIGHT way


hey akabur sorry to bother you but i need some help i just got to the part where you read weaslys diary and it says to grab the catalog but i cant go out at night do i just need to progress threw the story more or did i miss something


I recognize that gif, that's from Acchi Kocchi.

Mitsy Marcella

You've made Monday a day to be excited for, that's no small feat! ;D Hope you feel better!


You're right. I shall do my part. I will still draw on paper but from now on I will stop using TP.


Hey Akabur I love your Work, All of your Trainer games are my Favorites hands down when I Finished Princess Trainer it left me hopeful for a sequel just to be able to kick Jafars ass ☺️ the game left a big impression on me. Anyways thank you for the Monday Update, hope you feel better soon, and Thank you for all your Hardwork


Don't reply to this one OwO

Trevor Bond

Man, some good ideas and encouragement in that video actually. Now if my damn hands would stop shaking maybe I could draw lol! Ah, I'm better off writing anyways, I'm reasonably good at that! Keep it up and always have fun at your work.


Good gif, good post. Stay strong. ^^


I know that it's a bit late to say this but, the previous episode u released was released when i had one of the toughest weeks in university and ur game was one of the few things that kept me entertained during that time. So thank you. I wish i could make something to show my appreciation as i see ur having a tough time but i don't have a talent for these things. so instead i will wish you good health, keep the work up you can do it! Here's to many more episodes akabur!

Hego Damask

Greetings Mr Akabur, I have a question to put to you. Do you think Ciri would be a good addition to Genie's crew? I am not sure if she is played out to much amongst other people's art, or if you yourself have much interest in her. Just thought I would ask. During work hours recently, I have often wondered who she would get along with in the crew, and not. 🤔 Anyway, food for thought, a bonnie day to you Sar!


идея для платья Лариски или формата комбинезона Эйприл https://twitter.com/IrynaIvanova/status/1202995192279764992?s=09


Wow, thank you for the vid, it helped me in my drawings.


Yo mah brother, I just so hyped about new video, can’t stop thinking about it, even do post in my vk group, for several new views on it. First tell us what your problems maybe we can solve few of them. Second I personally need your vids, about all your exp in drawing things, you’re only one normal artist there, without all dry academic shit, you learned from yours own mistakes, that’s what all new artist need to know. Have to my med problems right now, so fully understand you, be healthy as solid old but tough rock my friend. Sorry about English, Russian guy I am.