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Hi, guys. How have you been? How was this week for you? Was it fun? Was it OK? Was it unbearable? Well, you can relax now. It is that magical time of the week when you can put all your chores and worries on pause and read some random ramblings of your beloved Russian wierdo. Welcome to Monday Post number 95. Namaste. 

This week was another weird one for me. This entire month was weird actually. It's really tempting to just go into the details and spend this post whining but I think I'll postpone that for later maybe.

In general terms. I had some health related problems, then some RL stuff, then some more health stuff, then it got better, then it got worse, then better again. Had bad days, had good days... Bla-bla-bla... Honestly talking about it only brings me down even more so I think I'll just leave it at that for now.

Good things. It wasn't all bad though. Some good stuff happened too, but I don't wont to talk about that just yet... 

The bottom line. I am still here, doing another Monday Post on time and working on the next episode, so I don't think I should complain too much. Also you guys are here, and your support is just my fucking everything, as usual <3

To other news. Danlorn has a Patreon page now and he is working on the game based on one of my favorite Spider-Man cartoons from back in the day. I gave the game a try and it was short but sweet (and unfinished of course :). If I am to be 100% honest though, the text was a bit too much at times, but it was still interesting stuff. All in all I really enjoyed that little game and looking forward for future updates now. Here is Danlorn Patreon in case you wish to check it out:  https://www.patreon.com/danlorn

Some more news. Elon-san's Cybertruck unveil event was pretty epic! Did you watch it? Is it me or does a Cyberpunk 2077 cross promotion would be perfect here? Anyway, that was a fun event to watch. The truck looks exactly like something an 80s-90s kid would dream up ^_^

Game news. I am playing Terminator: Resistance and I am really enjoying it. I know game-journalists gave this game a very low score, but I am REALLY enjoying it. And I am not even a Terminator fan. Anyway it has plenty  (for an action game)  of RPG-like dialog trees and two romancable girls who actually look like women for a change (Imagine that in a modern video game. Shocking!). The game was created by a Polish game studio and it shows :) It's not a perfect game but I picked it up and really enjoy it so far. 

The work. It's been 8 weeks since Episode 08 was released for the patrons. And I still have plenty of work to do on this one. To be honest, considering how hectic everything has been for me lately I am just happy that I manage to keep on working on the things. Thank you for your support and patience guys. 

That's it. I got to go do some chores now. And work on the next episode of course. Thank you for your support, bros. See you next week.




Well, life is a sum of bad days and good days, if you want to avoid large rants you can try to just rant a bit each week, Glad you like the game, as the last movie not lived my expectations, hope next month goes better


In the programming industry, bugs r called "undocumented features" 😁


Sending a lot of positive energy to you to beat that negative wibes. Namaste.


Thank you for reposting me, dude, and thanks for the feedback again! \(^,,,^)/ Take care, man, we need you safe and sound!


Every picture looks lewd if you censor the eyes.


I hope you get better fast :)


May the force be with you. Hope all will go better. Each release of your work make me happier in my not so good life and I’m waiting all your post weekly as my only real schedule.


Life is a fucking shit sometimes. I hope you feel better soon man. Take care!

Trevor Bond

Life is like mashed potatoes, you have to take the lumps with the smooth. Fortunately life usually has more smooth stuff! I hope you feel better and life calms down, and if you have to take a fiver for a long walk or a good snooze, never hesitate!

Adm Trd Ferg

Clearly you're Russian


Take your time, feel better, I think most of us know that anything you put out into the wilds of the ether-net is worth the wait.


Yes, as I understood your week has been very stormy, be careful, recover, and continue your cool work


This was a few minutes of happiness in the middle of a dark and dreary 3 day long home exam. Thanks, hope things are going well for you now!


you know what I'd really like from ya Aka? an animation of some kind with your style and wit, yes I know it takes a lot of time and money and effort but I can wait and I can pledge....


Well said, my friend ^^ Also I just finished The game and the story fits PERFECTLY with the first two movies (the only two good ones :).


Good damn, dude. I can almost feel it's washing over me. Much obliged ;)


Heck yeah, dude. And hey I didn't do it just because I know you. I did it because the game looks interesting. Best of luck with future updates.


Thanks, man. If I can't make you life even a tiny bit better for 30 minutes when you play the new episode, that's all I need. Knowing that makes it all worth it! Hang in there, man. And I shall try and do the same... -_-


Heh... You're right of course ^^ Thank you for the good wishes.


Hang in there man. I and will try as well. We can do it. Hopefully...


I hear ya. Maybe one day... Fun Fact: I did try to animate the Mating Season game (that's why it only has one scene), but it's way too time consuming. I need to hire an animator or at least an assistant of some sort first. So maybe one day. I also want for that to happen :)