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Hello, fellow gamers. How is it going? All is well I hope? I honestly have nothing of substance to share this week, so this will be a proof of life post. To be completely honest, since I have nothing to share I really don't feel like writing this one. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do. Plus that's the whole point of the proof-of-life posts, right? To let people know that you are still around :) 

Astral Chain.  36 hours it took me to beat the game. Man, what a journey that was. Japanese games tend to often overstay their welcome with me at times in the sense of length. Final hours become a chore sometimes. But Astral Chain flew by in a flash. And now I am sad it is over. But at the same time I am looking forward to getting back to romancing my students at FE: Three Houses. Also Dragon Quest XI is dropping soon. What a time to be alive and be a weebo ^_^

Borderlands 3. Played a lot of that one over the weekend with my buddy Smersh. He is a HUGE fan of the franchise and I was just there to shoot thing and revive him. Perfectly mindless fun game to share with a friend. I bought the cheapest version and this will, most likely, be the last game I bought from Sony. Real weebs... I mean, real gamers must all move on to Nintendo - our last bastion of hope.

The Big Freaking Achievement! Over the weekend I finally reached 8000 followers on a website that shall not be named! Take this, everyone who thought I will never amount to anything! So many followers on a social media means that I am special, right? I knew my Mom was right! Heh... Anyway, jokes aside, thank you for the support bros. Go check out the pic I drew for you :)

The work. It's been 12 weeks since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. (Minus to weeks I spent on my vacation and we have 10 weeks spent on developing episode 8 so far). Wait, 12 weeks means 3 months??! God, this depressing... Why do I keep doing this to myself? Episode 08 is taking me longer to develop for a reason, but still, I really dislike this 3 months+ development cycles... 

The Work 02. Over the week I finished putting together all of the scenes. That being said I still need to write and put together an episode introductory event, and the episode 09 preview event... So that will take some time as well... After that I will work on the sound and some additional coding since Episode 08 will have a different structure from all the previous ones...

The Teaser. Here you go. Like I said so many times already, there will be 3 endings in episode 08. Sweet Endings you will need to work for (lean towards one of the girls with majority of your choices) and the normal ending will be accessible by default. Jasmine's ending will unlock new outfit for her and the ending CG. Same for Ashelin. And normal ending will unlock everything else. To complete the episode you will need to beat it only once. But the way I am structuring this one you will be able to replay it several times if you feel like it :)

The Work 03. I don't know how much longer it will take me to get Epsidoe 08 ready for the release. But as usual - I won't release it until it's ready. Thank you for your understanding, bros. But on a side-note, I will do my best to make sure next episode is smaller in volume so that I could release it much sooner. This is for my own sake to be honest. Shorter episodes are much easier to work on -_-

The gif. OK, I somehow managed to write at least something. This should do for this week's Monday Post. Thank you for your support, guys. Honestly... OTL...





Hey Akabur, sadly Persona 5R will be PS4 exclusive that drops on Halloween. So we can't simply jump ship quite yet


Dammit, I guess I'll to come back to my students as well.


We still need PS for Yakuza games, though.


Looking awesome, you know how to sell it


been playing a great hentai game called Haremon, the guy(s) have put a real effort into the game, I recommend for you to check it out...


The waiting start to be hard eventhough it will be awesome =(


As always, take all the time you need. You always deliver quality stuff that is well worth the wait

Trevor Bond

It's been a long wait, but a wait I am happy to bear out! Keep at it, but don't drive yourself too nuts. Congrats on the 8000 followers! Hoping to see that number keep growing! Take care of yourself and keep up the good work. And hey, almost at 100 monday posts!

Sid Santos

Just have a 8000 party with a candle on a cupcake in a dark room and imagine we are all there. Just like what I do for my birthdays :D


The image of the girl being spoon fed ... what is that from?


Thanks for all the work you've done with Ashelin, turns out i've been a fan for years without even knowing!




Thanks a lot, Bro ! We love you and your creations ^_^


True... But to be honest I kind of feel like I had my fill of Yakuza games... I know that a new one is on the way and it looks awesome... But I just don't care all that much for some reason :(


Yeah, it's hard on me as well, believe me. But I am very optimistic about Episode 08. I think (hope) you guys will really like it. Fingers crossed :)


Sounds fun. I don't even do that for MY birthdays. Dammit, I genuinely like this idea.


Not sure. Some VN probably. I just stumbled on it on some imageboard some time ago. -_-


It's very nice to hear. Also I am happy that you finally found your way to me, man :)