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Hello, dudes. How have you been? Another week has passed... Freaking Borderlands 3 is dropping in a few days. Damn... September 13th used to seem like a such a far away date, and yet, here we are... Oh, right, almost forgot: WELCOME TO ANOTHER MONDAY POST!

About stuff. To be honest I don't have any news to share so I will be just talking about random stuff. For example, did you watch Nintendo Direct last week? I did. Yes I still worship at the Switch Altair. Switch is love - Switch is life. Moving on.

About Astral Chain. (Drawing above is not by me, obviously). By now this wonderful game completely surpassed my expectations several times. I even had to put my Fire Emblem Three Houses romancing activities on hold to play Astral Chain. At this point I just feel like no matter what I say about Astral Chain it won't do the game justice.

The List. Everything I said above got me thinking... What would be my all-time-favorite games list look like? Hm... Probably something like this:

1. Persona 4 GOLDEN
2. Persona 3
3. Astral Chain
4. SSX3

About this week. I spent this week putting together the scenes for episode 08. Still have a lot of work ahead of me. And one I am done with the scenes I will start working on the sound... This update is shaping up to be a rather substantial one. At least that's how it feels like to work on it. Let's hope it will feel that way to play through it too.

About Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Do you follow the whole censorship drama? I do. If the game releases uncensored and with a Japanese audio option this will be a day-one-buy for me. Nothing has been confirmed so far, so all one can do at this point is hope...

Trials of Mana. I just wanna say that that game look really good so far... ^_^

The work. It's been 11 weeks since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. (Minus to weeks I spent on my vacation and we have 9 weeks already spent on developing episode 8). So yeah, episode 08 is taking a while. (GODDAMIT!) Oh, well, all I can do at this point is hope that it will be worth it. Thank you for your understanding, dudes.

Almost at 8000. Yay, I am almost at 8000 followers mark on twitter. Nothing valiadates my existence on this earth like the amount of followers I have on the "best site ever" - Twitter. And it only took me 10 years. Well, anyway, I already have the "Thank You For 8000 follows!" drawing ready. Hope to share it soon :)

The Teaser. Here is another random choice menu screenshot. Hopefully this will do :)

That's it. I think I'll wrap it up here for this week's post. Thank you for your support. I honestly can't wait to share the next episode with you and see what you guys think. Very excited. But it needs to be done right, and that means some more waiting for you. Love you all.

The Gif. Right, the gif, of course. Here you go! Best of luck surviving another week!




That gif is worth a chuckle with the banana. I don't have a switch yet but those games you mentioned are my list to buy them whenever I get one.


As I read news Tokyo Mirage Sessions will be uncensored. I wish I could take time to play in Astral Chains, but Fire Emblem takes all my free time. Anyway, you need to check River City Girls. P.S. your teasers are killing me, man.


I hear ya. I hope to get back to Fire Emblem soon. So many good games. I'm so happy, dammit :) Also River City Girls in on my watchlist :)


I hope it happens soon for you, man. I bought Switch for stupid reasons, but I absolutely love it now... To the point when I doubt I will be getting PS5 to be honest.^^


Congratulations, almost 8000, I will buy the switch once the next one has arrived, for now the Pokemon masters must do, the piece is fantastic.


Hey. Acabur , also looking forward to Borderlands 3 , as for me the Main characters of what is weak , take for example perseae from Borderlands 2, they look impressive , what do you think about this ?


Ashelin will do all the thing in my story


Switch is an amazing piece of machinery. And I like it when my switch is flipped in a choice between Ashlein and Jasmine!


Shame that Censored Gaming kind of stopped being so cool about covering all the censored things in games, and now is just about everything that is censored in all media forms.

Jonathan W Bain

Hmm, what to post, what to post.... In truth, we're all excited for all the things September brings. From brats going back to school in NY, to the advent of Summer's Demise, to just another post by the man responsible for for Family-friendly Educational games. Today's motivational post is simple, and applies us all; The future will never care about whoever is ready or not for its arrival. Embrace the coming of the new as we recall the fondness of the old. For change, as well as entropy, is inevitable. You will always be older than you were, and younger than you will be. Enjoy what comes, and worry only for the matters that threaten the equilibrium that keeps you centered. Much love and stay the course, everybody!


Nice fucken game choices Persona 3 is my all time favorite video game and persona 4 isnt far behind would be sick if we got a cameo Wink Wink.


How come?All the true intellectuals use twitter to discus things of utmost importance. Usually in the most polite way possible. ^^


Yeah, I figured that would be true for many people... Hopefully at least some of you will find Jasmine's part of the story interesting as well :)

Mark Mckay

Hi Akabur, not sure if you know but I was recently sent a link to sad crab company here on patreon, looks like they re-did witch trainer (grabbed a copy to see if it is just a copy? and are working on their own expanded harry potter erotic story. https://www.patreon.com/Sad_Crab thought you might want to know

Trevor Bond

Not even bothering with Borderlands. I know a guy who worked on the game and man.... horror stories abound. I can't support the company anymore. I hope you have fun with it! As for the game... it's been a long one but it sounds like an ambitious chapter so, that's fun!


Oh hey, another one. At least the art's not bad.


Ok, so... please tell me what BDSM bank is. Before I just give them all of my money without translating the Russian small print, thinking they'll give me cute subs in return.


Here is mine, The List: 1) The Witcher 3 2) The Witcher 3 3) The Witcher 3 Finally, finished it few days ago :)


Heck yeah. When that game was on my list of games to play for a very long time now. Maybe with the Switcher releasing soon I will finally find the time to give that masterpiece everyone is talking about a chance ^_^


I am only getting Borderlands 3 because a friend of mine is crazy about it and I want to play with him co-op. Truth be told this will probably the last game I get on PS4. I am kind of tired of the whole drama with western and European developers in general. Just want to play my weebo games with anime titties for a while. Thankfully Switch is perfect for that. So yeah, I hear ya about the whole Borderlands related crap show.


OK, since we agree on this, what do you think of Persona 5? It never clicked with me as strongly as PS3 and PS4 did. Just want your honest opinion ^^


Haven't checked on your posts the last few months due to college - did you enjoy FE Three Houses? Looking forward to these new games too!


Yeah, Smersh is saying the same thing: waiting for the new revision with the longer battery life to hit the shelves :)


Hello Cattixx. Are you asking me if Borderlands 2 characters are more interesting in my opinion? Hm.... Yes, I think they are :)


Oh, so that's what's happening? I was wondering why there have been so very few videos lately. Shame... :(


Yes! The brats do belong at school! September is here. Finally! Also as I just finished reading your post and I have a weird urge to reply with :"Thank you Sensei". Seriously... Your post made me think... -_- (Why would you do that to me, man? T_T)


Yes, I did enjoy FE: Three Houses A LOT! Like, A LOT! I had to stop playing because Astral Chain came out, but I am almost done with it and can't wait to get back to playing Three Houses. What about you? Do you like the game?


Here is mine, The Lis 1fallout new vegas 2half life 2 3The Red Strings Club