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Hello my cherished friends and allies. Welcome to the most family friendly page on Patreon. No toxic gamers here. Only positive vibes and educational materials approved by the morality and ethics department. Consensual love and side-hugs. Namaste <3

PT on GOG. Big thanks to Xaart for sharing the screenshot with me. As far as I understand anybody can add anything to the launcher's database, but it's still cool to see PT:GOLD on the list ^_^

Fire Emblem Sauna DLC! I am 45+ hours in my first playthrough with FE: Three Houses. Really taking it slow. Enjoying the game a lot. And now I am hearing that there will be Sauna DLC released soon. My body is so ready for that! Also something about maid outfits for the students. Oh man, what a time to me alive ^_^

Fanart! Fanart is always appreciated. Thank you Danlorn for sending me this! It made my day. Also apparently this is not Azalea but Mary Jane cosplaying as her. Oh well, when it comes to fanart I am not picky - I'll take it. Also Original Azalea's design was done by Dahr, we shouldn't forget about that of course ^^

The work. It's been 13 weeks since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. (11 weeks spent on development so far). At this point I am done with all the writing, coding and all the art assets. The plan is to spend this week on adding the sound and testing the entire episode and after that I will send all the texts to Lyk for proofreading. Don't get too excited please, there is still a lot of work to be done. -_-

The teaser. Just some random randomness as a teaser. Episode 08 is coming soon*. 

The GIF. Don't have anything else to say really. Thank you for your support. Leave a comment if you feel like it, I always try to reply to everyone. See you next week.




Release is coming soon* :D I am already melting on happiness..


Awesome screenshot, looking fantastic


I can't find Princess trainer on GOG Galaxy...


Oh geez... [shivers] (*_*) Thank you for posting my pic man! Glad you like it :3


Your version of Lara is so hot. Looking forward to the next installment. Soon...


Another reason to motivate me to finally finish my paper before you send the new texts.


Can't wait and yet I know it's well worth the wait. Don't over-overwork too much!


*sniff* *sniff* Look at you now, all grown up and featured on GoG.


what is the link to WT gold on GoG

Trevor Bond

Hey, congrats! You're all official, as a right proper indie dev! Princess Trainer was my introduction to your work, too. Good stuff! I should go back and give that a playthrough once more... the bit where you face down some thieves and genie shows how ripped he can get if you exercise all the time still makes me laugh, and the gals are still super hot!


I am so sleepy... T-T... good luck Akabur love you. youre the best music! DJ RELENTLESS anotha hoe.


I literally just came on to let you know that this was a thing man! Hi-five! ^.^ https://imgur.com/a/DzowrVu


Nice that your game is getting more love. Had no idea that owls' legs were so long. The girl in the gif has skin so pale she could cosplay as Raven with little makeup needed. Looking forward to the next update.


Not the dreaded coming soon* asterisk mark!


Wait, how is Bethesda and Blizzard connected like that? Are community made scripts for those already out, but need to be manually added or is that some kind of a workaround and don't actually have any connections?


you know aka, you're probably one of the funniest and most witty person I've seen on the internet, which is great because I've always thought the Russians weren't a funny bunch thanks to the humourless soviet union (yes I'm that old I can remember) I'm glad I get proven wrong every week you post...


Maybe it was taken down already? I wouldn't be surprised -_-


Thanks. Lara will have a part to play in the next Ep. I hope you'll get a kick out of it :)


Sent you the texts yesterday. It's a bigger file than usual, I know. Just take your time.


Thanks, Newman. Sorry for being quiet lately. Real life and the work on the game robs me of ability to be a proper human and interacting with my friends. Sorry. I hope Ben10 development is progressing well.


Dunno, sorry. I am yet to try the new launcher so I just don't know where is what. Maybe somebody else here could help you out...


Thanks, dude. That game took 2+ years of my life. But it was definitely worth it :)


Yeah, man, the owls and their freaking legs. The world will never be the same for me too 0_0 Next Update will revolutionize the game industry! Coming Soon! No freaking asterisks!


I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of the GOG launcher: you can have ALL the games on it.


I happy you think that way. I kind of need to be if I want to entertain people :) Also I was born several years before the Soviet Union has collapsed. Lived through the whole "rebuilding" thing. With Gorbachev Pizza Hut commercials, Uncle Ben's and Bounty Chocolate Bars that literally nobody in or neighborhood could even afford. Fun times. Thank good that change also brought comicbooks that eventually I COULD afford.^^ Anyway, thanks man. Let's hope episode makes you laugh while having a boner. That's kind of my thing these days. Also thank you for letting me know you appreciate my Monday Posts. When few posts ago I announced my marriage and so many people took it seriously, it made me worry that maybe nobody even reads my dumb posts that I take time to put together every week. Glad it's not the case :)


Okay but seriously, are we shooting porn? If so, please tell me your secrets. I have a Savage Mk ii .22 long rifle, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it to shoot porn, only bullets.


Hey guys, I don't know if anybody here noticed, but I know some missed him. Logan is back! Let's hope he can continue now his very promising (but meanwhile abandoned) "The Dark Lord's Trip"! If he does, I will definitely support him again...


Just a question concerning important research - where is that gif from :D


He sure is. I need to make sure I mention this glorious news in the next Monday post.


I honestly have no idea. Just found it randomly on the internet T_T

Jonathan W Bain

CRAP! Four days Late and nothing from the Beardo with the words! Um... Hey, it's always exciting to see your work on places no one expects it to be, though I suppose it's a matter of perspective. While there are some games that retrail 60+ USD and are nothing more than a multi-functional coaster or Bloatware, Sometimes the little things that inspire a beginning are the real treasures. Sure, many of us are familar with the fun twists and turns, the nuances and surprises of a Classic, (NOT using it ironically), but for many of us, who haven't tried it, it is an introduction to the rest of the Family Friendly Education Games produced by our friendly Russian Developer. Here's hoping no one tries to use it as fuel to come after our small corner full of people sharing positive attitudes and inclusiveness.


Yo Akabur, sorry to be off topic, but I think Akabur.com is dead. I can't get to the site or the forum. Thanks for everything you make and keep up the good work!


PT isn't in the GOG shop, somebody just linked it to his GoG launcher, you can do that with pretty much everything. ^^


Thank you for letting me know. Had to spend some quality time with the tech support to get it up an running again. ^_^


Hi Akabur, how are you? I wanted to tell you that I just completely translated your game "Magic Shop" into Spanish and before posting it somewhere, I would first like to ask you for permission to do so and if so, be able to translate the rest of your games into Spanish. I just created a Patreon account and it is under review now. I wait your answer. Thank you so much.