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Hi, guys. This week, I am afraid I have nothing to offer you but your basic proof of life post. I don't feel like sharing much and, more importantly, I don't have that much to share. Thank you for your undying support. Hugs, kisses and awkward handshakes <3

The work. It's been 2 weeks since Ep.05's public release. I am full at work on Episode 06. Everything seems to be on schedule for now. And that is all I will be saying. Right now I need to shut up and concentrate on the work. 

Remember, Remember. Several weeks ago I made a post praising SWTOR to the hell and back. Well now it's SWITCH's turn. Yes, I know I'm late to the party. I bought Switch few month ago (for all the wrong reasons) and it was sort of just collecting dust on my TV stand for a while. But recently I started to really get into it and I think only now I am finally starting to get what the hype was all about. You really need to play it for yourself to get it, I think. At least that's how it was in my case. I mentioned SENRAN KAGURA Reflexions in my last post, which was such a breath of fresh air for me with it's vibrant colors and it's superb juggle physics. I know that there are a lot of KAGURA games out there, but none of them ever clicked with me like this particular iteration did. I'm not sure why, there is just something special about it. Something that speaks on a very personal level to every man, I think.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was the game I discovered next. And man, did it completely blow me away with it's Japanese audio, day/night cycle, no-loading-screens open world, bright and colorful visuals and endearing characters you fall in love with right away. I am 20+ hours into the game and I still feel like a kid again every time I pick up that weird Switch controller that you often need to re-assemble first. The Plot. Oh, and also yesterday I managed to summon a new Blade (Fighting companion of sorts) who literally made me scream at the screen with excitement when I saw her. I don't remember what her name is, but she made me abuse that screenshot button like crazy. She is just the best girl and here are my arguments in favor of that:

That's it. Here you go. Shortest post ever. I am alive an well. Nothing to report. See you next week.

The GIF. Here is you dose of family friendliness in a GIF form.^^




Those are very good arguments in favor.


Kora, I believe. And there are quite a large number of 'rare' blades who are quite cute. My favorite is Sheba, who got censored somewhat. They changed her from wanting a 'lesbian harem' into wanting an elegant 'entourage for tea parties'.


Is ok, Glad you are having fun, keep it up.


Nice nice. I'm glad you still here man. I hope you will have a great week. Take care!!

Jonathan W Bain

Hey, so long as you're not having a meltdown or overly stressing yourself, I don't see an issue. Besides, You are one man. A godly talented man, but one none the less.


ugh, her breasts look really plastique x__x


Kora was my first Blade obtained and she was the hottest. It happened to me just like you, especially climbing stairs.

Trevor Bond

You're alive? YAY! That's good enough for me! Carry on the merry work and have a wonderful day!


Just want to say that "City Lights" from 8-bit Wonder is the best song I've heard in a long time. Glad I could find it through your porn game


please stop using mega every time I try to down load one of your games to my new comp. the whole #@$^^@@# thing goes nutz . please put princess trainer gold on win/download. thanks


Urm, alright. What about the mediafire links I always supply along with the MEGA?


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of my favorite games for Switch. There are a ton of Blades to collect and grow, and each has their own personality. Stick with it, I had over 100 hours in before beating it because there's so much to do. Along with new game plus.


*Sigh...* Jonathan I wish Internet was comprised solely of dudes like you, man...


Yeah, I got her pretty early too. I'm 40 hours in now, but still keeping her around. Apart from the booty she also seem to have that bubbly positive personality ^^


Oh, I'm definitely sticking with it. I am already 40+ hours in and I am only on chapter 4. I don't even know what I am spending my time on, LOL, just exploring, sending blades on missions and generally just dicking around the world. It's so much fun ^^ Now I am a bit salty that nobody ever told me: "Go play that game" like some dudes did with Personal 4 back at the day. Anyway, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 quickly became one of my favorite games :)


So I finally got around to playing episode 5, and ho boy, you really went all in on Miss Croft. Heh. Though somehow I think you might have been projecting a little during those talks with Toby, don't worry comrade, as long as you're around there's still hope for this universe.


Glad you liked it, man. Next episode is dropping today by the way :)