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First things first: Xaljio compiled android build of Episode 05. Should be 100% bug/typos free. (Well, 99.9% maybe.) Download link is in this week's patrons-only post and on my twitter. Have fun. I tested in on my phone and it looks and plays marvelously^^

With that out of the way, allow me to officially welcome you to the most family-friendliest place on Patreon: AKABUR'S MONDAY POSTS! 64 weeks of love and positivity! 64 weeks and counting! Heck yeah! Thank you for being a part of this amazing experiment. I am expecting to get a call from the Guinness Records dudes any day now. 

Some people may wonder: how long this Monday-Post-Awesomeness will go on for? When will Akabur finally break and give up (or at least miss one Monday). The answer to that is simple: NEVER!!! NEXT POST IS COMING NEXT MONDAY! NEXT UPDATE IS COMING SOON! AND IT ONLY WILL GET BETTER FROM THERE! HECK YEAH!!! Monday Post, let's survive another week together!

The work. Is it too soon to start another countdown? Not at all. It's been 1 week since Ep.05's public release. Next episode is coming soon. (Notice how I wrote "coming soon" twice already without using the asterisk. The ought to mean, something, right? :)

Coming soon. So, again, thank you all for playing episode 05. Thank you for all the words of support and encouragement. You guys are the best T_T (Also thank you for all the money too). 

Episode 06 will be the smallest and shortest--... No, you know what? Let's use corporate talk instead: Episode 06 will have a super short development cycle and will provide you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It will also have 10 different editions all of which will be EPIC store exclusives. What's wrong? Don't you guys have EPIC store launchers? 

My new website. So, my hosting provider made some changes "for the better" and as a result I lost access to the webiste building tool I used to use for updating my super awesome website. As a result I had to build a new super awesome website from scratch. Took me about an hour, but I think it looks freaking fantastic. Old website is still up but it won't be updated anymore. Also I keep in mind that can't share most recent download links on my website because when I do the traffic goes through the roof and the whole thing crashes to hell. Come to think of it I don't even know what I need a website for? Well, real men have wifes, cars and houses... And I have a website. ^_^

The Future: Recently I bought "SENRAN KAGURA Reflexions" for NINTENDO switch (yes I have a Nintendo switch, thank you for your support guys), and playing that game made me realize that NINTENDO is the future. For me anyways. Me and SONY had a lot of fun in the past, been together for a VERY long time. But she's been getting more and more complacent over the years (and she won't suck my dick anymore). I feel like she is just after my money now. When Nentendo is cheerful and more than happy to do things that SONY used to do back in the day and even more. NINTENDO may be not as pretty and she is definitely after my money too,  but she doesn't mind sucking my fan-servicy dick, hell, she is practically begging for it. So yeah, that's the current situation of my console love life... 

The PSD of the week. That's right, patrons-only posts are back! This time I will be sharing a PSD file for that one scene from that one family-friendly game. The file is in (relatively) high resolution with all the layers intact. Do with it as you will. You can print t-shirts with it or use it as an illustration in some educational book. You have my permission, blessing and complete and utter support to do whatever with it.

That's it. I think I will just leave it at that this week. Thank you guys for commenting on my Monday posts and playing my games. You're totally and 100% awesome and deserve a free blowjo-- a coockie. You deserve a cookie. (An adult cookie, lol, Ok best joke ever, I know. I'm done now :)

THE GIF. I don't play Owerwatch anymore but my respect goes out to whoever created this family friendly cuteness. 



Mitsy Marcella

The Switch has been Nintendo's greatest move yet. The other companies can keep trying to grab my wallet, but the only "epic" store I need is the Nintendo Switch's eShop, they've got the goods.


Is there a link to the new website?


Welcome to Senran Kagura, hope you enjoy your stay, congrats on the new Akabase


I'm glad you keep alive this week too man. Keep going in that way!


That scene with Ashelin, which really was the first adult scene between the characters based on relationship rather than external factors, was exactly as sweet and sexy as I'd hoped. Wow. Really, really well done. I love Ashelin so much! Her muted demeanor really makes those implicit hints at affection mean something. I wish we'd gotten a bit more than just the 'after' cg, of course. But hey, here's to the next updates!


I'm wondering if Jasmine ever stop hating Ashlin, probably no. 64 Mondays family friendly posts, I'm here since third episode I think and that was hell of a ride and the best thing is that ride is going further, awesome! You say super short development? Woohoo the sooner the better. So, namaste AKA and see ya next Monday.


Just curious, don't you want to go to itch.io for the distribution rather then mega?

Twisted Mystery

Are you going to play Mortal Kombat 11 on the switch. It is pure family friendly content.

Trevor Bond

Yeah, I haven't bought a console in a decade, but if I did it would be a Nintendo. Hands down, it's shooting for fun rather than 'live services' and fun is what I would want from a console. Where's the color? Where's the quirky charm? Nintendo. As for the upcoming episode: short or long, as long as it's a good tale told (and has some babes) I trust you'll do right by it! Bigger and longer need not always be better. Just ask anyone trying to drive a double decker bus through rush hour...


I'm glad your like Genie/Ashelin relationship so far^^ Thank you for your kind feedback! Don't worry Ashelin will continue to get more attention in the upcoming episodes :)


Well you know what the say: there is a very thin line between hate and hate-sex. ^^ Next episode is coming soon!


Trevor, dude, I 100% agree with you on every point here. Thank you for your support and thank you for being a like-minded individual!


What is your favorite MOBA ? :D