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SURPRISE! Didn't expect the next episode so soon did you? Well next time pay attention when I start writing "coming soon" without an asterisk! :) Episode 06 is out, go tell you family and friends. Let's hold hands and rejoice together! ^_^

Welcome to Monday post 66! The most family Friendly Post Of Them All! Yeah, I probably should've started with this but I just had to yell "SURPRISE" at you. I've been fantasizing about it for a while now... Can I do it one more time please? *Khem!* SURPRISE!!! Episode 06 is out! Go download it! ^^

The work. So, it's been 3 weeks since Ep.05's public release. (4 weeks since the patrons-only release). So basically, which ever way you slice it, it took me less than a month to develop Episode 06. You better freaking appreciate it since it's probably never going to happen again. -_-

About. So, in case I forgot to mention this: Episode 06 is out!!! Now, obviously, it's not super heavy on the content or anything but I was really obsessing over not taking another 4 months to develop and episode and here is the result. I am not saying that I am going to dish out new episodes every 4 weeks now, but at least now I know that it is possible. For episode 07 I will be aiming for another short development window again, but we'll see how it goes. At the moment I just want to relax and soak in the realization that another episode is out. I've been a good boy ^^

Thank you. I'll just go take a nap now. See you next Monday for the public release.

Live-action Anime Booty.GIF




A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


I beg your pardon? A development cycle of less than a month? Is this just fantasy?


Wow! :O

Jonathan W Bain

I stand by that previous comment of "Godly Talented man".


Awesome, pretty nice job, let the game begin ^^


Ух, ты прямо Быстрый Гонзалес, друг всех сестёр. <a href="https://i.imgflip.com/qmbiv.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgflip.com/qmbiv.jpg</a>


Congrats for this new episode!


Wow, that was fast, thank you for all your hard work :)


Akabur, you magnificent bastard!


Seriously? You've got to be kidding^^.

Naughty Games

How can we not love you :P

Sid Santos

Great episode, now I know the great fear of a fictional character is being trapped ever darkness that is irrelevancy. Fap it for her :D


Невероятно! Старик, как тебе удается делать такие масштабные обновления, да еще и так часто? Ты там ночами не спишь?


Akabur you madlad!


On an unrelated note,will Lola from PT ever be in this game?


She is in it L.O.L.A. 2.0 the A.I:? :) she is grown a lot in the right places .9


Well that makes this go from a grumble Monday to a happy Monday. Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk with my laptop. &gt;.&gt;


Hey, i'm new here, can someone tell me were you can download ep 6? i can find it on the website or twitter


That's great, I still have to finish part 5 tho. I hope to see some new Hermione stuff. Waiting for the android version as usual btw.


sneaky Russian bastard (I think you are) this is why we love ya

Trevor Bond

Excellent! I am officially surprised! Great job! I'll get it now and give it a go after my shift tonight! You take a well earned fiver and rest!


If you are a Patron the download link is in the next post. If not then wait a week and get it then for free :)

Kyle Young

I'm a patron but can't see the other post I'll go on my computer and see if I can see it there I'm on my phone

Kyle Young

i can see it and it's still locked i have the confirmation email and everything i'll have to send patreon an email to get them to fix it hopefully they reply this time


A fantastic episode, lost of plot and things happening! But wait, what's the blue crate thing in the engine room?


Yey to surprises! (。◕‿‿◕。)


Work work

Nikolaj K.

holy hell, how did you even do it that fast?


*Sigh*... We're would I be with you guys and you support... Thanks, man, honestly.


Yes! Old characters can be only resurrected through fapping! It's a scientific fact!


I will try to organize Android a week earlier this time around and release it along with the public build. But in case it doesn't work out ANDROID will be out the week after as usual^^ P.S. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about Hermione.


Sneaky? Yes. Russian? Yes. Lovable? YES! ^_^ Thanks, dude :)


You and me both, dude. I'm so happy I managed to pull this off, you have no idea :)


Hm... Weird. Feel free to just PM me (here on Patreon) and I'll send you the links.


Rubaka....i know you.... i know your secrets....


Like all of them? Damn. That's a heavy burden to bear, dude.


Best birthsday present I got this year. Thanks dude. I liked it a lot. It feels more like Akabur stuff again. If u continue on the milking stuff, please do one with body paint as cow. This I missed already last time... Awesome work. Great we have u dude...


holy shit i don't think i've ever been so positively suprised in my life


Will there be a mobile version soon?


O.O why am i always away from my pc at times like this !!!! sigh.. anyways congrats Akabur we love either way fast releases or slow because the quality is always worth it, have a good one..


already out episode 6 and I did not wait for localization 5 (fuck my life)


Are we ever going to get that lola facefuck storyline?If not then tell us about t


I hate to say goodbye for both trainers, hit's me for reminding me the ending of princess trainer, thank you for creating such good game, hope the content will be more fabulous for the remaining episode :) (Actually there are little bit disappointment for episode 5 but you earn everyone's respect for this episode)


Haha I had to double check this. A new episode, so soon? We are not used to this. ;D Anyway thanks for the release and for your hard work, can't wait to test it!! &lt;3


I love asains


Usually, steering the plot off the main course of conquering the girls annoys me. But man, you do it every time, Akabur. You're really, really entertaining! I feel seriously compelled by the... dare I say it... world-building. Where we are with the ship right now, the interactions with the fleet, it gives me a similar feeling that Mass Effect does. And a deeper, more satisfying environment/story makes the plot with the girls more exciting. Here's to a juicy fking next update (though maybe with more training reluctant girls to service Genie and less milking for me ;) ).


Nobody truly knows what the future holds. Keep playing the game and find out ^^


Thanks, dude. And it's not like I did it just for fun and giggles. This needed to be done to put the story into proper direction. More awesome things are on the way :) Don't worry the sexy stuff is still my main goal with this game :)


Hey Akabur!


Well, I just pressed enter without typing what I wanted to type, oops. Don't comment on Patreons often. Anyway, Just wanted to say great work on the new episode! Even though it was short, I rather take quality over quantity, and the quality was again top notch. Wanted to ask, with you being a fan of XC2 as well, any chance we might see Pyra/Mythra pop up in SC34? Much love, Gerrie &lt;3