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Konnichiwa minna san! Welcome to the most positive and family friendly place on the platform: Akabur's Monday Posts! How do you like this week's cover image? Pretty impressive right? I put it together myself! I'm not sure what is it supposed to say, but who cares really... Some sort of positive message no doubt. And there you go! This is the quality content I am known for! Thank you for all your pledges. Namaste <3

4 x 12 = 48! Yes, I know, one month is usually slightly longer than 28 days, but you know where I am going with this, right? It's been almost a year since I made my first Monday Post! I've been doing this regularly for almost a year now! A YEAR, GUYS! Man, that's depressing to think about... No, wait, it actually supposed to be a cause for a celebration, right? Sorry, I just can't believe it's been a FREAKING year already... Time flies by and everything will turn to ash eventually... Happy New Year!

Speaking of which. As I mentioned countless times already: I usually don't celebrate national, personal or any other kind of holidays. Celebrations like that only disrupt my regular life and I see them solely as a hindrance. I am not an idiot though and do acknowledge that this is not a normal human behavior (on my part). And most of my friends and loved ones DO celebrate that crap of course, and occasionally they get me involved, but if I can help it I try to ignore that stuff. I don't know where I'm going with this... screw the New Year.

Ace. What a hero! What and absolute unit! I'm not sure what is going on here, but I see another iteration of Lola and a lot of Akabur graffiti so I approve of this  picture very much. Ace commissioned this one from... Urm... (Ace, if you're reading this, remind me who you commissioned this from if you want me to mention them here :) (It's Papillion Studio). Great pic. Love it. ^_^

The work.  It's been 4 weeks since Episode 04's release. (Yes, I plan to continue to count the weeks to keep myself in check). The work is being done, and let's just leave it at that for now. -_-

This week's scan. Not a scan but another banch of behind-the-scene pictures. The degree of family friendliness varies form pic to pic, so I will post a few of them here, and a few more in this week's patrons-only post. Don't get too excited though, these are just pics of me working on April (and a couple of other things) for my "Mating Season" game.

AHEGAO GIFs are back! So, in my previous post I mentioned that I finally ran out of ahegao gifs, but a couple days later I went to check my inbox and found an entire freaking assortment of ahegao gifs sent to me by MEDVED. Some of them are quite good and I imagine will last us for another month at the very least. Thank you, MEDVED, you are a true hero.

And that's it. Thank you for your support guys. See you next year ^_^



stefan R

The girl with jasmin hairstyle is cloe Khan


Really enjoying these past episodes, keep 'em coming! Just out of curiosity, the VanArts goal seems really awesome! Do you see yourself studying there and continuing with your work here in the future?


Nice to see that Ahegao gifs come in handy. I'm doing my part!


Hey Happy New Year Aka-bro! \(*_*)/


Happy New Year Master!


Happy New year, thanks for another family friendly piece for all of us. The author is Papillion Studio, Goldie is my Oc that was still to feature a pic with Loa and lola is holding some Graffiti sprays to exlain the Akabur Mark everywhere, o the youth ^^


Yay, the final family friendly post of the year ^^ I wish you a happy new year my friend :) I too don't like these holidays and stuff, and if nobody tries to bring me with them to some kind of feast, I stay in my house, playing family friendly games by my most favorite artist :) Keep up the good work my friend, and see you next year with many new episodes of SC34 :D


Hey Akabur. I would like to ask something, your games are very similar to those of "fushidaratei" such as "The crimes of Delta", "The Indecency of Delta" and "The Lust of Delta". Did you take these games as a reference or was the similarity just a coincidence?


Happy New Year Akabur! Who is that girl on family friendly btw?


Akabur my amazing friend this is it!! THE END OF 2018. looking back on all the shenanigans we have gone through since January is mind blowing (with some regular blowing ;) too). I know I personally have been more of a lurker these last 6 or so months but i just wanted to say You've done a Fine Job my Good Man. haha to many more years of your success!


First, Happy New Year! Second, If the GIF is of you, you do NOT look anything like I pictured you. Third, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding Patreon lately so, is everything OK? And, Forth, is there a non-family friendly version of Jasmine...strictly for research purposes of course? Anyway, Nice to see a post from you and as always, Keep up the Good Work!


Ok, quality high as usual. Just a little thing, the only thing you need in the gifs is something sexy, if it's aheago, or a pet-girl is indiferent here, the deal is something sexy, and for that, you always surprise us, thanks! Aside that, a new year is a good time to think about some memories, is not that the only thing we really have? memories... and bills. I like so much my own memories since the time I started to upload my comics, hope that would be something to cheer you up, I'm pretty sure you have good memories related with this too. Try to keep safe this year too.


Happy new year Akabur ! wish you all good stuff for this year :) . i posted the mod on my patreon... please tell me if you want me to delete it . ( as you didnt get my mail :/, damn technology... ). of course, its 100% free :D . HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY !!


52 weeks really so you might finish 2019 on 100. 👍👍 365/7=52.14


I want to see more of you breaking the 4th wall in the game. seeing you in your rule 34 hoodie, just like a marvel movie you should cameo in you're comics!


You're becoming celebrity famous comrade! Soon enough you'll be able to have lunch with Emma Watson, while feeding all the homeless cats in Russia the finest Fancy Feast.


may i ask who the jasmin in the picture is?^^


Happy New Year, O Family Friendliest One! It's always a comfort to know that there are other weirdos out there who don't like any sort of holidays yet have enough sense to feel guilty about it. We should form a club or something. Possibly a cult. And then, of course, not meet. Anywayz, wishing you all the best - stay strong, creative and twisted as always!


I guess you weren't around for the whole VanArts debacle. Come to think of it it's been such a long time ago, goddamn... Long story short when my Patron campaign took off I made that VanArts goal. We reached it in a matter of months and I started saving up for the trip. Many months later I submitted my application papers to VanArts and got accepted. Got the acceptance letter in a pretty envelope and everything. After that I started working on my visa, and that's where all went to shit. There was some drama and a lot of stress but at the end I didn't get the visa. And I had to pay upfront for everything: school, plane tickets, living accommodations in Canada. So now I had to cancel all that, had to pay plenty of cancellation fees... Thanks to Patreon and people who supported me I was able to afford all that waste of money, but emotionally I wasn't ready for that... So I've been sort of ignoring the whole thing ever since. Just concentrating on my work for now. The End.


And now we know! I'll put "Papillion Studio" into the post now.


Happy New Year, dude! The bright side of these holidays thing for me is that now they are over and I can get back to my normal life. And I happy about it^^ Also props to you on spending the holidays properly :) And thank you for all your support during this (and all the previous years), man. You are my damn personal hero T_T


Are you drunk? I personally invented both Ren'Py and all the porn games, that's a known fact.


This is it indeed, dude 0_0 And you can lurk all you want. You've been keeping your pretty high tier pledge for quite some time now. I'm only able to continue to walk the pass of awesome thank to the support you guys show me. Thank you for that, man.


First, Happy New Year to you too. Second, the GIF if of me of course. Don't tell me you thought I was a dude? Third, I lost a few Pledges due to recent Patreon's latest controversy, yes. Forth, go to my twitter ^^ Thank you for your support, J. ^^


The memories and the bills: two things to enjoy when you are an old fart, of course. I still drink coffee every day from that mug you sent me, dude. Every day! Good memories! ^^


It's not how it works dude. You are supposed ask me before you post anything like that.


Seriously? Personally I think I do it a bit too much. We need that wall for a proper suspension of disbelieve, and yet I continue to violate that wall like it's not even there. But if you enjoy it - it's all good. Don't worry I will continue to do that when a proper opportunity arises. I am glad you having a kick out of it just like I do^^


No. I want to make Emma Watson feed the cats while I fuck her from behind-- No! No, family friendly post, dammit! T_T


Happy New Year to you too, Mr.Stibbons. A cult sounds good. We would call ourselves Holiday's Witnesses or something. A cult that never has group meetings - that would revolutionize the cult industry!!! I love it XD Thank you for your support, brother.


Looking forward to the new year :D


Just a thought: Why is there no "New Game+" in Akabur - Games?!? :D


Hey man i know its a lil late to ask but can you send a link or the actual pic of thebjasmine cosplay model? I want it for my screensaver please !


I must admit ol Cloe does have some oddly shaped, kinda square ish fake boobage going on