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Hi, bros! Namaste! Congratulations! You survived another week! Christian side hug! I don't have a medal for you, but if I did I would have totally given it to you, because you deserve it! (Seriously though, I appreciate you are giving a damn about my idiotic Monday posts.)

End of Patreon? Blah-blah-blah, Pateron is slowly folding in on itself, blah-blah-blah, subscribestar.com, blah-blah-blah, boycott Patreon, blah-blah-blah we must take a stand. Sigh... -_- 

I didn't sign up for this political nonsense. Honestly, I just can't be bothered with all the drama anymore. All I want to do is make family friendly Monday posts--... No, wait, what I meant to say was: all I want to do is work on my projects in peace. I'm still here on Patreon, I don't care about about the Christmas, vacations or weekends. I work my ass off and pay my bills with the money you guys send my way. The rest of the world can go to hell. Screw the universe!  

Final Fantasy X-2. Oh, and also screw that game. I retract all the nice things I said about it in my previous posts. I finally beat it couple days ago and I must say: the final chapter completely ruined the game for me. Episodes (if you even remember what that is) were nothing but a convoluted pile of frustration. The final musical puzzle was ridiculously confusing. And after all the frustration I didn't even get the good ending? Screw you, Final Fantasy X-2! Time to play some SWTOR. I just bought the "Hutt Cantina Skiff" mount it's freaking magnificent. -_- 

P.S. FFX-2's good ending still almost made me tear up, even though I had to watch it on youtube. (Also please note that I said "almost". Because real men don't cry, dammit!).

Ben-X.Yes, (if you didn't yet) go check out Newman's Ben 10 game. It looks and plays better then half of those crappy indy games you can find on PSN or Steam. Seriously, I've been playing it on and off for a few days now, and the production value of this thing is pretty damn high. I am completely unfamiliar with the original cartoon and the universe, so most of the references go completely over my head. But I know a well-made game when I see it. So, if you have nothing better to do with your life - go check it out. https://www.patreon.com/Newman

This week's scan. That's-freaking-right! Weekly scans are back! Well, technically speaking this is not a scan, more like a behind-the-scenes pics. but since you liked my rendition of Lara maybe you will be interested in the creation process. The picture above is just a preview, the full version and a few more pics can be found in the attachments to this post.

The work. It's been 3 weeks since Episode 04's (patrons-only) release. I need to step up my game if I am really to release new episodes regularly and often. I am still working on the story, but I think I am more or less on schedule for now. 

New Patrons. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot: thank you everyone who made new pledges recently. Most of you didn't even sent me any messages. Awesome! Don't get me wrong I love to communicate with you guys, but I equally appreciate the subscription ninjas - dropping money on me and disappearing into the night. Good stuff. Thanks OTL...

Old Patrons. Just to be clear, people who's been supporting me for quite some time now, I love you too. <3

The gif. I finally run out of good ahegao gifs, so the plan was to end this post with a gif of a naked woman and a dog both sharing a plate full of dog-food. Very cute, very family friendly and approved by PETA gif. Oh, and it would go so well with this post's cover pic. But after careful consideration I came to a realization that some (twisted) individuals could find a gif like that to be not  family friendly enough. And you know how serious I am about keeping my posts family friendly: very serious. So here is a substitute gif. See you next Monday... I hope.




Hi Akabur. Thanks for the post. And thank you for the Ep. 4. Enjoyed every pic and text. Usually i play very fast through the game just to know whats happening and then in special time I replay. So as it is vacation time i took the android version with me and replayed it from beginning. Awesome time. All 4 parts. Still miss some nice ass/behind versions but i am patient ;-). Keep up and have a nice another week.


I love the behind the scene pics you rarely post on twitter. If I knew you take more pics of them, I would've asked of these pics before scans. Seeing your drawing in paper is more pleasure :D It feels like smelling the new book before reading ;) Have a good week.


Awesome buddy, and you have the best attitude, you cannot be suffering fron everyone dramas, keep bringing us joy and great games, you can find another Lola as a Xmas gift in your mailbox. keep it good


always take the bitch for a ride <a href="http://i.imgur.com/AK7RH.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/AK7RH.jpg</a> XDXDXD


"Old Patrons. Just to be clear, people who's been supporting me for quite some time now, I love you too. &lt;3" wow mentioned us AFTER the new patrons UNPATRONED UNSUBSCRIBED UNFRIE- nah idc mate. Honestly that you're posting weekly updates itself is more than I expected when I first patroned you.


Oh. My. God. There's a Ben 10 slave trainer game. I've watched all 18 seasons and even the 2 live-action movies. So there goes my winter...


Oh Ben X Trainer, 100% would recommend, even if its only on the early stages. Newman and Akanoes are really going all for it now, so yeah. GIve it a look. Love their work so far as much as Akabur.


Merry christmas (maybe early) and happy new year 2019 (even more early) !! As i m a bit in a hurry, i put this message for AKABUR and everybody else here :D. wish you all best ! ( little thougth to all the peoples who gonna make christmas in hospitals, my mother is in there too, its hard... wich you all the best too ! )


I think that's what the director of X-2 thought about the game as well, since he decided to leave and not finish any DLC. I have no clue about the Ben Ten universe either, which is why I shied away from the game. But if you’re signing praise about it, maybe it’s worth a look. Oh yeah, I really liked the design choice you went with for Miss Croft. It’s like you took your style with Hermione and fine tuned it, she’s a new kind of sexy, leagues better than the skinny slum dog they found to play her in the recent movie. Ugh.


It's nice to see another family friendly post ``^^ Keep up the good work my friend, I'm sure you will be able to get that episode out on time and with awesome content ^^ I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year :)


The drawing of Larochka is beautiful, a sight !!!

Trevor Bond

Merry Christmas, and happy to be aboard the good ship Akabur! Keep up the good work and don't let all the drama get to you.


Ok , I'm here late, but I need to say the gif of this week is wonderful as usual. Also, I'm glad you keep safe!


Well don't know what to say to be honest (new subscriber) . I discovered you while browsing nsfw :3 and i thought to myselft damn that's some good quality work . And then I found your website downoaled games and tried them .I loved them ( a bit weird to say you love nsfw game ? ) the drawing the story (I liked a lot the reference and the joke OMG idk but sometime they are so hilarious XD).then I found your patreon and subscribe then unsubscribe....(shame on me ) it was pure curiosity (and also fear of judgment if people find out aswell,paranoia) . then I subscribed again because ... I said I like your work and when i think about it , I feel a bit guilty i guess enjoying your work and not thanking you somehow .I posted one comment then and when I thought about it ...mmmh I didn't praise you or anything just pointed out one bug .... I'm not proud of me.... at the moment i thougt to myself i don'k know why but i felt like you're the kind of person who like a work very well done .So I posted this comment in orer to help you(I swear, no harm meant ) .I liked the chapter btw .then I was like "i'm not worth of his time I already fucked up my first comment I should wait until I become more than a 1/2month subscriber ". but then you posted this monday post ,so i'm writting this message .I don't know if I should feel sorry because you release your game are for everyone at the end . Which triggered this in my head "why does he do that ? he would earn more if he didn't release them publicly (that's what I thougt at the moment you can judge me no one is perfect anyway) " and it made me realise you are (I think )a really good guy and that's what mainly make me feel guilty and also make me want to support you even more .I live your drawing , I like your stories (Mostly seing the evolution of the characters and the reference and your jokes, funny stuff you put in your game ,) I liked the interaction with professor snape (i'd never think of him this perverted)and the fact that hermione see genius as dumbledore all the time is .... makes me think a lot it never left my mind when I interacted whith hermione , But i tell to myself it is just a game (and *** "proudly" ? I guess ? ) .So yeah i could write more but I better stop here (too long already) love your game akabur i'll continue to support you because euuuuuh cool game and cool you .


Thanks. I'm happy you enjoy the game so far. Also it is nice to have a confirmation that it is actually working from episode 1 to 4. And your request is noted^^


Thanks. I knew you'll appreciate those shots^^ More coming up soon :)


Thanks, Ace. I got you Christmas gift pic. It looks fantastic. I will reply to your email soon!


Yes, I know, I sometimes take you guys for granted when I am actually supposed to celebrate you more since you supported me since back when. I hope you will forgive me. You know how I really feel about you guys #^_^# Next Monday post is coming... NEXT MONDAY!


"skinny slum dog" that's a surprisingly accurate disruption actually. I'm just happy you continue to enjoy my work, RedUnit10. Thank you for all the freaking support, man!


Thanks, Dorago!!!! Best wishes to you to, my dear friend^^


I know! I really like that gif too^^ And you also try to keep safe, dude!


That's way to much self guilt going on for one comment. Let me try and ease your conscious a bit. First of all you don't owe me shit (obviously). But there are three things you could do to make me revere you as some godly being. 1. Play my games. 2. Leave positive feedback. 3. Support me on Patreon. And you are already doing all three man, so just relax and enjoy the ride. As to what you're saying about the money: I don't need all the money in the world or anything. All I need enough to pay my bills and environment where I could work on my games in peace. Right now thanks to Patreon and the support people show me I have just that. I am happy and grateful. $1 is enough and all my games are free. That's a win win for everyone really.


😭 So happy


Ok :-)

Hego Damask

Ah, petgirls, I am a subscriber, Mr. Benson indeed knows what he is doing. A legend in his own time, as are you. In all the long time I have scoured this planet's internet, I have yet to find quality such as your work, in this niche. Brilliant. It is rare to find such high quality humor and work, while not tainted by erroneous corporate policy, or common morality. You are a truly enlightened being, and I praise you for it. Thank you.

Tyler Watson

When do you plan on working on Magic Shop again?


Hard to say. Some time in the future, but even then I think I would just give is a "true ending" and leave it at that.