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May the force be with--  No... No, to heck with this. I am not going to pretend that I am Star Wars fan or that I know much about the universe. Because I honestly do not. Namaste, dear bros. Welcome to Monday Post #049. This will be a weird one...

On MMORPGs in general. First of all let me say that I've never played any of MMORPGs ever. Popular ones, obscure ones, I completely missed them all. It's just not my cup of tea. Have zero interest in that type of games. Zero!

On Star Wars in general. And just like I mentioned above I don't give two hecks about the Star Wars franchise. Sorry, that's just how it have always been and that's how it is for me to this day. I've seen all the movies: the good ones, the bad ones and the prequels. But I never felt any connection with the universe or the characters. Never had a hard-on for Princess Leia or metal bikinis in general. Yes, I know I am a freak - a proper dude is supposed to adore Star Wars... I am an abomination... I am so sorry you had to witness this ugly side of me... (Please don't cancel your pledge.)

To be completely honest with you, eventually I did develop a slight interest in the universe but I have a strong suspicion that it all came from the amazing Star Wars illustrations by Shabby Blue. Man, that guy is a freaking genius. Do you know if he is still alive? Imagine me and  Shabby collaborating for a small game project - we would break the freaking Internet. About SWTOR. Well, I knew that game existed, but that was about it. I knew it's a Star Wars  MMORPG. So naturally it didn't arouse any interest in me ever. Eventually I somehow learned that the game also has romanceable companions. It made me curious, I searched YouTube for some gameplay videos, only to confirm my original suspicions: the game is crap. 

SWTOR Strikes Back! That being said, about half a year ago, something (The Force no doubt) possessed me to download and install the SWTOR luncher. It's a Free-To-Play game, so no harm done, right? I didn't even register an account after that. The game was just sitting on my desktop for another month.  But eventually I decided to bite the bullet and lunch the thing. Right from the start I was greeted with an "Electronic Arts" logo. That alone made me feel gross and gave me a sudden urge to just force reboot my laptop. (But I decided against it, obviously). But about 5 minutes later a new problem presented itself...The New Problem. The freaking key and mouse controls. Oh, my god! Who plays like that?! I can't stand that crap! I am a proud console peasant! No controller support? Not interested! What a rip off... Honestly I'm still not sure what made me stay and continue to play (gotta be The Force for sure), but in retrospect I am so glad I did ^_^

Is it any good? The short answer is - it's FANTASTIC! Yeah, I wouldn't waste so much time to write a post about hating on a game. I actually, honestly and wholeheartedly adore SWTOR now. I don't JUST like it, I don't JUST love it - I freaking worship it. I won't to build a SWTOR temple and inside of it have a sex with some sort of SWTOR clone and have a lot of SWTOR babies. In the past months that stupid MMO (that I play as a single player game) brought me more joy and happiness then any of the 2018's AAA games lumped together. I am not even exaggerating. Let me explain.

The Explanation. The thing that really got me first was the writing. After about 1 hour of playing it got me completely hooked. It's very old-school: men are men, women are women and none of the contemporary politics. You know what I mean, right? But if that wasn't enough it had a ton of dialog choices letting me be a complete asshat or a nice guy, depending on my mood. Some of those choices actually affected the story by the way. And if that wasn't enough it also allowed me to flirt with almost EVERY girl I met. The Unrelenting Attack On My Feels. If that wasn't enough I soon realized that ALL of the events in the game a fully voiced and have cinematic cut-scenes attached to them. And I really mean ALL-OF-THE-EVENTS. Even the damn side-quests. Everything is fully voiced and with multiple dialog choices. Even as I type this I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the amount of work that went into this game.

I had no chance. At this point the game got me very interested so I continued to play on and off for another month or so. During that month I got my own spacheship. I bought a penthouse apartment on Coruscant. I spent hours buying furniture, decorations and dancer slavegirls for that apartment. I got my first female companion that I spent even more hours with simply on playing Barbie dress-up with her, and grinding for the sexiest armors for her.

It's Love. Eventually I realized that I am loging in into the game almost every day now. I have completed a ton of story events, had a ton of adventures, seduced a republic military commander, a politician, a sluty sith-lord, and it was mostly just side-content stuff. I didn't even scratched the surface yet. I got completely absorbed in the sher awesomeness of everything about SWTOR. The graphics? I fucking love it now: skinny girls everywhere and bright colorfully planets to explore. Controls? I love the mouse! I love the keyboard! Console peasants can suck it! Story? Oh, man it only get's better and better! My penthouse apartment on Coruscant? The only place that feels like home! ^_^

Companion customizations. I already mentioned that you can dress your female companions as skimpy as you want, but the game developers didn't stop there. This game does something that I never seen done before in an RPG game: SWTOR have companion skins. That's exactly what it sounds like: if you don't like the look of your story companions you can procure skins to change their appearance entirely (body, hairstyle, face). When I recruited my first female companion I made it my life's mission to obtain all of her skins. (Which was fairly easy to do to be honest). Now my little digital waifu could be a black hottie or an Asian hottie or any other kind of hottie (all of the skins are hot). Honestly, I never seen that level of customization in an RPG.I am pathetic. I suppose it is obvious - I am a raging fanboy for SWTOR now. I have no clue how that happened, but I literally love everything about that game. I also love the fact that despite being very old - the game is not dead yet: new story update was released last month and it was a proper SWTOR update too: new story choices, romances and such. And also I know that EA or Disney could pull the plug on this game at any moment and it makes me appreciate it even more.

Me Love You Long Time. Yes? Oh, and it's a Free-To-Play game. I've been playing for at least a month before deciding to pay for subscription. And I only did so because I genuinely wanted to throw some money at that amazing game. OK, I think I'll just stop here. The bottom line is this: go play some SWTOR before EA pulls the plug and the universe goes dark.

My personal game of the year. SWTOR literally reminded me why I used to love video games so much. I know I sound like a crazy person, but I am just sharing my feels with you. Please don't cancel your pledge. I am done now, I swear. Back to normal Monday Post content now. P.S. I am on Star Forge server.

The work.  It's been 5 weeks since Episode 04's release. The work is being done. Don't worry I don't spend ALL my time seducing slutty corrupt politicians in SWTOR. And I think it's been at least a week since I touched my PS4, so quite a lot of work had been done recently despite the holidays getting in my way. And let's just leave it at that for now. Maybe I will go into some more details next week. Maybe...

This week's scan. Have some more behind-the-scenes pics for you. Again from the Mating Season. Just like the last time the family friendliness level varies from pic to pic, so you will find only some of them in the attachments to this public post. The RAR archive with all of them will be in the patrons-only post.

The GIF. Thanks to MEDVED I have another awesome gif to share with you to make this week slightly more bearable for you. (It's freaking 65MB, but I think it's worth it). See you next Monday, bros.




This gif remember me the 69 eyes song called black. Gentleman, thanks as usual for sharing with us some info. Glad you are safe. Keep in that way!


So this is the first family friendly post of the year, that's great ^^ So what side and what class do you play ? Back in the days, when SWTOR was out I was a huge fan, and yeah, the story is really amazing, and I must say, I too flirted with everything that had boobs ^^ I don't play it that much anymore, I just don't have the time and motivation, I guess the last movies killed a bit the child that loved SW in me ^^ Well it's cool to have news from you, keep up the good work my friend, and see you next monday for more family firenldy contant :D


Awesome piece, no worry you are on your right, only if you are american you have to love SW, happy that you found a game you are enjoying, that is the first step to the darkside ^^


Although I like updates about the games, I love updates about things you're into. I think this was a great post. I played SWTOR very briefly a few years ago because MMOs aren't really my thing either, but I still remember it having one of my favorite gaming moments and it was due to the writing and direction of that game. It blew my mind. Maybe I'll try to get back into it and mess around in the world some more. Glad to hear you seem to be doing well, happy holidays!


What server are you on?


I've just started playing SWTOR again with a friend, I'm starting Knights of the Eternal Throne. This game is amazing. <3 What's the source for Amidala kneeling to Sidious? A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. :)


So crazy thing: Shabby Blue is still active! He's still doing smutty Star Wars art! He also has a forum! It's still active! Yes, He does a few art pieces like 2-3 times a year, and they're FANTASTIC quality. The forum is also a nice repository of Star Wars erotica.


Yes!!!! Princess trainer 2!!!


I can respect your decision to not have much love for Leia's Slave Bikini...But could you make a Slave Bikini outfit for one of the girls of Star Channel 34?


Dude, I went and tried SWTOR after you mentioned it in one of these Monday posts because I enjoy star wars and could not find a good star wars game for the life of me. After booting it up, I played for about 10 hours a day for the next two weeks, then bought the subscription, and am now playing it pretty much everyday. Wholeheartedly second this opinion!


Ha-ha! For real? Oh, man, for some reason it makes me so happy to see that you had pretty much the same experience with the game as me. ^_^ Honestly, that game was around for ages and nobody EVER brought it up and said: "Akabur, you should try SWTOR you may enjoy it". I am now officially salty that nobody ever said this to me. But I am supper happy you also enjoy it now. :)


"new story update was released last month and it was a proper SWTOR update too: new story choices, romances and such" yeah I bet you liked that Khem Val romance option didn't you :P


Just google for "Shabby Blue", he has a lot of great Star Wars art^^ Also I'm glad you also enjoy SWTOR. From the sound of it you are way farther along then I am with my character. I guess I spend too much time playing dress ups with my companion and movie furniture around at the stronghold^^


If you don't mind me asking, What class did you choose in SWTOR...NM I enlarged the pic and read it for myself. I should have guessed, you Scoundrel. I'm glad you enjoyed it BTW and I have the same feelings towards EA.


i have been playing swtor since beta haha so yeah... im definitely right there with you guys love the game.


Since BETA huh? How long has it been? 8 or 9 years? And not once you thought to tell me it was a game that could worth my time? I am officially salty with you about this now, Joshua! ^^


Like I said I am not A SW fun so I had no interest in playing as a Jedi or Trooper or whatever... Scoundrel was an obvious choices. But now I am starting to warming up to the whole thing... I'm thinking about trying other classes too ^^


I just got back into SWTOR as well. I'm a bit of an MMORPG guy, but the MMO apsects of SWTOR don't interest me. Instead, I use the excellent Bioware singleplayer experience to comfort me during these dark days for us Bioware fans. I'm still sad that you gotta take of Vette's shock collar in order to romance her. Obviously no AAA game would ever let you force a slave to pleasure you, but a man can dream...


If you ever make anything featuring Vette I will add you to my "People i owe a BJ IRL" list


I am yet to finish my first class story line, so I don't know what you are talking about. Please don't explain, I don't need spoilers. Let's just discuss this in a couple of moths.


Jedi Knight is 3rd best class story (up to lvl50 is class stories..and dont anyone give me Makeb was class story bs)...you gotta do Imperial Agent (your james bond and super spy...) next would be Sith Warrior (basically...you become THEE!! Badass of the Sith), Jedi Knight would be next. Sith Inquis is good for first chapter then starts to drop off...Scoundrel was decent, havent completed trooper still (been on/off since beta), Bounty Hunter has best wise cracks (scoundrel is close 2nd). Dull is Jedi Cons...


PS, Key FOB or digital one is worth it..both secures your account against hacking and 100 Cartel Coin/month playing or not, sub or not.


Got me. I love the game where you can get a slave dancer, and better a lot of slaves =)))) I remembered that I drew something in the Star Wars universe. =)


the development/marketing history of the game pretty much tells the story of why no one ever bought the game. there was a star wars MMO that was out that people really liked, and the knights of the old republic was a favorite for single player. the company decided to scrap the MMO in order to turn their single player game into an MMO to try and get on the WoW gravy train. they fucked up the MMO that they had and the single player game, crreating something new that wasn't either while telling the fans of both that it was the next version of the game they loved. when it came out people weren't happy, so they fired the head guy and put a new head guy in, who shifted everything about the game and pissed off the few that were playing (the number was growing too). then after some time he was fired and a new head guy came onto the scene and turned it into the game you know today, completely turning the game around. i don't play it, but i did like KotOR, so i was aware of the whole thing from the beginning, and its roller coaster history is pretty remarkable given the quality that it is now from what i hear, so it makes the news circles that i keep tabs on.


The RPG I had the most fun with was Skyrim, because you could get all sorts of mods to change the look of the game. I was a master thief and could steal all the clothes off of people without them even knowing, so all these townspeople are walking around nekkid! Of course, someone made a sex mod too...


And now I am pissy, someone stole my screen name :-(


just a FYI with SWTOR. put a security key on it and in the main space base for sith and jedi you can get a slave girl costume for allies to wear ;) well worth it tbh


Huh, should have taken my computer to work to download 25GB...


You know?you are an incel Akabur


Did you completely missed the part where I say that SWTOR is the best game evar? Go play it ^^


As men we shall not give up at the face of adversity. You can be Venron123.


Yes. Got mine couple weeks ago. Really didn't want to at first, but at the end decided to give in. No regrets.


I am on my first playthrough. Haven't even completed my class story yet ^_^

Trevor Bond

Played the game a while back, when I had a computer that could handle it. It was a lot of fun, I had a blast as the bounty hunter. I'm lucky enough to be immune to grind fatigue so I was always the richest bugger around lol!


SWTOR is great. Especially imperial agent plot imo.


oh god i have so many fun swtor memories lol my thing was in the raid eternity vault i was a lil agent who would pull every single goddamn bogwing every chance i got between bosses and then play hide the mob from the raid leader so they could not get out of combat to heal recover and mount up to rush the next boss. so many funny as all hell moments hearing the raid leader order the raid to hunt me down and kill the mobs i had "befriended" LOLLOLOLOLOL! yah swtor was awesome hell still is but sadly my real life responsabilities ran afoul of my gameing time and i had to quit. ah well ill always have the memories lol!


0/10 Akabur hate mods


When of the aspects of an MMO that I also don't mind: grinding for credits and amassing wealth ^^


I went with the good guys (Republic) and with the most generic choice possible: human smuggler ^^ While I was played yesterday I met a mandalorian chick: bold with those little horns on her head... She was really ugly to be honest and I decided to take a stand and not to flirt with her. I am still not sure it was the right thing to do... :)


I guess you're right... But I know that it's also popular in Japan for example... Well anyway as long as you don't think less of me because I am not a hardcore SW fan it's all good ^^


I haven't played SWTOR in a while but I enjoyed the shit out of it for more than a year. Reading your post makes me want to get back into it. We might even both be on the same server, I think I'm on Star Forge.

Durzo Shadowborn

As far as I know Shabby is alive and well! Still drawing and creating wonderful art on his site such as prostitute Rey, bad ending Amidala, slutty Emilia Clarke (i have no clue what her movie name was). Let the internet break! Join forces with Shabby! (pun not intended)


I stopped playing swtor for a while now, for a few reasons, university, other games, responsabilities. . . and with that love letter to the game, I have to jump back in it (and then try to force it on everyone I know so I can see who I should spend my love on and who I should just abandon)

Adm Trd Ferg

So, in order to see latest versions of your games. Do I have to subscribe. Because your site doesn't look like anyone has touched it since Obama was president


Not at all. You can find the links on my twitter. As for my website, the links there are usually one episode behind because if I put up to day links there sometimes people rush there to eagerly and the site crashes.


Yes, real life is a damn bitch sometimes... Plus MMORPG demand a pot of time... I don't play anything but SWTOR these days -_- It's worth it though^^


Yes, that is something to think about. I'll try to get in touch with him when I have time. Even if only to tell him how much I love his work^^


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Bly" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Bly</a> might be interesting for new April`s adventures )


Yes, you are a weirdo for not being a Star Wars geek, but you're the weirdo of our hearts and we love ya! The other day I did a Harry Potter marathon: I had never watched the movies before, nor read the books, nor given a single flying fuck for that whole franchise. What I *actually* got out of my little marathon was the realization how much of the Harry Potter atmosphere you managed to capture and instill in WT. I mean that's solid, damn good parody writing right there! So I guess now I'm one of those "do a WT GOLD, already!" guys. Sorry, but it happened. It was out of my hand... well... metaphorically at least... Just thought I'd share my own story of conversion to let you know that you're not alone out there! Cheers!


I'm glad you think so, man. Yeah, would be the point of a HP parody if it doesn't feel like the original? ^^ WT GOLD EDITION Coming... eventually... probably... Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I'm glad you enjoyed WT! :)


I played swtor the first part of the game (1 story for each of the eught classes) is awesome, but then came the updated content when they made a single story for everyone. Every compnion are playable as your own but your ship is empty.


And some of my companions got killed in the process of making the next part of the story (RI scorpio, best psycho AI)


You picked, by far, the best time to join the game! When I first joined, the grind was ludicrous! You had to do EVERYTHING on each world; all the bonus missions, all the side quests, and all the heroic missions, just to even HOPE you might leave the planet with the next one's minimum level suggestion! Now, my Sith Warrior was lvl 45 by the time I left Dromund Kaas! This is the golden age of SWTOR