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Hey all. I wanted to let you know what has been going on behind the scenes. 

As we ramp up towards the end of the year, it seems a host of things have come crashing together, each demanding increasing amounts of my time. 

I have been finishing/publishing On Writing and Worldbuilding: Volume II (coming December 1st!) through a new service which has required a lot more work, but it will mean it's available outside of Amazon, and the audiobook will drop at the same time. 

I have been finishing/submitting my first fiction book [TITLE REDACTED] to agents across the world. This has involved learning how to write a query letter, synopsis, pitches etc. It's incredibly taxing work, but it was a major goal of mine to do this before the end of 2021. I have submitted to 6 agents so far.

I have been working on the 2021 charity livestream. (the exact charity still to be decided, but let me know your ideas down below!) It'll take place the weekend of December 10th!

All the while, I've been making videos too. It's been a rather stressful time, but it has also meant a slight delay in my production schedule. The next video is actually ready but I need to finish some things for OWAW Vol II before I put it out. The video after that is already recorded, and the video after that will be On Writing: Dialogue!

None of this is to mention the other things in my life. The crisis helpline I work with has been doing a training intake, demanding more of my time, the patron workshop twice a month, some contract work for a board game, and personal issues. 

Hope you can understand why things may be a little off/delayed at the moment. It's all for the better in the long run.

Stay nerdy,


Attached are 2 photos of me and my kitty as an apology




You know what this means, right? You're gonna have to do an 'On Writing: Query Letters, Synopsis, and Pitches' in the future.

Amber Pearce

will always accept pics of kitties when you're busy