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If you didn't know, I've been querying my book to agents over the last few weeks. It's been a very intense time (honestly, the most anxious I've felt in the whole process so far). I just got my first rejection. Some people wear it as a badge of honour. It was from an agent I thought I really might have a chance with, but hey, this is all part of the process. I feel like if I didn't get some rejections people might just be taking me on for my platform. I'm glad that's not the case. 

Here's hoping to a few more rejections and (maybe) one acceptance one day. 



Thursday 25th November 830AM New Zealand Time

Monday 29th November 830AM New Zealand Time

Open to all 10+ patrons, you can find the link to put your story in the 10+ chat on the discord. Last month was a great month with some great stories, and the month before that even more so. Good luck!


Sean Eddy

"On Writing: On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King mentions how he handled his rejection letters from magazines since he was a teenager. I believe he said that each one he took up to his little writing desk. He would then put each one on those recite holders that are basically metal sticks with a pointy end. He would add each one to it letting himself see it as encouragement since it was rememberable enough to get a rejection letter. Just something I remember, and I thought I would share.