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Chapter 18


Edward could hear the roars and cheers from the arena. With his eyes closed, he was focusing on his magic. He was the last champion, and from the huge commotion some time ago accompanied by the bell, his turn would be coming in just some time.


The bell rang once more, and one of the proctors spoke up.

“Participant Edward, it is time,” and Edward opened his eyes finally; his vision returned as he looked around the camp once more. He got up and, with a nod at the proctor, began to walk towards the specialized exit.

As, the fabric flicked to the sides, he was blinded momentarily by the striking Sun. The crowd roared as he entered the arena, the commentators’ voices reaching even his ears.

‘And now it is time for the last champion. The champion of Hogwarts. Edward Wright. The dueling prodigy, who is a former youth champion, reputed as one of the great talents of his generation. I am excited to see the show he will put on.’

And now Edward was standing right in front of the arena gates, with the proctors giving him the final instructions.

“The dragon is a nesting mother and will be feral. She is bound by chains, but you must be careful.” One of them explained.

“There is a ward around the arena to shield the audience, you are not allowed to interfere with that ward. If you do so, it will be a disqualification.”

Edward nodded at that. He had suspected such a thing as well. With that, the proctors got out of the way, and Edward finally stepped into the arena. And immediately, he was greeted by a crackling roar as the huge dragon bellowed out a threatening roar as she narrowed its eyes and snarled at the intruder.

The Hungarian Horntail is giving our last contestant quite a welcome, it seems. It seems that it is not ready to give up its prized egg.’

And as Edward looked at the huge scaly beast in front of him, he finally understood the extent of the courage of a specific bespectacled boy. The Hungarian Horntail was huge, and its scales had a bloody tinge to them as they glistened in the sunlight.

I took out my wand, and a very familiar sensation reached up from the wand and permeated throughout my body. The aspen wood fitted nicely in my hand as I raised my wand and aimed it squarely at the dragon.

I could feel my magic resonate as I continued to weave my wand in a specific pattern. My lips moved in a continuous manner as I recited the magic spell. However, this was no ordinary spell. It was a highly complicated spell. A spell that I had found in the Room of Requirement in an ancient book. The book has a very familiar name scribbled into it.

Gellert Grindelwald

Despite being quite a controversial figure. The genius of the man could not be denied. Gellert Grindelwald was a man who had brought the whole magical Europe to its knees singlehandedly. Of all the books and notes I had recovered from the Room of Requirement, notes, and books belonging to him had been the most helpful in my studies.

The Hungarian Horntail encircled the egg and bellowed out another huge roar as it sensed the huge build-up of magic. It opened its huge maw and spewed out a huge torrent of flame straight at me, but with my left hand, I swiped, and the ground in front of me erupted up as shielded me from the torrent of flames.


I could hear the sounds of the metal clacking as the dragon tried to leap at me, but the chains held as it failed in its movement.

I could feel myself getting fatigued as swathes and swathes of magic began to gather around me. My control, while impeccable, was unable to stop some of the magic from leaking out, and I could feel the temperature drop around me. The spell reached its conclusion, and as the movements of the and stopped and I aimed it squarely at the hulking form of the dragon in front of me.

And then, I muttered the name of the spell that I had learned specifically for this challenge.

“Respond to Hel’s calling.”

And the world rippled as I let go of my control, and the world rippled in front of me.




Fleur Delacour stood with her best friend Fay and their charms professor from Beauxbaton. The aged old man had joined them on the balcony as he had congratulated Fleur on her brilliant performance. Fleur could feel herself getting slightly anxious as Edward walked out into the arena, though the small competitive part of her was quite excited to see his performance.

“So, are you watching this as his competition or as his girlfriend?” Fay teased her from the side, and Fleur just elbowed her as she gave her the answer she had thought previously.

“I am watching this as a competitive girlfriend!” and Fay shook her head at this reply. Edward had now walked out into the arena and was now standing still as he waved his wand in an intricate pattern.

Fleur narrowed her eyes as she could not recognize the pattern once more. Though it seems that her professor had.

“Impossible!” her charms Professor spoke out as he looked at Edward with narrowed eyes. Fleur looked at her Professor; Delbren Insole was quite an aged wizard who was now approaching his hundredth birthday. He had lived past two wars and had been a renowned dueler in his time. However, his most famous attribute was his participation in the liberation of Drumstrang from Grindelwald himself.

“What is impossible?” Fay questioned before Fleur could speak up. And the man was still looking at the arena with a narrowed gaze.

“Are you sure that his real name is Edward Wright?” he questioned, and Fleur replied with narrowed eyes.

“Yes, I am quite sure. Why?” she questioned further as Edward blocked the swathes of flames with a bit of Transfiguration.

“It’s just that the boys continue to bring up ancient pieces of magic. Magic that few could even boast of experiencing, let alone performing.”

“Do you know what he is trying to do, professor?” Fleur asked the aged man, and the man nodded, and he replied in a grave tone.

“Yes, though it has been years, I will never forget such a piece of magic. This singular spell was able to bring the whole resistance force in the war to their knees. An elemental magic spell that requires significant control and power.”

And Fleur suddenly felt herself getting assaulted by a sense of cold. Her head snapped towards the arena once more. And her eyes widened as she saw the whole arena covered by a white fog. The slight shiver had now transformed into a frigid chill. The frost penetrated her bones, but suddenly, the cold eased, and she looked to the side to see that Professor Delbren had brought out his wand.

“This is Hel’s calling itself. The spell Niflheim.” She heard her professor mutter in sheer befuddlement. And Fleur was surprised as well as she stared at the white smoke covering the entire arena.

‘And what a surprise! We can not see a thing. The whole arena has been covered by a thick layer of frost. The magical broadcast has been interrupted as well. Even the wards put on by our dearest Professor Dumbledore have failed to stop the cold. Even in my chair, I can feel the chill.’

‘Well, this is our state outside the wards! I can assure you the Hungarian Horntail will be feeling much worse! Wait, the broadcast is up once more, and we can see it up. There standing with a yellow hue surrounding him. It is EDWARD WRIGHT. But what about the dragon?”

And there was a pause, and Fleur watched with perplexity as the broadcast shifted away from Edward.


And Fleur’s eyes went wide as she saw the frozen body of the colossal beast. And then the frame shifted to Edward once more, who was now walking towards the Golden Egg. The Hungarian Horntail was coiled around the whole dragon. The ice melted under Edward’s every step.

His wand was still in his hand as he walked leisurely toward the enormous beast. When he reached the egg, Edward stopped and waved his wand and the ice around the egg melted. Then the egg levitated beside him, and with a final look at the dragon, he began to move towards the tent.

“I had never thought that I would ever see this spell again. But I believe that this is just one of life’s surprises, it seems,” Professor Delbren commented.

“The call of Hel itself said to freeze worlds. Niflheim.” He finished with awe. The man then chuckled slightly as he looked towards her.

“I think that he has somehow found a way to outshine you once more, Miss Delacour. Though I think we will have to see how the judges respond to such a performance.” He added, and Fleur felt the ground shake as Edward disappeared into the tent once more, finishing the first part of the task.

Fleur looked at the arena and saw the dragon keepers rush to the ground as they conjured swathes of fire to melt the ice. Above in the judge’s corner, she could see the judges getting ready to announce the results.

Well, she will just have to see the results, it seems.


Hogwarts: A certain cave

A rat snuggled into a small cave, though the behavior of the water at the cave’s mouth spoke of some special magic. The rat shook off the water and, with a certain twist, morphed into the body of a plump small man. His front teeth were longer and gave his face a rather rattish appearance.

He took out a small device out of his pocket and waved his wand, and the snarling tones coming out of it quieted down.  And with that, his eyes went straight ahead as they focused on the setup in front of him.

Various circles were drawn on the ground with some rather unique and mysterious materials. In the center of the circles was a alter thing having a single feather lying on it. Though what was most mysterious were the three cord-like projections coming out of the cup.

The rat smiled as he glanced at the result of his hard work. And once more, he realized that he had made a correct decision all those years ago. Few could think like his master. And soon, the whole world will tremble at his master’s feet once more.

Soon, he thought. Very soon.



Perhaps a gift chapter for this story would be appropriate for new year?


Thanks for the story update and loving it so far


Thanks man, your love is what keeps me going. I can not express how thankful i am to you all.🥹

ciaran mullen

love the chapter Merry Christmas


I know that with Edward mentioning susasnoo and dumbledore getting horcruxesit it can be inferredthat Edward is a self insert --- but is Edward a self insertion???