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Chapter 42


Hiashi walked through the Halls of the Hokage building. The other shinobi roaming these halls bowed to him as he walked past them. It had been some time since Tsunade Senju had taken charge of the village, but she had taken no time to implement her changes. Ranging from the expansion and restructuring of med nin to practically dismissing several of her sensei’s appointments.

No doubt they still held the positions, but according to the rumors, they held little to no influence. Instead, she had centralized her own rule, with most of the decisions of the governance falling onto her shoulders. Well, not singularly her own shoulders.

She had picked up her protégé pretty soon after taking charge of the village. The village’s biggest rising star. Shinso Ken becoming her apprentice, had been the source of disappointment among those belonging to the established clans. But, none could grumble, for the boy had attained almost legendary status after his effort in stopping the Tailed beast.

He reached the Hokage’s office. The receptionist bowed to him as he moved past her.

“Hokage-sama is waiting for you,” and with that, she opened the door. Hiashi entered the Hokage’s office.

The sunlight coming from the windows illuminated the huge table placed opposite to the door. A stack of documents was placed on the side. The person who now commanded the oldest of shinobi villages sat on the seat upon which two other members of her own family had sat.

Tsunade Senju sat on her chair with her face hidden behind her plucked-up arms.

“Hokage-sama,” he greeted lightly. She returned the greeting and motioned to the seat.

“Come take a seat, Hiashi,” and he took the seat, placing him mere feet from her. And Hiashi noted the changes that age had brought in his long-ago classmate. Yet he found quite a few apart from the physical changes.

“You summoned me, Tsunade. Now I am here. So, tell me why did you send the summons?” he asked. And he saw her eyes narrow.

“I think you have a pretty good idea about why I called you here,” she said, and he felt her presence thicken slightly. Hiashi narrowed his eyes at that, his own chakra responding to the aggression.

“I am afraid I am oblivious to the reason you speak of,”—he said tightly—“So, why don’t you enlighten me about the reason I have been summoned.”

Her frown deepened, and she spoke up after a second or so of silence.

“I have heard rumors about the turmoil in the Hyuga clan…” but he cut her off.

“I am afraid that the internal issues of the Hyuga clan are not under your prerogative. As the head of the Hyuga clan, I can assure you that they have been handled as per tradition.” He replied in a stern tone. It was not the Hokage’s place to interfere in the internal matters of the Hyuga or any other clan.

“So, you wish to follow along those archaic paths as well,” She said in a slightly despondent tone, her eyes still bearing into him.

“Huh, I had thought better of you. But it seems that you have not learned anything from Hizahi’s death after all,” and the room thickened with chakra. His Byakugan activated as chakra rushed violently through his coils.

“Be careful of how you speak to me, Tsunade!” he snapped. ANBU surrounded his chair, all of them ready to strike him dead.

“Leave us!” she ordered, and the ANBU vanished once more. Though his chakra still teemed in his coils.

“Hmmm, it seems to me that I have struck a nerve,”—she said lightly, making him frown. She then leaned back in her chair, adding in a nostalgic tone—"but you have changed, Hiashi. Because the Hiashi I remember cared deeply for his brother. So deeply that he dreamt of changing his clan.”

And Hiashi ground his teeth at that reigning in his chakra.

“We must all wake up to the reality of the real world at some point. The traditions that have been established serve a purpose, and hence we must respect the above everything.”

Tsunade scoffed at that as she grabbed a folder and threw it at him.

“Are you talking about traditions like these?” Hiashi opened the folder with a frown, his eyes widening as he stared at the several reports regarding some of his clan’s depraved crimes.

“If so, let me assure you that I plan to root such heinous traditions out of this village.” At this, Hiashi looked up and saw the sheer determination on her face. He once more looked down as he turned the page, his eyes widening as he saw his father’s name in a report by one of the female branch family members.

“This has to be a lie! It has to be! Why have I never seen it previously!” he spoke up as he closed the folder. And the Hokage just shook her head.

“I can assure you that each of those is an official report. However, it seems that they were buried through the efforts of a certain council member. And with the restructuring of the Police Force after the Uchiha massacre, such reports were not even filed.”

And Hiashi gritted his teeth. Danzo had been colluding with the elders of his clan. For how long! And what could he do about it!

If these reports were publicized, it would not only destroy their clan internally. The sheer humiliation they would face would leave them with a tainted reputation.

“Due to the sensitivity of the issue, I have decided to put a gag order on them,” and his eyes widen as he heard those words. And she was still staring at him. And Hiashi finally realized that Tsunade had changed as well. And while many had grown up and accepted the status quo for what it was, she had not. She still stood by her ideals.

“And I plan to make an amendment in the village regulation itself,” and his eyes widen at that.

“But, I am also aware of the importance of protecting our bloodlines.” And she opened one of the drawers and placed a pair of hanafuda ssssssss in front of him.

“So, I commissioned these from the Uzumaki clan. I have looked them over myself quite thoroughly, and these will be able to replace that accursed cage bird seal of your clan. Moreso, removing the heinous aspects of it.”

Hiashi picked up the earrings. Examining the elaborate seals designed on them. And a small part of him was relieved as he held them in his hands. Relieved for his daughter had made some formidable friends. Friends who were helping her tear down the traditions, something which he had failed to do.

“But, before that, I need to talk to you about a certain council member and his role in all of this. And how I am going to get rid of him.”

And his eyes widen as he heard her words. So, she was making a move against Danzo.

And after thinking for a while, he nodded his head.


ZOSUI- Leader of Kusagakure

Zosui frowned as the village council bickered in front of him. Kusa, much like the other small villages, did not have a kage and was governed by a council. And while he did have a significant amount of power, it was not infinite.

“This farce has to end! We can not allow Zosui to destroy our Village!” one of the council members spoke up. Supported by quite a number of other members.

“Ending the alliance with Konoha was a mistake, but provoking them by putting such a bounty on a simple genin is foolishness!”

And Zousi’s temper rose. A simple genin! Fools!

“She is not a simple genin! She was to keep my nephews safe, yet she aided in their murder and then defected! SHE MUST ANSWER FOR HER CRIMES!” he snapped at the elders. Some of them getting cowed by the sheer vehemence in his tone.

It was nice to be the strongest person in the village! One of the older members got up and began to speak up.

“While the fate of your nephews was unfortunate, we must look at the grander picture. Much resources and compensation could have been extracted from Konoha through negotiations for that Karin girl. Ending the alliance and then provoking Konoha at such tumultuous times does not seem wise.”

And Zosui frowned. The council was not backing off. Perhaps, he could tell them about the circumstances of the bounty. While it was true that Zosui was furious with that red-haired genin, he had not put a bounty on her first. Kusa just couldn’t afford to do so.

But then he was approached by someone from within Konoha. Someone who bore a grudge against the same shinobi that had killed his nephews. And then he had proposed the bounty.

“I am not as foolish as you all make me out to be,” he began, and the council became quiet.

“While I can not divulge the details but let me say that Konoha will not retaliate and this comes from the highest authorities within the village. They will approach us for renegotiation.”

Murmurs broke out in the chamber. At least, that was what Danzo Shimura had assured her. That he would pressure Konoha to return the girl while negotiating a healthy settlement for his village, it was a win for him either way.

“Can you tell us the name of the person who gave you such ass…” but the words of the council member were cut off as a shinobi barged through the door.

“Who gave you permission to enter? Aren’t you aware that a meeting is going on !” Zosui snapped at the intruder.

But the huffing intruder’s words would startle him.

“We have just received reports from the border outposts.” He said with a sweaty and panicked face.

“ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN DESTROYED!” and hell broke out in the room. Everyone began shouting and demanding answers.

“SILENCE!” he shouted, his chakra dominating the room and subduing everyone. He then looked towards the shinobi that had interrupted them.

“Which border? And do we have an identification for the attacker?” he questioned the shinobi. The huffing man replied.

“It is the eastern border. The one facing Konoha,” and his eyes widen with shock as he heard those words. But the man’s next words would change his mood completely.

“And it is a single shinobi, according to the reports. It is Konoha’s Raijin Ken.”

And this surprised him completely. Fate had given him a chance. A chance to enact his revenge.

“WE TOLD YOU IT WAS A WRONG MOVE! NOW KONOHA HAS RETALIATED!” the council mebers broke out once more.

“I said SILENCE!” he shouted once more. And when the chambers was quiet once more. He spoke up.

“This attack is not from Konoha. It is just a single shinobi that is probably feeling overconfident. Do not worry. I will take care of it. And we will just have to get more from Konoha when we renegotiate! For the damages caused by their rogue shinobi!” he said with a smirk.


In the underground of Konoha. Danzo stood in front of an ANBU, an ANBU that was actually her on behalf of someone else.

“Lord Orochimaru grows tired of waiting. If the package is not delivered in a week. There will be dire consequences.”

And with that, the ANBU just dissolved into the ground. Danzo frowned. With Tsunade, his arms and legs had been cut off completely. He had a blackout on the information front. The last report had only mentioned the appearance of a new ANBU.


Apprenticed under the famed Hound.

This had to be Sasuke Uchiha. He could not have Orochimaru turn against him yet. He would deal with him after coming into power himself.

CLACK. He hit the ground with his cane.

Several of his ANBU agents appeared and bowed to him.

“I order you to capture the ANBU codenamed crow. He is to be brought to the dungeons alive.” He gave the command.

“And I want it done cleanly. No witnesses.”

“Yes, Lord Danzo.” And they vanished. Now, he should focus on the Grand Council meeting Tsunade had called for the next week.




Merry Christmas to all my dearest Patrons. This is a gift chapter. The regular chapter goes up on Tuesday as per schedule.