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Chapter 41


“I am sorry for not consulting you about this,” she spoke up lightly and Shinso-kun stopped in his tracks as he placed the dirty dishes back on the table and turned to face her.

“What are you talking about?” he spoke up. And while he may not have shown it on his face, Karin was a very special sensor. And she had sensed the slight shift in his emotions when she had seen her with the Hitai-ate.

“I know that you are not happy with my decision on joining the force,” she replied and she saw him try and speak up when she cut him off.


“KARIN!” Shinso-kun said with a bit of raised face. And Karin stopped mid-sentence and looked up to see him standing right in front of her.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, as I said to you that night. I will be there for you no matter what you choose no strings attached. No matter the cost, that was my promise to you.”

And Karin nodded, the words from that night still imprinted on her mind.

“And I intend to keep that promise,” he finished.

“But you almost broke it. During the invasion, I felt you give up. I felt you leave me. I can not lose you Shinso-kun. I just can not,” she said with vehemence.

“I am not leaving you, my red princess. You are going to pray to the gods t get rid of me,” he said with a smirk, as he flicked her forehead. Before he hugged her.

“I was just a little surprised to see your hitai-ate, that is all. Otherwise, all this is your decision, and I will stand behind you in any decision you make.”

And Karin could feel her eyes arm up as she leaned further into his embrace. His body heat merged with her own, and she could feel her worries ease up as his chakra engulfed her. Its presence calmed and reassured her.

“But what about the treaty with Kusa, they will not like this,” he asked as they separated. And Karin felt heat rise up in her cheeks as she remembered Tsunade-sama’s words.

“The treaty has already been voided according to Tsunade-sama, moreover she said that if they complained too much she would just let you loose on them.” And with her words, he burst into laughter.

“Well, this humble servant will be happy to protect the prince’s reputation,” Karin pinched his arm as he said those words.

“Well, but what do I get out of it, you can not expect me to carry out such a huge duty without any cost. So, what is your offer. With my rank this would at least be an A-rank mission,” and he wiggled his eyes at her mirthfully and Karin just motioned as if in deep thought.

And then she approached him once more and before he could react planted her lips onto his own, giving him a small kiss. Only realizing moments later what she had done, and getting embarrassed she began to look away.

Shinso-kun was also surprised by her action evident by the way his mouth was hanging, then he smiled as he held her face in his hands. The hard callouses, rubbed against her skin as he stared straight into her eyes.

“That was not nearly enough,” he said in a small amused tone as she saw his face getting closer to her own. And at that moment Karin chose to listen to her heart, knowing that it was the right time, and moved her own face towards his. Their faces became one at that moment as she felt her lips crash onto her own, leaving both of them gasping for air when they would separate eventually.



Hiashi Hyuga walked into the Hokage’s office. He had been summoned by the Fifth Hokage, bu an ANBU, probably to talk about the issue that had plagued his clan. The divide between the main and branch family had grown deeper after that meeting. And he had been forced to intervene in various disputes throughout the week.

He reached the Hokage office, pushing open the door he entered the office. And he saw Tsunade Senju already waiting for him, sitting on the chair of her teacher. Behind him stood another shinobi, and Hiashi recognized that face.

It was her new apprentice and Hinata’s teammate. The same teammate who had stopped the tailed beast during the invasion.

“Hokage-sama you called for me,” he said and Tsunade nodded as she motioned for him to take a seat. He sat down. And then silence reigned in between them once more. As she just continued to stare at him. Only speaking up after a while.

“You have changed Hiashi,” she spoke up and he frowned as he heard those words.

“What do you mean Hokage-sama,” and she just waved her hand as she continued to stare at him with her same disappointed gaze.

“It is just that your eyes have lost the spark. The spark which I often saw in them when you were young.” And Hiashi ground his teeth as he spoke up.

“Why have you called me here Tsunade-sama?” he said with a bit of anger. AT this she spoke up once more.

“I have heard about your clan’s troubles and how you have put your own daughter on house arrest for speaking her mind. Didn’t you have the same dream all those years ago, to abolish the division among the family? So, why are you punishing her for having the same dream,” she spoke a bit heatedly. And Hiashi frowned, pushing down the memories of his youth when he often dreamed of such a future with Hizashi sitting by his side.

“I believe that it is an internal clan matter. A matter in which you have no influence. So, if that is all..” and just as he was about to get up she placed a folder in front of him. And Hiashi frowned as he picked it up. Openeing it, his eyes widened as he read the contents mentioned in the report.

It had evidence of abuse and some illegal actions done by the elders and some other main family members to the branch family memembers.

“What is the meaning of this?” he asked in a raised voice.

“You just said that it was an internal clan matter, but if any of those reports get filed by the Police force, then it would become my business quite quickly,” and Hisashi gritted his teeth. She was right, if somehow any of these reports got to the police force the whole clan would be humiliated, and more so the divide between the two families would become permanent.

“Now as you may have noticed, those elders were being protected by someone along the council. But he can no longer protect them and if the ANBU decide to investigate, I will make sure that they are extremely thorough. This could become quite a scandal for your clan.”

Hiashi was aware of who had been protecting the elders. And the reason for his doing so. Danzo needed volunteers for his foundation. Voluntary, all of whom had come from the branch family. In return for a constant stream of volunteers, he had made sure the police force overlooked all their transgressions.

“Now that could be one way, but I believe that I have a better plan, a plan that you are going to like a lot more,” she said with a smirk. And Hiashi asked with gritted teeth. 4

“What about it?” he asked and this time the brown-haired kid took something out of his pocket and placed it in front of him. He frowned slightly as he looked at the presented object. They were earrings. Earrings with a seal attached to them.

“So why don’t I tell you about the new legislation I plan to pass? Legislation that you are going to support.”

At this Hiashi looked up at her, his mind connecting the dots. And he immediately understood the legislation she was talking about.

‘Regulation against application of illegal application secrecy and loyalty seals.’

This regulation had been presented first by the Forth Hokage. Yet it had been squashed, getting Vetoed by the Hyuga clan, on the orders of a certain elder.

“But what about the protection provided by the bird-cage seal. The clan will not accept such a legislation, more so after what happened to the Uchiha,” he spoke up and he could see her expressions shift at the mention of the Uchiha clan.

“That is why I am providing you with an alternative. A much better and modern alternative,” she said as she pointed to the earrings. And Hiashi looked at them once more.



Kabuto kneeled in front of his master. His new look still sent shivers down Kabuto’s spine.

“My lord, lord Danzo has requested additional time, saying that the new Hokage, Lady Tsunade seems to be hampering his every move,” and Kabuto heard his master click his tongue.

“Excuses! Excuses! He seems to have forgotten who helped him all this time. Maybe I will have to take care of it myself. Yes, it seems I must do this by myself.”

And Kabuto was still not used to hearing such a voice from the mouth of his friend.

“Kabuto arrange a meeting between me and him. Tell him to make arrangements by then otherwise, he can consider our cooperation ended.”

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru,” he shouted.

“And what about the Akatsuki, has there been any more news?”

Kabuto shook his head.

“No, my lord according to my reports they seem to have gone underground once more. Though we were able to confirm that an attack was made on Kumo’s two-tail jinchuriki, though it failed due to intervention by the Raikage.”

“Interesting. And has Kumo stopped their preparation for an attack on Konoha,”

“There are no reports regarding that my lord.”

“Hmmm, you are dismissed. Pass the message to Danzo on priority. It is time that I got myself a suitable body.”


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