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How did she come up with this idea? she thought as her new udder swelled. The contents within were heavy and thick, resulting in an udder that was solid and pulled heavily from her waist. Her breasts grew similarly - they were huge, weighed a lot, and were unnaturally firm. But even has her legs reshaped and her feet became hooves, a small muzzle pushed out from her face, her ears grew longer, and her head sprouted horns and a small tail sprouted from her spine. Meanwhile, her skin, rather than growing fur, began turning green, and then she started to sprout leaves and flowers all over. Through the green coloring of her expansive breasts, an orange blush could be seen through her tight skin. Pressure began to build against her long teats on both her breasts and udder. "Nngh," she moaned, gripping her breasts.

Marri simply watched, grinning as she anticpated what was going to happen next.

"Wh-what... what's happening?" the plant-goat struggled out as she clawed at her teats. Then, right when it felt like her breasts couldn't take anymore, her teats began to drip with thick, brown syrup. "Hah-haaaah!" the girl cried out as the dripping increased. Her teats were spewing sticky sap in a slow, agonizingly pleasurable stream. She panted, then struggled to stand straight up again despite wave of knee-weakening pleasure and the weight of her back-braking breasts. She glanced over to her shoulder at Marri, who was absolutely mesmerized.

The shopkeep swallowed. "My god, that's so hot!"

The plant-goat blushed, her cheeks turning orange through the leaves. "R-really?" she breathed. She was nearly done changing now, but her full focused turned to her breasts. She cupped them, barely denting the firm surface. Instead, she focused on one, pulling it with some effort so she could get her muzzle around her bright pink teat. As she maneuvered the breast, it spewed sap until she got it in her mouth. Her eyes went wide as she tasted the sugary sweet syrup she was producing.

Marri clawed at the table watching the girl drink her own sap. "F-fuck! Save some for me!"


Some requests make Marri lose all sense of professionalism.



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