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A blushing, petite girl sat on the far counter across from Marri. "So, a while back, I made someone mad, and they cursed me. They made me carry a large egg to term over the course of several weeks, and then I had to lay it," she explained. "B-but the thing is... I liked it. Like a lot. The feeling of the egg growing inside of me, and then eventually laying it... I-it felt really, really good! So... Can you turn me into some kind of chicken-hybrid, so I can lay lots of eggs?" she finally asked.

Marri smiled. "Sure! Eggs sure are fun, aren't they? Well, everything seems to be in order, so..." she starts, and with a wave of her hand, the girl's clothes disappeared and reappeared on the floor. The girl was surprised, but she simply brought one of her feet up on the counter and wrapped her arms around her leg nervously. Then she shuddered as she felt pinpricks up and down her forearms and thighs. Soon, they were coated in white feathers and her hands stretched into wings. She fanned them, looking them over as yellow scales coated her calves. Then she gasped quietly as she felt a small knot in her stomach. She brought one of her wings to her belly and noticed it felt unusually solid. In a few seconds, it began to push against her wing as it swelled. "O-oh! I'm... Already? So soon?" she asked Marri. Marri simply chuckled.

The changing girl was panting now. Her feet had morphed into three claws with a raised fourth pointing in the other direction, and a tail of long, poofy feather sprouted from her backside. Her hair turned white like her feathers, and a red crest grew from the top of her head. She wasn't paying attention to any of this, however. Instead, her mind was entirely focused on her growing middle. "Nngh..." she grumbled, her skin growing tight as her clutch of eggs pushed her womb to the size of a basketball and continued. The shapes of the eggs within her could be seen through her reddening skin, and her bellybutton had been pushed outward moments later. "Hah... hah..." she panted. "I-its too much! Why are they so big!? Chicken eggs aren't th-this big!"

"Mm, no. But chicken-human hybrid eggs are that big. Everything's fine, just relax and let the feeling of growth wash over you," Marri said soothingly.

"R-relax!? These things are going to rip me open!" she said moaned, panting heavily. Her burgeoning breasts bobbed with her erratic movement.

"No, they're not. You can take it. I made sure of it," Marri said, waving her complaint off.

"A-aaaah!" the chicken girl cried as the eggs grew to their final size. Her skin stung from being stretched so thin so quietly, but as she brushed her belly with a wing, it felt... nice. Her panting slowly calmed down, and she cupped her belly with both of her wings. She swallowed, then looked to Marri. "Is... Am I always going to be this big?"

Marri smiled devilishly. "No. You'll lay these tomorrow morning, and your body will start making a new batch, slower than these grew, of course, but they'll be ready for the morning after. After about a month or so, when you're used to it, you'll start having clutches an egg larger, on average. Then, every month after, you're clutches will grow by an egg until a specific amount where it becomes too much of a burden, then it'll stay at that much. You'll be quite large by then," she explained, chuckling. "Each clutch will only take a day to produce, no matter how big they become, so in a couple years, you'll be growing really quickly."

The chicken girl blushed, looking down at her belly. She brushed it carefully. "Okay. That... That sounds good, actually. She tentatively stepped down from the counter, testing her new feet and feeling the weight of her huge midsection. Carefully, she scooped up her clothes from the floor. She nodded to Marri. "Th-thank you! I'm... I'm looking forward to this!" she says, waddling towards the door.

"Have fun!" the witch calls out to her.


I tried a different coloring style for this. Not 100% satisfied, but I do want to try something else for the next one now.



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