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Hi everyone, just dropping in for a quick update. Some of you may still be waiting for this month's Creator's Corner updates and wondering what's up with the delays. As I shared earlier in a post last week, July marks the expiration of my studio lease. Between sustained composure and frantically looking for last minute housing options, I had hit a fairly persistent creative block with the ending sequence of my comic (as much as I hate to admit it - things looked better in my mind's theater than on paper.)

All this, has, in some small way or another, affected my production schedule. But the biggest factor for my delays, despite everything else, was the fact that I was running away. Running away from my professional responsibilities, or the inevitable state of change.

My studio, in all its brevity, had been a sanctuary I carved out for myself away from all the years of dysfunction that was my old home. And for what it's worth, it had been our little safe corner between me and my husband, in a country where laws primarily work in favor for the traditional heterosexual family model.

If you've ever gotten to know me well, you'd understand that I grew up struggling with the challenges of "letting go". This is one such instance where I knew I had to, no matter what, and face reality. And I had been running since the start of July. I fucked up big time, and just kept running in the opposite direction instead of facing this reality.

And now, having packed all my suitcases with less than a week left, I can't run anymore. This is the end of the line for my childishness, this is all the procrastinating I can do, and I am terribly sorry for the delays with this month's content cycle.

I cannot pretend that I'm not emotionally affected in some way, and as a result, it has been challenging for me to feign my "teacher tone" that I had employed for my first tutorial. I am still in the midst of coming up with some alternative solution for that. Personally speaking, I prefer the "production blog tone" better as it focuses more on present matters, than creating another bubble.

As for this month's monthly sketch rewards, I'm rolling over the production for it to the start of August, and top that up with September's rewards. Meaning, I'll be clearing 2 birds with one stone and getting back soon to my VIP patrons soon on the matter.

Rest assured that the basic Early Access comic page updates for August and September have already been scheduled and automated. Collector's Club updates will also be rolled out as scheduled.

I will be physically moving out on the 29 July to my temporary new place for the foreseeable 6 months. This week will primarily focus on migrating my workstation and files from my 9-year old desktop PC to my new laptop (again, thank you for financially supporting me and enabling me to do so.)

I will also be focusing on the new pages 25 and 26 of my comic that was not originally planned for (as I am currently over-running in terms of length.) I will have a better peace of mind once I can lock in the end sequence and start rolling out the second draft to my beta-readers for a test drive.

I hope to return with good news on the 5 August. For now, I'll just be keeping my head low, focus on immediate matters and try to recover from the production backlog. Thank you for your support, your patience and understanding.

July 2017


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