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Hi everyone. I've finally settled into the new room rental and set up my work space. It's not exactly the most ideal of situations, as I'm using a chair as the table and sitting on the floor while working, much akin to my situation back in August last year. This generally means that after long hours, my legs tend to go numb.

Discontinuation of Art Tutorial Rewards

It's been awfully stressful since the move on 29 July, and at this point, I'm kinda of emotionally numb. For the most part, the move was relatively sudden and I pretty much had to hit the ground running. As someone who's self-taught, it's always been a challenge imparting my own experiences and knowledge onto others in ways that make sense (refer to Kumatetsu in The Beast and The Boy.)

The art tutorials were an attempt to add value to my Patreon project experience and garner more support, however, that voice hasn't come naturally to me. In fact, it takes a very deliberate change of mind states to get done and has been impractical for me with all the overhead layers of work.

New Reward: Downloadable Stream Videos

With the funds I've gotten from last month, plus the fact that I now have unlimited wifi at the new space, I'm getting back to live streaming with a premium Picarto account. What this means is that I'll be recording production streams related to KAIJUICE and have them downloadable as a $5 tier reward. Given the limitations of the platform, Picarto doesn't store more than 12 streams, so it makes sense for me to archive the KAIJUICE in my own Google Drive folders instead, and make them available for supporters of my project.

 I'll be doing some streaming over this weekend to get a sense of what everyone's response is like. Still getting warmed up with the new Wacom tablet placements and all. Once I'm feeling ready, I'll be resuming inking work with KAIJUICE. 

For now, you can check out my channel on Picarto here:


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