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Remember - you can download this page at its original size (2100x3150) by clicking on the attachment below the image.


The inks on this page required the most reworking in Photoshop once they were completed simply because I rushed through it - simply because I was angry at myself for falling behind on my page production. But going through and fixing all my mistakes awoke me to the reality that my anxiety still really affects the quality of the comic if I allow it to. 

I'd like to think that we're finally "out of the woods," as it were, so for the rest of the chapter I'm going to try to train my mind to be kind to itself and cut off the worries where they start. I'm really tired of letting my anxiety dictate how I feel all the time. 

Ah - that got way more introspective than I originally intended it to. It was just meant as a lead in for some comparison of the original inks and these corrected ones for you to compare. 

Regardless, do any of you seriously struggle with anxiety?  What tactics have you developed to help you cope? What's something you wish you could tell your past self?

(Also, today is Yoko's birthday! Please tell her what a wonderful and talented person she is today!)




I've struggled with anxiety all my life! It used to be very severe (panic attacks once every 3 weeks) but it's much much better now! PM if you want to talk about it! :D For me, medication and counseling are what finally got me better, but my anxiety is a result of PTSD. I needed medication to prevent panic attacks, so that I could actually deal with my issues. I'd probably tell my past me to stop being a dingus about medication and get on it earlier -.-

Shield Generator 7

Happy Birthday Yoko! I love your special effect coloring! :D

Shield Generator 7

I livestream my game development, and I get nervous when hardly anyone shows up to watch me. Then I tell myself that I'm not doing it just for them, but also for me, and that it doesn't matter if no one shows up. Then I feel better and get on with my task. (if that kind of thing counts as anxiety?)


*hug* Happy birthday Yoko. I don't get bad anxiety just depression. There is too many things to tell my past self, but the main one would be to hang in there

Siegfried Pinzer

i noticed an error in the panel 4 th bow string goes behind all characters