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Not much to say today. Look at that there tree.



Royce Day

I'm sure there's absolutely nothing plot significant about it.


*also squints* Is there... a person under there? Or is the tree growing on top of a rock? ...why it yellow. (also Thistle I don't think he's mad at you don't worry!!)

Anne Welborn

That's just an ordinary tree, - nothing to do with the story Thistle.


Wait, is the rock under the tree growing? It didn't seem that tall a second ago... Good eyes, there, Thistle!

Jack Newbill

I dunno, Orrig. I think you'd look dapper with specs.


That rock is looking suspicious, THOSE BIRDS ESPECIALLY


Real talk, his wife would find him in reading glasses so cute


"I have a brand to maintain! As a barbarian, I'm already taking a risk by knowing how to read, do you have any idea how quickly my credibility would plummet if people saw me with glasses on?"


It does seem that the birds were disturbed by *something* moving suddenly.


Looks like there is someone under that tree