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And, uh, GOSH, they look GREAT??

If any of you follow me on any other social media channels, this is old news already - to be honest I am in such a state of shock at these things that I am unable to focus entirely on anything else... or anything at all, really. It just feels like things are happening really fast. I'm used to the slow-burn pace of webcomics, not this willy-nilly fan comic stuff.

5 of these are up on eBay with original artwork to raise funds for charity, but also with the ulterior motive of figuring out how much time and money shipping will take.

Afterwards, my plan is to settle on a price, how many orders per batch I can handle, and then offer all of you here exclusive first dibs on buying them. And as a Patreon-exclusive bonus, all orders will also be signed!  I would like to start doing this before the end of the month, but I am trying to allow room for burnout/unexpected events.

For now, my main question is  how much I should charge for each of these. I'm waffling between $15 and $20 - I chronically undervalue my own work so I'm trying to make sure I give it a lot of consideration. 

Thank you guys very much for your presence and support! None of this would have happened if I didn't have this space to share my self indulgences with you! You're the best!




Meg, uh, did you consult with Marvel on this? It won't get you in trouble with them will it?


*Sees auction* *Cracks knuckles* I'm getting me that fancy one!


This is something I've spent a lot of time thinking and worrying about, so I just want to make sure I take a minute and reassure you I'm trying to be as informed as I can about my decision and steps forward! Thank you so much for your concern! Digital distribution will continue to be Pay-What-You-Want. I've noticed that Gumroad has, like, a TON of listings for NSFW fanart of these same franchises with actual price tags, so I'm guessing there's a lot of leniency when it comes to stuff like this. However, if Marvel does take notice, the first step is always to warn the person that they should stop, not immediate legal action or punitive measures. At this point if I get a Cease & Desist I'll just frame it and figure out a different way of handling distribution.


Oh good! I was really wanting a signed one but those auctions are going high and out of what I can afford quickly 🥺 I love your stuff and will definitely be buying one!!


You can split the price difference and make it $17.50.

Top Cat

Don't split the difference, and don't sell yourself short. $20 is a fair price for it. Creativity should always be rewarded, and I've been a fan of DotL from the start. Let us know when you're opening the sales window, and I'll try hard to be one of the lucky ones to get one.

Michael Campen

20 bucks sounds more than fair to me. Also, ebay has removed the links to the Bail Project website? Try to fix that in your descriptions?


What's the page count? Depending on the size, $20 might be too little.


I went through and actually counted last night and it was RIGHT at 90 pages. A nice round number.


Generally, when you price stuff out online, people are more willing to pay a round number than an uneven one like this - it's more quantifiable in their head. They are also more likely to have exact change in their pocket if they carry cash with them, which maximizes the convenience for them - which is the end goal. Making things as easy as possible for the customer to buy.


I need 3. So when ever you’re ready...