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So here's a little Patreon-Exclusive fun fact for you:

I have a list of all the events and stories I want to do that happen in Book 2, and I've sat down with a list of those events and the World Map and am currently figuring out where geographically those events occur. It's very much a work in progress, and I am constantly revising it, but I'm putting down the path the gang takes all the way down the continent and dropping little pins as to where chapters will go.

The map Orrig is holding on this page is the most current version of that map. If you look closely enough, you can see little handwritten notes and stuff on it - those are my notes. Orrig is looking at a rather unreliable map of the future. 



Sean Shannon

Do you think once book 2 is done you will post a pic of the map in question?

Chris Edwards

As a reference, the word Orig says in panel 5 is "thanks" in Russian.

Mary Williams

Loooooooooooooove the worldbuilding! And no wonder he needs glasses to read it!


I’d love to see Brent yank that Drath-flavored line of thought and pound it with a rock then cut it with his sword.