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tfw when all the work you killed yourself to do didn't matter in the end

This is never ending and everyone, including the people handing off work to me, have it just as bad as I do. We're all in it together but it's still really hard. 

Thank you very much for your patience during my radio silence these past few weeks, but I have had literally no energy to do anything - my creative well is completely dry. Like, if it could make a sound, it would be the puffy dry cough of a dying car. I have nothing to give recently. 

To give you some context: my therapist has told me that they make a point of giving me no homework because so much of my self worth is tied into my productivity, and I am very hard on myself if I don't end up doing something on time or correctly or well enough.
But this week, they did give me homework: talk to someone about taking time off.

It still feels like I'm seeking approval or permission from people to do things, but I'm telling you this because I just need you to know that I'm not dropping off the face of the earth. I'm committed to this - it's just a really rough patch I'm in right now.




Do what you need to do, your health is way more important!

Royce Day

"...I am very hard on myself if I don't end up doing something on time or correctly or well enough." In context of my and Peta's worlds, you're Service caste, dear. You want to put your best into your work, and can't stand not giving it 100%. Do what you need to do to recharge your batteries, so you can do work you're satisfied with. Give yourself a chance to rest and recenter yourself. We'll still be here for you.


You do whatever you need to in order to take care of yourself, okay? We understand, you deserve nothing but goodness.

Mary Williams

Please take a break. I'm super grateful for the communication and all, but more important is you taking care of you! Your therapist is right on the money. Is there any way t all you can take a couple days off from the new job, too? Or would that just make things worse in the long run?


We'll be here when the well is full. Having just come out of my own hellish work stretch I feel your pain. Hope you can get the time off you need to recoup.


You are a wonderful, hard working, motivated and dedicated individual. Don't ever think otherwise if you could help it. Take care of yourself and know you have support here. *hugs*


You're great. I think this is the first time you've mentioned that you go to therapy and that's pretty great too and just might encourage other people to go to therapy or to admit that they are. We know you're committed. It's fine Also, I just love how your face went from glowing to fully melted and can identify with that.


Ohh, I've been there. When it's 9pm and you're at home on your work computer with a bunch of other people on a call and NOBODY wants to be there and everyone is tired and frustrated and trying not to kill each other because it's nobody's fault we're all in it together. Get that vacation time, and otherwise hang tough, it'll be over eventually!


Hoooo, everyone stuck at the office together in a late night pressure cooker is a BIG OL MOOD. I'm definitely taking a couple weeks off in about a month! I gotta finalize the paperwork and whatnot, but I'm really looking forward to it!


That is a terrifyingly awesome pic of yourself deflating, like mood but also jeez you got a lot on your plate hun, dont forget to take breaks and look after yourself