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Spielberg has his standards, and we are forced to rise to them.

This cool dude's name is Kyle Carrozza, please go check out his stuff, he's an absolute gem of a human being.
Kyle is the creator and showrunner of a really freaking fun and expressive show called Mighty Magiswords, and it felt really dang good to hear a dude who literally ran his own show say that he was feeling drained and tired because of our current job.

It's nice to know you're not crazy! I was convinced for a really long time that there was something wrong with me and I was being lazy and I was going to be a failure of a content creator if I couldn't get my act together and WHY DON'T I WANT TO KEEP WORKING WHEN I GET HOME FROM WORK ANY MORE, WHAT IS WRONG WITh but nope, turns out that this is just how this production is kinda going. At this point, I'm resigned to just riding it out, which unfortunately means that breaks like this are just the way it is.

I'm already running behind on my work for today, so I've got to make this short, but yes, I have to go on another break and focus on the job for a little bit since that's what's paying the bills, I'm going to try and pick away at Kickstarter stuff in my (almost nonexistent) downtime, heck, maybe I can stream some of that in the evenings here, that would be nice.

i am so tired

PS: Oh!! Also!! The trailer for the thing I worked on just dropped! Y'all who were around for this drawing know what I'm talking about! Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XPG2xEEOmo 




AHHHH! (I kinda got stuck at the two Ravens interacting and couldn't register anything else, though.)


Also have as good solid rest!


Take all the time you need!


You're definitely not crazy! I've been struggling with this with my day job as well. I've barely had enough energy to do basic things to take care of myself, let alone keep pushing at my personal projects. I'm glad you're taking a break! It's important to take care of yourself, especially when things are busy and stressful at work. Gotta recharge those batteries!


The Ravens and the Starfires have THE BEST relationships, it's amazing and I loved every second that I got to draw them


Oh my gosh, if you figure it out please tell me, I am dying there right along with you. Why is this so hard? Why can't jobs just be easy?


Recharge. If you feel like doing Spidey stuff or doodling or sleeping, do what you need to.


Sleep! Do good at work! We're fine. :)


Take some time if you need to. I frequently feel exhausted by work, too, and sometimes feel outright mentally paralyzed by the prospect of the things I should still do there and the tasks accumulating at home. I wondered if I'm just weak or lazy, not managing all the things - and the thing, that really helped getting back into being productive at these occasions is taking a break for myself; however small or big it turns out to be, breaks are important for getting on with things - as paradox as that sounds. That at least has been my experience so far.