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Hey, sorry for the silence.

This past week has been kinda weird - you know how when you see a scene about a shipwreck, and the protagonist drags themselves up from the shore and collapses into the sand for a minute, just lying there catching their breath? It's not really relevant or conductive to their survival, but they just need a minute to just... exist for a second, and feel the stability of the earth underneath them again. 

That's what this past week has felt like! I asked after an open Storyboard Revisionist slot, because everything I heard about it sounded like it was EXACTLY what I need right now, and this past week was my first one on the job. It's been like slowly relearning what it's like to feel normal again, and DotL is starting creep back into edges of my thinking for the first time in a really long while. I'm going to try and kick the comic into gear again this week. It feels like it'll be slow going, but I have some next steps figured out.

Thank you very, very much for being patient with me. I've been learning a lot recently. It's been interesting and very weird, but I'm stabilizing a little. I'm also working on the Pinky & the Brain intro, cleaning up drawings and such, which is very exciting, hearing that familiar theme song on repeat. We're also starting to get rough animation back from the studio overseas, and they look, and I am not exaggerating, absolutely incredible and amazing and everyone here had this moment where looked at each other in shock with the same thought: "Are you serious? We helped make this?" 

I cannot wait for y'all to watch this show. 




So glad things worked out for you!! Keep taking care of yourself!! 💖

Mary Williams

I seriously cannot +fav this enough! I'm so glad you're getting your feet back under you -- just don't feel like you need to jump back into DotL with both feet right away, you need to heal yourself first! I say this even though I cannot WAIT to see where DotL goes next!!!!! Please, please take care of yourself, FIRST! Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop!


I'm so happy and excited for you! Congrats!


I'm glad you're starting to feel better! Don't feel like you need to rush out DotL though. Make sure you're good and healthy before you start pushing yourself.

Jack Newbill

Go get it, Meg! eHigh-fives!




*plays angelic voices of bliss recording* Way to go, champ!

D. Alfonso

I love these little journal comics; they're so full of life even though you try and depict yourself otherwise. :) Good luck with the change!