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Well, you did it, Patrons. You guys hit and unlocked the Fifth Milestone this month, which means this Saturday I'll Livestream all the work I do for DotL. Right now I'm still figuring out the technical details, but the stream should start around 12:00 PM EST over at my Livestream Channel. Click the title of this post to be taken to the lifestream page (or just copy and paste the following URL: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7946807/events/3859687 ) We'll probably start with a webcam of me at my desk doing some pencil work, and then move to Photoshop at some point, depending on how much work I get done. PATRONS! IF YOU HAVE ANY ART REQUESTS, LEAVE THEM IN A COMMENT ON THIS POST OR ANY OTHER POST CONCERNING THE LIVESTREAM! I might pick my favorites to use to warm up!


March 2015 by MegSyv

Watch MegSyv's March 2015 on Livestream.com. NEXT LIFESTREAM WILL OCCUR ON 03/07/15 Lifestreams of all the work I do for my comic, Daughter of the Lilies, occur every Saturday starting around 12:00 PM EST. Saturday Lifestreams are available so long as I receive support on Patreon!



all the requests!!! all of them!!! or, you know, I'll take my usual cup of fluff and request a couples piece or something... cause dang it if I can ever be original in my requests. no, wait!!! I GOT IT!!! one of your unicorns with one of mine!!! just examining each other curiously. :3 it's perfect!


The gang trying to make chicken soup for a sick Thistle. 8D Also, I'm not sure if I will be available at that time but I'll try and make the stream!

Alan Evans

Requests, eh? DotL or Ponies! And congrats on hitting the milestone. :)


Aww sweet, though this week being the middle of midterms XD... still i'ma be there though requests? the gosh darn mostest cutest thing you can think of.


Oh man, the constant theme is ponies and unicorns!!! This makes me so happy...!


Oh my gosh, that mental image alone deserves its own chapter.

peter allen

aww well I'm going to miss out (it'll be 2am here in Australia and I'm working that morning), more from starbeard though! try putting it up on youtube when your done and ill watch it after work!