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I don't know why I even write scripts when I end up changing my mind so often. Last night I sat down and rewrote the next sequence that examines the entire Drath Summoning process, and I'm so much happier with it because of how much more grotesque and awful it is. My deepest desire is to make this as entirely unromantic and unappealing as possible. I don't know how much you'll be able to make out, but hopefully it captures that idea I was going for.




Mummy, I'm scared. This seems creepy o.o which is entirely unromantic and unappealing, great scott I'm excited

Shield Generator 7

that looks very grotesque. I can see why Thistle said no to this


Makes me think of Parasite Eve. Crunchy. I can't wait to see this in fully glorious color, freaky stuff like this is the best 0w0; (Ratformers, Rodents in Disguise♫)


Eh, re-writing is important because it means that you're working through it to be the best that it possibly can be. Sometimes you need to work things as they come. I think comics, particularly, online comics are really a lot different from novels. Writing a prose story and writing a comic story made me realize how different the two really are.