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I went to visit some friends in Pittsburgh this past weekend, because I've been feeling overwhelmed by everything I've been working on and I needed a little bit of a break. The friends in question are incredibly, mind-blowingly talented artists themselves, and it's very humbling to page through their sketchbooks. Their names are Julianna: http://queendirt.tumblr.com/ Andrea: http://naurs.tumblr.com/ and Charlotte: http://dia.smackjeeves.com/comics You can clearly see where the inspiration for this in particular piece came from - I spent the entire weekend just playing with my brush pen and sobbing uncontrollably because I would NEVER BE AS GOOD AS THEM EVEN THOUGH I THINK I FINALLY GOT THE HANG OF THE DUMB THING. I'm a little scared to post this on Tumblr or deviantArt because this will be the first official picture I'll have posted with boobies in it.



Shield Generator 7

what the?! I don't even.... know... what the... is going on... in this picture.... I can't tell if a wolf head is growing out of her back and slowly replacing her actual head or is she's turning into a wolf and growing a long beard in the process

Shield Generator 7

Also, to put things in perspective, here is a link to my deviantart: shieldgenerator7.deviantart.com (also because I love shamelessly plugging my deviantart). I think I'm fairly decent, but as you can see, you are still leagues beyond me. So just because you can't draw like them (yet) doesn't mean you're not a good artist


you mean to tell me that all the other girls you ever posted were stuffing their bra with socks!??? I've been lied to for all these years!!! all their boobs and cleavages were nothing but empty lies! to think, I yearned to learn how to draw such voluptuous bosoms from you, only to have my dreams shattered asunder by such gross, hideous falsehoods and untruths!you should be a shamed of yourself for misleading me so! SHAME I SAY!!!




That pretty much sums up my experience making this picture.


Daaaang, I love how you worked those lines!!