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The Legend of Korra 1x11 UNCUT Reaction | 'Skeletons in The Closet'

Full Length Reaction Guide

We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync.

Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen.

Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0.

Here are some popular ways people sync up the reaction with their own copy of the show:

  • Use a dual monitor PC setup to watch both screens simultaneously
  • Use the split screen functions on your computer/phone to watch them side by side
  • Chromecast / Screenshare one screen to your TV while watching the other screen on a phone or laptop
  • HDMI your laptop / tablet to the TV and use the TV as a 2nd monitor (not mirror display)
  • Use your Smart TV or Gaming console to play the YouTube reaction and your Phone/Laptop to play the show (or other way around)
  • Use Google chromes picture in picture mode to overlay your own copy of the show over our reaction in a smaller window size (Link to the extension here: ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/picture-in-picture-extens/hkgfoiooedgoejojocmhlaklaeopbecg?hl=en )


The Legend of Korra Uncut Reaction Book 1 E11

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



**SPOILER RULES**: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Please allow S&P the same opportunity you all had to enjoy this experience the same way you all were able to. *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* 1. No character/character arc spoilers 2. No future event/episode hints or spoilers 3. No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. 4. No spoilers that are outside of the flavor lore exceptions rule. 5. Minimal setting of expectations for specific seasons or episodes of content, especially negative. Too much of this can alter the way they naturally receive and interpret the content. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that is NOT explained by future episodes, but helps provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. An example being how Aang tends to fight defensively due to his air bender background, or why he is a vegetarian. !!ATLA+LoK Discussion Discord Channel!!: **We have a ATLA+LoK discussion channel on the Discord! If you want to discuss the reactions or the show in general with others in the community, spoiler discussion is ALLOWED there IF you use spoiler tags for content they haven't seen. We welcome you to join us!* These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -ChangDaBang -CheekyWalrus ******************************************************************************************** IMPORTANT MOD MESSAGE SPECIFIC TO LEGEND OF KORRA- READ BEFORE POSTING: ******************************************************************************************** If you want to say you dislike or like it **WITHOUT** going into specific details that's fine, but traditional spoiler rules apply for LoK. We must maintain BLIND reactions and opinions for the Legend of Korra content, just as we did with ATLA. That is what people are paying and watching these for. We are well aware of the heavy debate about these two shows. Please keep the ATLA vs TLOK debate and controversies to our community LoK discord channel AND ONLY THAT CHANNEL. We want those paying for Korra reactions to have an enjoyable time within the community and throughout this experience, and not have to sift through a bunch of hostile and aggressive debating or attacking the show. It just ruins the vibe and the fun, and if enough of it occurs it can also color S&P's reactions and cause them to be less natural, the very thing we are here for. Thank you!

Ezgi Cinar

loved your reaction, personally book 1 and 3 are my favs. love ur reactions!


"Don't touch my brother!" "We can't leave mom!" "Fuck my brother" XD. For me, Amon's character dies when they take his mask off. Could have been so much more, as I know the creators actually wanted him to be.

Oulianor Timothee

I feel like the United Forces defeat is somewhat understandable, with the mines and planes it was a formidable counter. With Tenzin saying the city had issues when he went to see Korra you could assume that Haroshi and Amon had been training, building, and amassing forces for years. The area where I feel like this defense fall short is the united forces should have been more organized considering it's a professional military force who should always be training and preparing. You could assume that the equalist wouldn't be as organized and efficient as the United forces. This gets into some missed opportunities they could have capitalized on if the creators were given adequate time and not having all the issues this first season's production had, but I'll leave those suggestions for the finale.


Hopefully they’ve seen the finale already because you are spoiling scenes that haven’t happened yet


They probably did and I didn't WTF. They showed him without the mask this episode.


You might want to read more carefully what I said in my comment because you're the only one spoiling stuff with yours if anything...


He didn’t physically take off his mask. They just shared his back story


Yes the planes were a brand new invention it seemed. Not to mention the episode mentions that there are multiple divisions of the United Forces, that was just the closest one so they arrived first.


Ironic choice of words for such a bold statement with zero reasoning or arguments behind it.


I agree that Amon had more potential, but I interpreted that scene as Amon being more fed up with his dad than defensive toward his brother.


Pudgey I love your shirt!!! There is so many things I can’t wait for you to see. Also, Pudgey totally just got excited over hearing Zukos voice in the last episode. She never said she thought it was actually Zuko, I’m on her side. Her reaction was so adorable. The whole point of watching the reaction Channel!!


Munir I think it was too rushed. I get they didn't have time, but if you haven't got the time to properly flesh out a character I personally prefer you to just not try at all. Just the mystery behind the mask was fine. And the whole thing about plastic surgery with Yakon is pretty stupid. What does he even need it for? No one knows him in the South Pole. They could have roll without that.


i just love the two brothers backstory, it’s so sad, and brutally poetic