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Hey S&P Fam!

To those who have been requesting we get a P.O box, we finally did it!!
Once we receive a few packages, we might do an unboxing live stream!! Check out the details below 👇🏽

Spartan & Pudgey
Po Box 8017
Oakleigh East, VIC 3166

Spartan & Pudgey ❤️💜



Are you guys planning to react to witcher s3?its been out for 2 weeks


Fortunately they already said they won't, cuz almost no one wants it :)


Damn i was looking for an excuse to watch it,couldnt get past first ep on my own but i would ve watched with them


haha same, its literally so bad, its a shame how the show went... another great IP wasted by the money hungry producers


when is lotr 2 reaction coming 😬


where is lotr 2 and breaking bad? :)


Lord of the rings incoming i can feel it.


Yeah they really mangled the show. It had so much potential. Too bad it wasn't on HBO instead of Netflix.


Harry Potter has gotta be next guys after lotr , it would make no sense to watch Star Wars first , it’s so long and half of them are bad or average, that’s a fact .


It's very possible to suggest something without crapping on other peoples things. I like both HP (which also has its issues) and SW a lot but I hope they put it off now just because of this comment. So unnecessary.


They should just do a poll. Star Wars Fandom ist the most courios thing, most only seem to like minority (3 movies) of main Story.


In my opinion some of the best Star Wars our there are the animated series ( CW, Rebels, Bad Batch ). They also add a LOT ( and I mean a LOT ) to the movies without changing them. Dave Filoni with Lucas himself did a great job adding context ( and a lot of fun characters ) to the main events that you can see in the movies.


@suddenImpulse. If people think D&D bastardized martins writing then they are gonna be really upset with Harry Potter. Literally missed the entire purpose/plot of the deathly hallows and ruined the ending. And they had the source material finished 😂


Your talking about deathly hallows part 2 , the most critically acclaimed film in the franchise alongside the 3rd one , god pls delete this comment right now.


Pls don’t compare issues in Hp vs SW , U do realize what I said is true and not only that but Harry Potter is more like Lotr so it makes sense not to switch genres completely.


U do realize that they haven’t read the books so that will mean nothing to them and if you haven’t read the books u won’t care about stuff like that so they’ll love it , it holds a 96 percent score on rotten tomatoes as well , but delete your comment before u spoil the film please 🙏.


So let me get this right. You get to make up compete bullshit to put me on the spot. Then I provide you with the reasoning behind it. A reasoning that is 100% correct and accurate. You then… with no argument left say it’s got good rotten tomatoes scores 😂 and then want me to delete it. Hold this L joker 😂


Hell Season 7 of GOT has a 94% rotten tomatoes score…season 6 has a score of 94% and season 5 93% the only season not in the 90’s is season 8. So the this show went to shit narrative after Martin left and they surpassed the source material isn’t so strong…


And im not saying they won’t enjoy it. Just simply pointing out that there’s tons of complaints here in regards to GOT and the writing deviating from the source material and going to shit. And that it’s funny those same things get overlooked earlier in the show and regards to other franchises by ppl. I could easily argue from both a-bastardizing the book and a shitty movie writing perspective how they ruined the major plot/theme for the final 2 films…


There wasn’t enough drugs on this planet that could make me understand all the time jumping in season 1


Do you know how stupid you sound? You are comparing a film that everyone loves and yes 99 percent of people love it hence the super high audience score with no writing flaws except for nerds like u who are obsessed with the book and can’t stand when there’s minor changes, to season 8 of GOT , a season that is hated universally by audiences and critics alike , Harry Potter is the best franchise ever because it has no bad films and im not counting trilogies so don’t even lotr to me.


Bro not sure why your so triggered by my comment to suggest that HP should come after lotr simply because it’s basically the same genre while Star Wars which I also like is soo different and it wouldn’t make sense bc most people only like the original trilogy and hate the other films while all HP films are great.


Lol this doesn't come off biased and unobjective whatsoever.


My evaluation of a show isn’t dependent upon the approval of others. What others feel about the movie is irrelevant to how I feel about the movie. I’m not stating anything that isn’t factual. They severely deviated from the major plot theme of the entire 7th book. That’s not questionably. I still like both the 7th movies, but it’s MY BELIEF, the movies ending is significantly shittier than the book.


I’m interested in how movies make me feel… I have no desire to ride the wave of popular opinion to feel apart of the crew and validated 😂


Also for the record. I wasn’t triggered by any comment. I simply replied to a comment from SuddenImpulse… it was you that then jumped on my comment