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Unfortunately, Game of Thrones will be coming to an end very shortly. Although it will be extremely emotional and sentimental for us, we are definitely looking forward to beginning a new journey with you all!

So, the time has finally come to find a new live action series to embark on!

As we are sharing this journey together, you have all played a massive role in allowing us to get as much as we do out of the shows we watch. Therefore, your opinions matter, so please vote down below!!

We will accept other recommendations in the comments below. Please write a series that isn't in the poll, and the comments with the most likes will also be considered. So, make sure you read carefully to see if a show you're about to recommend is already in the comments. If it's already there, go ahead and like that comment!



I’d recommend ”Succession”. Its AMAZING


breaking bad is ok. Realy overrated its a meh for me. But vikings and the last kingdom are 2 fantastic shows


Black sails


Breaking Bad is amazing. Easily up there with GoT, some would argue it's better. I think I would too.

Louis Melendez

The Expanse. One of the best shows ever


Even if you don’t do them next I highly recommend Succession and Mr. Robot at some point in the future


I agree. Succession is incredible. The business world version of GOT in some ways


Peaky Blinders is SO underrated. Please at least keep it on the list for future! Also: LOST (I’d really enjoy hearing all the theories and predictions!), Succession, True Blood, Vikings, Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, YOU, Black Mirror, Squid Games, Life on Mars, Fleabag, Sherlock! x

Kendra Loyd



The Walking Dead <3


I say this with love but yeah, I have to agree with many others that BB is not the best series for a reaction, certain big episodes sure but the entire series oddly enough feels much better just watched to yourself. Its a great overall story, it won awards and success for a reason, but its just not the reaction series I think you think it is. Anyway I don't see anything calling me to continue on Patreon from the list, but fingers crossed something fun comes up in the future!

Ross Davies

You is awesome


The haunting of hill house & after that; the haunting of bly manor. I loved these shows so much. And it would be nice to see a different type of show.


Lol I commented the same thing , haunting of hill house is one of the greatest written shows ever on tv.


Get your asses on Arcane


I would recommend some classics such as The Wire, The Sopranos, Band of Brothers, or Battlestar Galactica. From a point of view of most "reactionable" shows, those are way better choices than the ones in the poll.


Agreed! Would love a reaction to these. And they’re short seasons as well so 👍🏻


Andor. It's the most mature and serious StarWars story and has very good themes that even people who don't typically love StarWars can apriciate.


I thought I heard Spartan say he had seen Vikings already. Am I mistaken?


I’d love to see reactions to LOST and yes I think watching them come up with theories and all that would be so good! squid games and fleabag would also be interesting 😁


there are so many twists and turns in bb, dont forget got was pretty if not more slow when it came to action


Would be amazing to see The Last Kingdom or Expanse or even Daredevil.. As much as I love breaking bad I feel like it's a slow burn.


got is a slow burn as well but spartan and pudgey loved it, Im sure this will be the same


The Expanse or The Haunting of Hill House would be great for.you. Bb is overrated as a reaction show.


None of the above

Gabriel Barott

Peaky Blinders would be my pick. Written very well all the way through and the actors/actresses have some of the best performances I've seen in television.


Black Mirror is great, plus quite topical since the new series is coming out next month


What if you watched Better Call Saul before Breaking Bad? Could give an interesting perspective


Lord of The Rings trilogy! Heard you haven't seen it.


There are only like 7-10 reaction-worthy episodes in Breaking Bad. The rest of the episodes is the story being unfolded. Albeit the story is fantastic but it's just very slow and only has a handful of banger episodes.


Chernobyl is great for reactions. And it's really short


Yeah, they really should add these short series next to their longer term commitments like BB


It’s definitely more of a “review” show over a “reaction” show


Th last kingdom is SICK!


breaking bad could be good if a couple episodes at a time were merged into one reaction. Just to cut through half the watch time - as incredible as it is!! (apart from key moments ofc)


There's not much to react to with Breaking Bad, you'd just watch it and give your thoughts on the little that happened in the episode because it's so slow


Honestly, Vikings and the Last Kingdom are on a league of their own on that list. Breaking Bad is a good series to work in with others, but not a premier series to keep a giant following of subscribers longer term. Vikings or The Last Kingdom will probably keep your followers (especially the GoT fans) with you much longer than Breaking Bad will. Not trying to discourage BB, but I think in the reaction world, Vikings is just a must. There shouldn't even be a poll for it. But i will respect the pollsters. Good luck S&P!


It’s gonna be Breaking Bad. The people have spoken. 😎

Rey Jr

Didn’t you say that you want to react to animes ? If so I would watch Demon Slayer because it is the most famous one that will bring anime fans to your channel

Jonny Rey

I feel like if you want continued growth you’re better of selecting the option that will still be talked about in some capacity in the future with new releases/seasons. Unfortunately tho, the Peaky Blinders movie and Daredevil show returning to the MCU are still quite a ways off. Breaking Bad is a lengthy series and the hype has sort of passed although it maintains a loyal fan base and has a successful spin off show. Vikings has spin offs to transition into once it’s finished as well. The Expanse I would actually LOVE to see you guys react to but I would rather you pick something that will bring more people to your channel :) and it sadly doesn’t have the biggest following. So I guess it really depends on how fast you would watch the series and your plans for transitioning after it, (whether you wanna juggle more spin offs or not)


I hope the BB reactions are two episodes at a time. Very unlikely but some do that for series whose episodes are closer to 45 mins long than an hour. Almost all BB epsiodes are 47 mins.


I voted breaking bad as its awesome, however, I’d also love you to consider Chernobyl and band of brothers. Both are a mini series but amazing and definitely worth the watch!


To be honest these are mostly all great shows. BB is a must watch considering the greatness of the show, disagree with people saying it's not good for reactions - I've enjoyed every reaction I've seen. Peaky Blinders is incredible and probably best for reactions, with Vikings close behind

Jamie Maclean

Breaking bad but whoever said band of brothers I agree

Petteri Ahlberg

Breaking Bad at this point is the perfect follow-up 👌🏻


I think I’m one of the only ones who wants peaky blinders 😂 I’m from the UK and would love for you to react to something from over here ♥️♥️ If not next sometime in the future xx




My order of preference would be: The Expanse/Vikings and BB are equal (Although I believe you would enjoy Vikings more)/Peaky Blinders/The last Kingdom and I don’t care at all for Daredevil


My two cents goes to Bojack Horseman. Many think its the best written and most emotionally powerful show ever. And it is. Its a continuous show and the characters are beautifully developed over time. Its very realistic in the emotional and psychological side of the characters. You wouldnt believe at first that this silly ass comedy cartoon will end up being more real than enything else out there. Its funny, intelligent and gut wrenchingly deperessing. Certainly memorable. Lots of fuel for banter. Its also Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings favourite show on the platform. I think one can watch the pilot and decide for themselves, but it must be said that while the pilot and the season one is good, first half of it doesnt really present the best sides of the show and the second season ups the quality that will remain top notch untill the end.


Ooh I just remembered another one that I loved. I’m not sure if someone else has mentioned it yet and there are too many comments to scroll through but Black Sails was amazing on so many different levels and would definitely recommend it

Bailey Steen

Breaking Bad! Then you'll love watching Better Call Saul right after hehe.

Petteri Ahlberg

I bet you guys would love Ted Lasso like rest of the world 😄

Mama Browsss

Nothing will beat Breaking Bad. So glad you guys haven’t already seen it. Let’s go!!!!


Breaking Bad is a good choice. relatively short.




"Lost" Its a little older than the shows on the list, but it has a lot of the elements that game of thrones has especially as far as enjoying a reaction goes. Trying to figure out what is going on, what will happen next and they are not afraid to kill off some people.


More people need to be voting for Vikings. Seems like more their type of show. Breaking Bad just isn’t it


Same. I think ppl are being selfish by voting for BB knowing full well Vikings is their type.


I promise you guys that Vikings/Last Kingdom are 100% up your alley and you guys should consider watching them in that order (makes more sense on the stories/events they’re based on). I think the main characters from both series will as loved by you as some of the ones from GoT. Non-list suggestion would be Sopranos.


The Expanse is the best reaction show out of this selection.


Admittedly I would whichever you guys react to but I would love Daredevil.


Please don’t sleep on Daredevil y’all😭 if they did that AND the Punisher I’d easily be the happiest girl alive

Andreas Köther

Dexter seems appropriate because Spartan probably can identify with the Dark Passenger concept, considering his constant violent thoughts about characters he hates.

Matthew Felix

Unpopular opinion, I honestly don’t think they’ll enjoy breaking bad. The Last Kingdom and/or Viking I feel they will enjoy tremendously more






After ATLA, you should continue in the Avatar universe and do Legend of Korra.


Well… another poll rigged by Americans 😪


Yeah, Breaking Bad winning even though Breaking Bad is a pretty lame react series, it's good but not for reactions.

Demented Avenger

what?! It's great for reactions. There are some slow episodes, but are you joking? Crazy 8's death. Tuco and Hank. Hank against the twins. The plane crash. Gale and Jessie. Face off. Hank and Jessie. Everything to do with Saul.

Demented Avenger

Don't listen to people saying BB doesn't lend itself to reactions. I'm not sure where they are getting this from. BB has some of the most jaw dropping moments in television history.

Chaz D

I agree that it’s great for reactions but come on dude, no spoilers


we need mods deleting that response


You gonna just name off everything that happened in the show or? lol

Nancy Peterson

I’m not a fan of Breaking bad. Might ret watching with y’all though. Don’t sleep on The Last Kingdom, Peaky Blinders or Black Sails. Love those shows!!

ST00p Kid

Putting GOT or Breaking bad in a poll is a waste of time .. there fan bases are incredibly large.. I’ve never seen either show lose a poll … spartan would love Vikings


Vikings please!! It's so great and very underrated

Jamie Boucher

I’m sad stranger things is not on the list but excited to see what you pick next!


@SuddenImpulse030 pls delete this Demented Avenger comment that spoils BB


Best show from list Daredevil has almost no votes? So from the list Daredevil, maybe BB... Without list Black Sails. This one heal my heart after GoT ;)


The Good Place!

Owen Hargrave

one of the mods please delete this comment. I agree, there’s just multiple spoilers.


Oh damn, Daredevil got only 5%. That’s the only show I fully watched from here.


This comment section is the first time I’ve ever seen people describe Breaking Bad as “too slow” or “boring”

Sean K.

a series that was so successful that a movie and a prequel were made must have been really boring...


Yeah that’s pretty surprising. It’s definitely neither of those things.


12 Monkeys


The last kingdom so underrated 🥺


Please not Breaking Bad. It's a fantastic show, but it is sooo hard to get through and I was miserable when I was done with it. I promised myself I would never watch it again.


I'm pretty sure both Spartan and Pudgey would love Buffy and the spin-off show Angel. It's 12 seasons of the best TV that has ever been made imo. It's 20 years old but has still a massive fanbase.


it is widely regarded as the greatest tv show ever written. your opinion is not important enough to justify taking that opportunity away from everybody who would greatly enjoy it.


Love Buffy and Angel! Have S&P done Stranger Things?


Please not breaking bad, PLEASE DO PEAKY BLINDERS