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Game of Thrones Reaction & Review S7 E1 | 'Dragonstone'

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FIRST TIME Watching Game of Thrones! | 7x1 Reaction and Review | 'Dragonstone'

Game of Thrones | Season 7 Episode 1 | Reaction & Review | "Dragonstone" You read it correctly... We have NEVER watched Game of Thrones before! We are House of The Dragon fans, FINALLY starting our GoT journey! We are super excited for you to join us as we delve into the infamous world of GoT for the very first time! It's definitely been a long time coming... Buckle up, because it's going to be a long 8 seasons! Be warned, Winter is definitely coming... Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 10:23 Reaction: 10:24 - 39:35 Discussion/Review: 39:36 - 57:55 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #reaction



*MODERATOR MESSAGE - SPOILER RULES: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Spoiler comments will be deleted, and quickly.* *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* *1.* No show spoilers *2.* No book spoilers that don't follow the flavor lore exception. No debate! *3.* No character/character arc spoilers *4.* No future event/episode hints or spoilers *5.* No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. *6.* Avoid setting expectations with any specifics that can lead to them figuring things out they shouldn't, such as "it was good until X season", "don't get attached to x character", "wait until you get to episode X" *7.* No trailer, promo etc. spoilers. *8.* Please avoid discussion of the differences between the show and the books before checking with a moderator, or any controversies related to such in the last few seasons. Too much of this will influence and color their natural opinions and reactions. Let the reactors watch the show and craft their own opinions on the show through their own experience please. Just like all show-only watchers were allowed to when they watched this when it first aired. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that does NOT contain spoilers, to help provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. Explaining the Kingsguard's celibacy oath or how the last names of b-stards names work are examples. Be careful with this please!! *Join us in our Game of Thrones Discord Channel!:* Spoiler talk for the show and books is allowed here IF using spoiler tags! -We now have specific channels for all currently watched shows. You may discuss spoiler material in those discord channels, but you MUST use the spoiler hiding blocks. -If you are unsure if it is okay to post, ask yourself: A) Has the show explained this up to this point? B) If not, does it fall under flavor lore where it will not impact their reaction or experience in any negative way to know this info? +Any questions or concerns? Please DM a mod on the Discord. These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -ChangDaBang -CheekyWalrus


Jus got the warmest smile looking at the notification🤣

Adrian Neagoe

That Dany scene hits different after HotD

Martin Robertson

Cersei's not a battle commander, but Jaime is.


Black fish is dead, they confirmed it on the same episode they took Riverrun. He was killed by the Lannister men


Ed Sheeran was a surprise from the show runners to Masie who is a big fan of Ed’s.

Kendra Loyd

Please react to " The originals" I have been watching you guys for a while and I honestly believe you would LOVE this show ..I can already here u guys saying " what a weapon"

Alex sh

I do not like the darker background vibes. :) No hate.


It’s hard to go into that show without any context from The Vampire Diaries


Arya killing innocents by the dozen.


"i love the hound so much".....the girl he buries is the girl he essentially helped to kill. Like, how many times can the hound do something awful and get forgiven for it??

Kendra Loyd

Not really.. VD introduces them.. but the Originals give more than enough info to watch with having seen VD..


Not everyone was privy to the red wedding plan or even was a part of it when it happened. Yet all MALE Freys had to die.


Spartan like "A lot of storylines are DIVERGING" *Shows hands converging. Sorry just had to. lol


Were they not just celebrating killing the Starks a couple of episodes ago? Or did you forget? Did Walder-Arya just not state that they RECALLED them for another celebration? I'm sure there were some stragglers, collateral damage, but most of them likely weren't innocent and took part in her kin and peoples slaughter. .


It wasn't all the Freys it was the "all the freys who're worth a damn" so probably the ones who were complicit in the Red Wedding


I watched the whole thing and only am finding out right now that it has anything to do with VD, which I have never seen lol.


I think part of it is he is not conniving or backstabbing, unlike Cersei for example. The hound started as someone who just obeyed orders which was why he did most of the bad things in season 1. Then he wanted to sell Arya back to the Starks but ended up wanting to protect her and offered to help Sansa as well before he left King's landing. I really love his character arc. side note he is also just a good laugh in the middle of a shit storm.

Connor W

I don't think they were saying he's a good person. You can still like a character and acknowledge they are bad. At least the Hound has remorse and feels guilty for what he did.

erika d cannady

Yet all the male freys there were cheering for the demise of house stark 😂 Yea they deserved it.

erika d cannady

Because unlike SOOOO many evil people in this show. He shows remorse for his actions and that’s something us humans can empathize with.


Hello! I'm from Uruguay, Latin America, my English is not very good, I apologize for that. I love your reactions, you guys are great! and I wanted to give my opinion on something, I'm not hating on sansa or Jorah but when Jon tells Sansa that when she questions him in front of the other Lords it takes away his authority, it's the same situation that happened in season 3 with Dany and Jorah (and I think Barristan), you guys got mad in that moment because you thought Dany didn't accept be questioned but it wasn't that. By questioning her decisions in front of the Masters, Jorah and Barristan took away her authority, and they can't do that. Sansa and Jorah can question Jon and Dany but in private. And sansa will also have to learn that as Jorah and Barristan did.


Shout out to the Butcher's Boy.


yes this is a good point. In Dani's case, as she was not already known and respected in those parts we thought she should perhaps heed some council. In Jons case since he is already well known and respected and knows the STARK way, we feel as those this could be less productive. but i suppose it can be argued either way, we are open to that! we have also learnt a lot about how the GoT world works as we've gone further along the story


Tzeiggi "Hey, uhh...you, remember the people who helped us with baby-stabby dog-head night? Bring them all in I want to celebrate that shit again."


true but he keeps doing them. He doesn't learn. You can keep copping out with that excuse(not you, I mean the hound) but you realize that he feels remorse but it's something he brushes aside in the heat of the moment. Eventually, that's like a child who does something wrong and only feels bad about it afterwards. You've gotta eventually become a better person.


I think Cersei feeling betrayed by Tommen is normal and doesn't make her evil. Other shit she's done makes her evil.

Cameron Eldridge

Its not evil but it is shows that she is callous and arbitrary to the point of a sociopath. Calling it normal is actually a HUGE red flag, that is not how grief works for a mentally stable person. There is nothing wrong with liking Cersei but I really can't believe anyone would seriously call that reaction by her to be "normal" (unless when you said "normal" you meant "neutral" in which case makes much more sense)

Svetlana Grabar

I remember watching this the day it came out. That first Arya scene made me sooo hyped for the season.


Seriously, I love how Ned Stark’s kids avenged The Red Wedding. I know Jon is not technically Ned’s son but he raised him and that’s the only father Jon has known. Anyway, Jon & Sansa took back The North and Winterfell from The Bolton’s who were given The North by Tywin Lannister cuz Roose Bolton killed Robb Stark and of course Arya took care of The Frey’s. EPIC!

Daniel Siegel

We know Cersei is vicious from all the things she has done. For that reason we can say her anger and sense of betrayal toward Tommen is an expression of her pathological narcissism. But a person of everyday morality, trying to do their best in the world, can also feel angry and betrayed by someone who has died by suicide or even by natural causes. People feel many emotions when grieving, one after another or even at the same time. Grieving is a difficult process that is different for everybody. The healthy or “normal” person will pass through these emotions and hopefully reach acceptance. Anger in itself is not a red flag.

Daniel Siegel

I agree with Pudgey that Arya meeting the Lannister soldiers is meant to show her and us that common people fighting in these noblemen’s wars are not necessarily evil. They exist on a spectrum like everyone else. Remember the Stark men who Brienne and Jamie encountered at the beginning of their road-trip?


Euron’s swagger is what the show needed!


The issue is not that Dany needed council. The issue is that her subordinates *disrespected* HER by challenging her in public. And when she mildly rebuked them she was told to pipe down. Every ruler needs counsel. And every ruler will object if you, a counselor, challenger her in public. This is true in Westeros, this was true in medieval times, this is true *today.* It's not about setting. No ruler anywhere would tolerate advisers who try to talk over them publicly. It's profoundly disrespectful. Jon puts his foot down - publicly: yay! Dany puts her foot down - privately, in the gentlest of ways "I value your advice but...": Dany pipe down!


He didn’t help kill them. He told Arya that they wouldn’t need the silver he stole because they weren’t going to live through winter anyway. It wasn’t enough to save them.


I already feel bad for them ;(

Chef Nourhan Malik

Finally have time to watch, this was posted late last night and I had work early

Chef Nourhan Malik

“Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe” - a quote to live by

Chef Nourhan Malik

“You think you fooling anyone with that top knot … bald cunt “ that hound joke slash insult is epic even Thoros of Myr. him self laughed lol


I love how the butchers boy is still beeing mentioned

Hayden King

If you remember the Histories and Lore by Brother Ray from last season, most soldiers in houses armies are ordinary people who aren't involved in, or are even aware of, the politics of Westeros. Most are just normal people who are conscripted to fight. Also, Jon being called the White Wolf is because in Westeros bastards are allowed to use the heraldry/sigil of their fathers house with inverted colours to signify their bastard status. House Starks sigil is a grey wolf on a white field, so Jon's would be a white wolf on a grey field, hence the White Wolf. Sigils and heraldry aren't shown or explained in the show as much as the books so I wouldn't have expected you to pickup on this.


Good premiere episode to start off Season 7. It has issues but I really like this season.


Good premiere episode to start off Season 7. It has issues but I really like this season.


I was one of the dumbasses that didn't even think it could be Arya, I was just confused on how Walder Frey was back ahaha


You seemed surprise when Cersei said that Tommen betrayed them. That's true, he almost made her mother killed, stop talking to her, and sent Jaime far away so he couldn't support her. So yes he betrayed her mother.


Cmon Spartan! You’ve literally put horrible people like Tywin on your love list but never Dany. It’s okay to say you’ve never really liked her LIKE THAT😂 but just at least admit your switching


the thing thag really killed GOT for me was Cersei being on the throne LIKE HOW?? mf has no claim and no real power beyond holding Kinglanding (maybe)

a k

David Bradley played that first scene so perfect hated his character but what an amazing actor who got an amazing end.

a k

cersei is best queen anyway an so is lena headey also the best queen


It is because all heirs to the throne had died at that point so she became queen by default

Garrett Serbin

Man how could you both leave Theon off your lists every single time!! He is one of the best written characters & you two have some very strong/emotional reactions to his scenes. Takes you from Hating/Disliking him to feeling Sorry/Pity for him & then Loving/Liking him by the late seasons. & as a bonus seasons 7 & 8 dont torpedo his character & he gets a honorable death.