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Game of Thrones Uncut Reaction S7 E3 'The Queen's Justice'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen.

Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0.

These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video.

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    We hope you enjoy the video!

    Love Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length GoT S7 E3

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



*MODERATOR MESSAGE - SPOILER RULES: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Spoiler comments will be deleted, and quickly.* *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* *1.* No show spoilers *2.* No book spoilers that don't follow the flavor lore exception. No debate! *3.* No character/character arc spoilers *4.* No future event/episode hints or spoilers *5.* No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. *6.* Avoid setting expectations with any specifics that can lead to them figuring things out they shouldn't, such as "it was good until X season", "don't get attached to x character", "wait until you get to episode X" *7.* No trailer, promo etc. spoilers. *8.* Please avoid discussion of the differences between the show and the books before checking with a moderator, or any controversies related to such in the last few seasons. Too much of this will influence and color their natural opinions and reactions. Let the reactors watch the show and craft their own opinions on the show through their own experience please. Just like all show-only watchers were allowed to when they watched this when it first aired. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that does NOT contain spoilers, to help provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. Explaining the Kingsguard's celibacy oath or how the last names of b-stards names work are examples. Be careful with this please!! *Join us in our Game of Thrones Discord Channel!:* Spoiler talk for the show and books is allowed here IF using spoiler tags! -We now have specific channels for all currently watched shows. You may discuss spoiler material in those discord channels, but you MUST use the spoiler hiding blocks. -If you are unsure if it is okay to post, ask yourself: A) Has the show explained this up to this point? B) If not, does it fall under flavor lore where it will not impact their reaction or experience in any negative way to know this info? +Any questions or concerns? Please DM a mod on the Discord. These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -ChangDaBang -CheekyWalrus


Yooooo perfect timing 😌


time for the meeting Pudgey has been waiting for :D


Petition to convince them to do audiobook reactions for A Song Of Ice And Fire. You'd probably be the first to do it, and I KNOW so many of us would do anything to go through this experience with you, especially that at this point the VAST majority enjoys your discussions more than the episode reaction itself, which indicates that going through the nostalgia of reading the books after having watched the show and listening to your thoughts on the "memories" of this world and the many many storylines that didn't make it to the show (or got butchered along the way), would be a big success for your channel and a very enjoyable thing for us. Maybe you'd be responsible for lunching a new form of reaction, audiobook reactions, who knows. No pressure, think seriously about it and see if you could put this together and monetize yet another phenomenal experience in this world that GRRM created. Doesn't have to be now since you're most probably starting Breaking Bad, but at some point maybe. What does everyone else think? I'm HDN and this was my TED talk about pleading my case for more Westerosi content and thank you.


Depends. What do you mean by audiobook reaction? Same as show reactions except it's audiobook? Or do you mean videos of their post-chapter discussions (after every chapter or every few chapters)? I've seen and enjoyed other people do the latter. Never considered the former, and given how long the books are, I'm kinda skeptical that this would be worthwhile content. But I'm willing to be convinced!


@Julien shockingly, the audiobooks are not that long. the first book is about 33 hours if we're talking about the original narrator. I'm not sure about the format, I personally would be willing to listen to the whole audios cause i've enjoyed each chapter of the books, and others who have not read them and who do not usually read books would enjoy listening to them with S&P. It could be a screen of the pages + the narration. Or if it's not a good idea to stream the whole thing they could edit out the "boring" parts (and the ones identical to the show and where nothing big happens). This needs thinking and further planning but I imagine it'll resemble the history and lore videos. These are not popular cause they contain heavy lore, but books are amazingly written and easy to enjoy. I think we'll much enjoy their reactions to the books and the discussions that come with them (if they were to discuss after each chapter or 2).


Haven't watched yet but Spartan's reaction to Dany's welcome of Jon should be... interesting 😂


RIP Queen of Thorns

Nate Terry

Although I despise Super Karen, I mean, Cersei just as much as Spartan does. However, in this episode, I actually agree with cersei's punishment. The Snakes killed Marcella(an innocent girl) just for spite. She deserved capital punishment. Her daughter also helped murder the prince of Dorn(a good man). she too deserved punishment. It's just sad that Cersei gets to be the one to dish it out.


@HDN 33 hours for just the first book is not that long? Even if it is cut down, that would be a LOT of work to edit. Could be a fun idea but maybe a bit too impractical.


@Munir If they were to film their reaction, they can just include the important chapters. It's relatively easy to narrow it down to chapters with original plot lines or plot lines that are too important (Ned's death, Red wedding, etc). They can just include those and say a few of the nostalgic ones. And the weight of the video would be in the discussion like everyone else does in ASOIAF related videos/reactions. It's not totally easy for sure, but it's something to discuss, nothing undoable IMHO.

Nate Terry

The problem with cersei is that she throws all of Westeros into war just because of her own selfish wants and desires. She is hated by the ppl in the very city she rules in. everything she does is selfish. I can't think of one act she has done in past 6 seasons that wasn't for her own self interests...?

Jenny Tolls

Jaimie's armor looks so badass!


This is the episode where I started disliking dany , acted so entitled for no reason and also I dislike cersei alot but thought she was justified in killing ellaria who literally killed her daughter for no reason , and back to Dany , U guys have every right to dislike how dany acted in that scene , every reactor does and great reactions btw guys❤️


Tyrion "is there anything I CAN do for you?" Jon ".... oh yeah, the entire reason I came here!" Varys and Mel's scene was great and as always, beautifully shot. I love Jorah's scene too, "I just started feeling better" is gold :D Battle strategies on both sides are all over the place, best not to think about them too deeply


Pour one out for my favorite character. RIP Queen of Thorns


Lol the only people who call jon boring are dany stans, literally 90 percent of reactors have jon as their favourite character.


Dany is my favorite character but I still love Jon

Kyle Thompson

Yeah I hate Cersei more than everyone else in this story but Ellaria had it coming. The ironic part is even Oberyn would have been disgusted with Ellaria for murdering myrcella. He didn't believe in harming children for there families crimes


I love how the Dragons fly over John Snow when he says I am not a Stark.


I disagree that Cercei is worse than Ramsey. Yes she was VERY sadistic and I agree with Spartan she is like Ramsey in a way. But come on, Ramsey flayed people and hunted people as a hobby. He enjoys murdering and Cercei enjoys destroying her enemies yk


Find someone who loves you as passionately as Spartan hates Cersei


Spartan's logic is backwards. He said at least stanis had a good reason. Dude burned his own daughter at the stake in front of everyone for a sacrifice for a witch. Sandsnakes murdered Cercei's innocent daughter cause she's a lannister so Cercei got revenge for her daughter. I think Cersei had better reason but maybe my logic is backwards. That's why I like watching reactions though because people can view exact same thing totally different.


Rip Olenna, you were a real one. And of course, she was right, Joffrey WAS a cunt. Speaking of cunts, my goddddd i hate Urine. At least i kinda loved to hate Joffrey and Ramsey. This guy though is so annoying and cringey at all times.


Jamie got Randall Tarley to turn on Ollena. Tarley was the leader of the High Garden forces. That's why we didn't see much of a fight. Most of the Terrell army was fighting with Jamie.


This was my favorite episode of season 7. Every location had amazing moments and i just love how they gave cersei, the biggest underdog going into this war, an winning streak. 3:0 for cersei.


I am so impressed how quick you understand what is going on. You know all the names, you recognise almost every face. As a GOT fan it is very satisfying to watch your first time reactions to this show. Now to this episode: Well it almost sucks. The scenes in Oldtown with Samwell still feels like GOT, Littlefinger is still Littlefinger but... The chemistry between Jon and Dany are so bland and boring. We had six fucking seasons with great great built-up for both of them. Now they FINALLY meet after 60-something episodes. And it just feels so... off. I´l almost fall alseep when Jon walks around on Dragonstone and with that being said Jon is maybe my favorite character. The dialogues in almost every scene in these three episodes of S7 feels more like an episode of The Walking Dead or Daredevil (Daredevil was a good show but it was - of course - no way near the levels of GOT). I really want to know what happened with the direction and how the showrunners talked behind the scenes because many of the scenes are... maybe not laughable but when you compare to the early seasons it almost feels like it would be impossible for this show to make this U-turn. Sorry for my bad english and sorry for all the complaining. I´m from Sweden and I almost never write in english... Well fuck Euron, fuck Cercei, fuck the manuscript of the first three episodes of S7. PS. Still love your reactions!


Sansa was likely freaked out by Bran because Bran saw what Ramsey did to her. A bit of unfortunate/broken privacy there, something along those lines.


Ignore the haters that have been complaining for literal years. It’s a phenomenal show. I love your reactions and I CAN NOT wait for the next 2. Don’t make us wait to long!


Jon: The Dead are coming to kill us all. Dany: Let me tell you my life story real quick. Jon and Audience: Yeah, but what has that got to do with anything Jon said?


Glad Cersei got this revenge. Sand snakes and Ellaria deserved it.


A bit shallow that the bank of braavos would finance the slave trade after all that braavos was built on.


Ending scene is one of the greatest scenes in television IMO


Nah Theon finally thought for himself and abandoned ship, remember Yara literally told Theon either forget your trauma or kill yourself if you won’t serve me. Theon should’ve abandoned her the moment she said that.


Davos should want some words with Tyrion, yanno, the man responsible for burning his son to death, for burning his men to death. I know war is war but everyone else brings up the past, so why does Davos just make a sly remark about him being unlucky? He lost A LOT.


Yeah let’s stop the guy listing off all the reasons why you should trust Jon right as he’s about to point out the single biggest reason, after all the one who brought him back is still fucking there. They can easily cross reference and establish a LOOOOOT more trust in him. But nah we need Dany to girl boss and ignore everything Jon says cuz “it’s my throne”.


honestly dont understand the level of hate for cersei lol, obviously she's an evil and hateable character, but she's one of the more "gray" villains. Joffrey, Ramsey, Walder Frey, Euron have 0 redeeming qualities. Cersei at least feels like she's "there" in the head if that makes sense? I guess Frey too, but he's a coward and deserves no respect. Don't get me wrong, she's a despicable person, but the level of hate is a little weird to me lol


Banks are like that 🤷‍♀️


the scene at the end is one of my favorites. absolutely incredible.


You are judging this with viewer information not character information and perspective

erika d cannady

If Cersei did her own dirty work then you'd probably put her up there with the non grey villains. But the fact that she doesn't do her own dirty work makes her seem as though she's got her hands clean.


Her most traumatic moments were witnessed by Theon AND her actual, younger brother. PTSD triggered like CRAZY there. I think she’s reliving that trauma when she walks away looking upset. That was the tree where her marriage started, it was snowing again, and she had these terrible traumas crammed into a box after she saw Ramsay die. But people who live through what she did never get to completely stop living through it. But she doesn’t have time to work through her feelings. She’s got a kingdom to prepare for war.


Spartan: Kneeling / bending the knee can have more than one meaning


Truth. In America, we say we’re proud to have abolished slavery, but we still support it in other forms; I.e., publicly-traded companies using unethical or child labor here or abroad to make better profits. Humans are generally selfish and hypocritical, both on this show and IRL.


Remarkable restraint there. But Davis proved, by waiting to demand justice for Shereen until the battle of the bastards was finished, that he knows there’s a time and a place to bring shit up. Right now, this isn’t about him. It’s about the army of the dead. Mel left because she said her presence would be a distraction, and she understood how crucial this meeting is. Same goes for Davos. It’s distracting to get upset about your one dead child when you’re trying to make the point that everyone’s living child, adult or not, is about to become a zombie. I think it says a lot of good things about Davos that he held his tongue here. There’s far too much at stake. Davos is patient and WISE and doesn’t want other parents suffering.


Cersei doesn't really have any redeeming qualities either. Unlike Joffrey/Ramsay, she doesn't enjoy hurting people for the fun of it, she is always motivated by either revenge or destroying her enemies. Cersei's problem is that she sees EVERYONE as her enemy, she doesn't have any friends. All she sees are enemies who need to be defeated and potential enemies who need to be manipulated. A grey villain needs to be at least somewhat sympathetic, it's very hard to have any sympathy for Cersei. Respect her ability to play the game though - she is a great villain.


I agree with Pudgey that it’s so satisfying to see worlds collide, like Sam and Jorah bonding. That is hands-down, 100% my absolute favorite thing about this season. Even if one isn’t into WHAT the characters are doing or WHY they’re doing it, the crossover conversations that happen give sweet, sweet emotional payoff. The unexpected conversations/interactions are so fab!


Joffrey doesnt get his hands dirty either - ros is the exception. The reason she is more sympathetic is her love for her children.

Katie Thomas

Well it seems pretty obvious that from Her mother’s untimely death, her father’s neverending ambition at the cost of his paternal love and instinct, a witch telling her as a child that her children were going to die, and then being in an arguably abusive relationship for 17 years, that she would be paranoid and see enemies and danger everywhere. I find her extremely sympathetic


I love Season 7 so much.

Rey Jr

@Katie Thomas. Yeah I think Cersei is an extremely complex and good written character. She is definitely a bad human. Still I think the most things she did the last two seasons were kinda reasonable. Killing Ellaria and the High Sparrow. She mostly just destroys her enemies


I understand your hatred towards Cersei, but your justification is often quite off. Especially when you compare her to Stannis. Yes, you are right, Stannis had a good heart but his actions led to the death of Shireen, Selyse (his wife) and Renly far more actively than Cersei's actions led to the death of her children. And while I think, Cersei was cruel to Elaria, I can't help but feel some weird sort of sympathy for her. I mean, it was Elaria who killed a good and innocent girl. Cersei might not have deserved to have this moment but the fate of Elaria and her not so innocent daughter was quite fitting as punishment.


@erika d cannady not really. joffrey didnt do his own dirty work. walder frey didnt.


@Rey Jr that's what im saying, like she's done some detestable stuff but cmon, her actions toward those 2 aren't entirely straight up evil, I feel she had a good reason for doing it (even if she basically brought it upon herself lol)


The sand snakes are as bad/worse as Cersei. They killed the prince to start season 6 too for no reason. I understand that Cersei is more bad than good but I think there’s some missing perspective here compared to actions taken by other groups which are hand waved.


I don’t know! I have rewatched seasons 6-8 more than other seasons because I’ve read all the books, so I enjoy the non-book more on rewatch because it’s “new.” I consider the books and show to be two different things, so while I’m a huge ASOIAF fan, I can separate the two from each other. I also love the way the show ended. Enough said on that. But perhaps season 4 is my favorite? It’s like asking me which of my children I love best. lol

Eshwar Tangirala

Nah dude shes a psychopath, she deserves as much hate as anybody, she even admits she is crazy and doesnt do anything about it other than kill people, why would she deserve sympathy for especially when she was handed everything growing up.


Is it just me or did they slow down their uploads this last week?

Rey Jr

Yeah I thought we are getting more uploads since they went full time


I gather from other comments from mods that the editor(s) is/are getting "trained," so to speak. SnP seem to be very meticulous and deliberate in how they run this stuff so it makes sense that things take time.


Yeah I think they’re just ironing out the creases but then it’s smooth sailing from there 😊


The scene with Ellaria and her daughter is very reminiscent of how the Mad King set up the death of Ned’s father and brother, in that we were left with that final visual of the two of them straining to get to each other. I think it was supposed to invoke a sense of that scene. And it does demonstrate how much Cersei takes pleasure in torture and revenge. They even show that it gets her sexually aroused. But it still really bothers me how much the entire Dornish plot line was destroyed by the show. I really enjoy those chapters and those characters in the books. And Ellaria’s character is so terrible compared to the woman who wants an end to the cycle of revenge that drives so many of the Martell family in the books. The show Sand Snakes are cartoon caricatures of the characters in the books. It is really sad. And of course the Greyjoy story is also completely different for everyone of the Greyjoy characters. But the saddest thing IMO is that they don’t have book Jamie’s story to compare to the show. I know they would be SO much happier with the way that the character goes in that format. I did really enjoy their enthusiasm at Jon and Daenerys initial meeting. It was fun to finally see their reaction to that interaction. I am really looking forward to their reactions to the rest of this season!


probably, it's been over 4 days since this last upload, very weird but since the show is coming to the end it doesn't really matter.

Reaction Junkie

I am shamelessly checking Patreon every few hours. 4 days has me going thru S&P withdrawal.


@Reaction Junkie That is why we really need a schedule. This is exhausting


No they did not. Its 2 episodes every week per show (4 across shows per 7 days). Like always. Go look back at the uploads. If there is a slight delay in the edited reactions its because the are getting their new editors up to speed with their editing style which requires some back and forth with notes and revisions.


@MO You can setup Patreon to give you e-mail notifications for uploads. No need to check the website daily.


I will not blame Cersei for killing Ellaria's daughter. Ellaria murdered her. Its like eye for an eye. You hate Cersei too much? You can't understand why she is angry and why she did it. She did it for her daughter and of course for herself. Everyone in this show would do it.


Is it just me or the reaction is a tad slower than my version? I have to keep pausing to sync it up


i have the same issue, i searched it up and found out that the UK version and US version are slightly different in speed due to reduced frames so the UK version (for me) is slightly sped up which sucks. so you will have to find an original version somewhere online, unfortunately the original speed version may not be available on streaming platforms depending on your region.

SuddenImpulse (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 21:43:58 @Anthony Brown @Jinzo They watch the US HBO MAX version. Jinzo is correct that are international versions with slightly different speed. We found you can adjust the timing for these to get them in sync by changing the playback speed. You can find this on the bottom right corner below the youtube video by clicking the gear icon. We had to sort this issue out for some of our members when we discovered this was an issue during season 1 reactions. Please DM me or another mod on discord if you continue to have issues with this and we will help you find the correct speed. It's an annoying issue that HBO created with this show, and is part of the reason S&P react to the most viewed/widespread version. We want to make sure our patreons are getting what they are paying for without hassle. So please don't hesitate to DM one of us on discord and we will be happy to provide you with 1 on 1 assistance if need be.
2023-06-08 03:09:45 @Anthony Brown @Jinzo They watch the US HBO MAX version. Jinzo is correct that are international versions with slightly different speed. We found you can adjust the timing for these to get them in sync by changing the playback speed. You can find this on the bottom right corner below the youtube video by clicking the gear icon. We had to sort this issue out for some of our members when we discovered this was an issue during season 1 reactions. Please DM me or another mod on discord if you continue to have issues with this and we will help you find the correct speed. It's an annoying issue that HBO created with this show, and is part of the reason S&P react to the most viewed/widespread version. We want to make sure our patreons are getting what they are paying for without hassle. So please don't hesitate to DM one of us on discord and we will be happy to provide you with 1 on 1 assistance if need be.

@Anthony Brown @Jinzo They watch the US HBO MAX version. Jinzo is correct that are international versions with slightly different speed. We found you can adjust the timing for these to get them in sync by changing the playback speed. You can find this on the bottom right corner below the youtube video by clicking the gear icon. We had to sort this issue out for some of our members when we discovered this was an issue during season 1 reactions. Please DM me or another mod on discord if you continue to have issues with this and we will help you find the correct speed. It's an annoying issue that HBO created with this show, and is part of the reason S&P react to the most viewed/widespread version. We want to make sure our patreons are getting what they are paying for without hassle. So please don't hesitate to DM one of us on discord and we will be happy to provide you with 1 on 1 assistance if need be.

diego duffeler

tbf you can understand why someone does something, and hate them for doing that thing at the same time.. i don't think they are unaware of why cersei did what she did


Me either but it is entertaining to watch Spartan watch Cersei win over and over


7 is fun. It's a lot of fan service but I'm here for it. 6 has so many amazing episodes in it. Honestly it's just season 8 that sucks IMHO