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Game of Thrones Reaction & Review S6 E6 | 'Blood of My Blood'

Enjoy the edited reaction!

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FIRST TIME Watching Game of Thrones! | 6x6 Reaction and Review | 'Blood of My Blood'

Game of Thrones | Season 6 Episode 6 | Reaction & Review | "Blood of My Blood" You read it correctly... We have NEVER watched Game of Thrones before! We are House of The Dragon fans, FINALLY starting our GoT journey! We are super excited for you to join us as we delve into the infamous world of GoT for the very first time! It's definitely been a long time coming... Buckle up, because it's going to be a long 8 seasons! Be warned, Winter is definitely coming... Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 13:48 Reaction: 13:49 - 38:41 Discussion/Review: 38:42 - 48:32 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #reaction


Martin Robertson

Nice to finally meet someone who makes Tywin Lannister look like a decent father, isn't it?

Casein Nitrate

9:10 I don't think Varys saw Danny as a pontentially good leader for the realm until later when she really became a leader, freed the slaves etc. and Drogo died


*MODERATOR MESSAGE - SPOILER RULES: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Spoiler comments will be deleted, and quickly.* *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* *1.* No show spoilers *2.* No book spoilers that don't follow the flavor lore exception. No debate! *3.* No character/character arc spoilers *4.* No future event/episode hints or spoilers *5.* No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. *6.* Avoid setting expectations with any specifics that can lead to them figuring things out they shouldn't, such as "it was good until X season", "don't get attached to x character", "wait until you get to episode X" *7.* No trailer, promo etc. spoilers. *8.* Please avoid discussion of the differences between the show and the books before checking with a moderator, or any controversies related to such in the last few seasons. Too much of this will influence and color their natural opinions and reactions. Let the reactors watch the show and craft their own opinions on the show through their own experience please. Just like all show-only watchers were allowed to when they watched this when it first aired. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that does NOT contain spoilers, to help provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. Explaining the Kingsguard's celibacy oath or how the last names of b-stards names work are examples. Be careful with this please!! *Join us in our Game of Thrones Discord Channel!:* Spoiler talk for the show and books is allowed here IF using spoiler tags! -We now have specific channels for all currently watched shows. You may discuss spoiler material in those discord channels, but you MUST use the spoiler hiding blocks. -If you are unsure if it is okay to post, ask yourself: A) Has the show explained this up to this point? B) If not, does it fall under flavor lore where it will not impact their reaction or experience in any negative way to know this info? +Any questions or concerns? Please DM a mod on the Discord. These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -CheekyWalrus


Honourable mention for the children of the forest! Their entire species was wiped out 🥹


Fun fact: For the scene at the sept they had to get a specially trained horse for Jaime that could walk up stairs. Apparently most horses won't.


Do we know this for fact? That those by the cave are literally the last of them?


That weird copy & paste Jaime head wasn't too great though. Cracks me up every time.


I guess they thought it worked so well for Cersei’s walk of atonement…?


Lol I thought that one was ok, at least for me. Didn't stand out to me, only noticed when pointed out online after the episode. But Jaime... 🤦‍♂️


Pudgey I'm gonna need you to drop the hair products you use

Jonny Rey

Hey Spudgie! I’m curious if you guys recognized Jorah’s actor from playing Bruce Wayne/Batman on Titans!? Or did you not remember Titans well enough to make that connection when you first saw him on GOT? For me, it kinda added to my love for Jorah, knowing he’s Batman in a different universe.


With Varys, keep in mind he would need maintain appearances. He was ordered to kill Dany by Robert, so he had to be seen arranging the assassination. In secret at Kings Landing (Arya chasing a cat) and to Tyrion when they arrived in Pentos (Wine vomit), he mentioned a Targaryen restoration. In the Arya Cat case, it was specifically to the guy who raised Dany in Pentos. So it seems like more than a passing interest. Also consider that with the first attempt on her life (poison wine), a message was also sent to Jorah at the same time saying "We no longer need your services". On the outset, it looks like "She'll be dead soon we don't need you anymore." But I understood it as 2 coded messages. 1: Warning about an assassination attempt on Dany. 2: A wink and a nod at "You're free to follow her". Because the small council mentioned in the past they knew Jorah was shifting loyalties towards Dany. (Might have the order wrong though. They might have discovered this because of Jorah averting the assassination.) And then the second assassination attempt (Coconut Bug), it seems awfully coincidental that Barristan Selmy was within like 10m of her. In a bit of cross-talk between shows you are watching, I tend to associate Varys with the element Air. Hidden in plain sight. Loyalties unclear. Focusing on the big picture. Emphasizing wit over power. Not stepping on any toes. Not getting his hands dirty. Just a "purveyor of whispers." Which then would place Littlefinger as something like an Air, but I lean him towards Fire. Similar tactics to Varys, but using it to build tension until it breaks and unleashes chaos, so he can drift his way to the top.


Remember when Sam met Bran and Merra at the wall he showed them the passage through the wall and gave them dragon glass spare head he told them that dragon glass killed the white walker. Meera used that dragon glass spare to kill the white walker. Sam has a bag full dragon glass of spare and arrow heads the one they found at the Fist of the first men north of the wall back in season 2

Trainer Red

Yeah the writing is really good...


God I love y'alls editing hahahaha. That intro


I wanna take a moment to appreciate Emilia Clarke here ..... throughout the filming of game of thrones, the poor young girl suffered 2 near fatal strokes. I believe she even had to go through speech therapy to be able to speak properly again. The fact that she can still deliver her lines is a miracle... Let alone be able to memorize and deliver speeches in completely made up languages with such grit and aplomb. Shes very inspiring tbh.

Jermaine Lee

😆 Spartan is hilarious


Likewise, and Robert was still king, which meant the Realm was doing pretty well.

Stannis loves grammar.

Sam had a great episode. Randle tarley will not earn father of the year awards. Sam told the story in how he ended up joining the nights watch and why. His father would have killed him had he stayed. Terrible.

Hira Memon

That colour suits you Pudgey!

ramon carter

that is the same actor that played Benjen


Just a small correction, she didn't suffer strokes (which would have made her uncapable to continue filming), she suffered from brain aneurism twice and got surgery. Still very, very dangerous, of course!

Uncle Steve

Where is the uncut 6x6 ? Do these not come out at the same time as the reaction review ones? They always have in the past so i see this but i like to watch the uncut first then this one to get your thoughts on the last episode and this one. I’m very confused how this works now. You would think uncuts would drop first since they require no editing. What’s up? Never mind, I see it. Just confused because they’re usually next to each other on the timeline. This must be part of the new way, I’ll get use to it soon enough.


In a previous comments you have said that the demi god tier is one video ahead than the ss, but now there are 2 more while we are stuck on 6x6, when can we expect the 7th episode to be available?


Pure american propaganda mate. It was dangerous but no, the picture you paint is bizarre in reality. You people gotta chill. She didn't have a stroke, she didn't do fkin therapy. That is such fascinating but scary thing to say so blatantly. Literally brainwashing... it's a fact right there.


hey steve, let us know some feedback as we're new to this as well. Did the uncut appear farther below on the timeline than the edited even once they were both live?


as soon as it has been edited it will be posted. uncuts dont take long to edot so we can release them earlier.


cannot wait for the battle of the bastards reaction!


I never understand why so many viewers buy into Dany story and support her plight. The rousing speech on top of the dragon is portrayed as an epic moment but she is literally calling for total war on the 7 kingdoms and advocating for the Dothraki, known for rape and pillaging to join her and burn houses etc. etc. Doesn’t seem very noble and epic to me.


I mean she has very clearly stated, repeatedly in fact, that raping, reaving, and raiding and such is not allowed and even tried to intervene against it all the way back in season 1. The Dothraki also enslaved people, which she forbids. This is the game of thrones, most of the players are rationalizing war and killing of their enemies to subsume control of what they believe is their rightful territory, resources or position.

Uncle Steve

Hi , ATLA 3x10 and 11 uncut review is directly below this vid. Below that is ATLA 3x9 R and R. Below that is the uncut reaction 6x6 GoT. I have just been used to the uncut version being next to the R and R version. Now that I know they can be separated from each other I will look for that. I think the uncut day was a Thursday and the R and R was Sunday. I don’t know if this helps you but I’m going to look closer at the timeline so I don’t miss anything in the future..I have notifications on I just must have missed the previous vid notice when it happened. . Cheers


May I please ask you when can we expect the next episode of GoT, S6E9? Any (approximate) timeframe is ok, but please, do share it if you can. Thanks!

Hira Memon

Its past midnight here in Australia. Normally they upload new episode at 12am. I don't think we will be getting one tonight. Probably tomorrow.


On a related note: on first watch I felt the speech was redundant. But on second thought, narratively it makes perfect sense. We the audience knew the deal from the moment she walked out naked but it was important to express and formalize this new relationship with the horde, and the speech does it.


no episode today? I feel like these used to go up Sunday mornings/afternoon my time (pacific) and now they don't?


I feel like less uncut videos are being posted and in order to watch them at the same pace as before. Therefore we seem to be forced to upgrade to Demi God tier.


You do not have to wait longer for anything. The schedule and content remains the exact same for Super Soldier. Any and all tier changes are listed in the post on May 3 titled: "Patreon Updates & Tier perk improvements!" As you can see, any changes were additive, not subtractive.


they go up when they are ready! now that we're working with editors it can be harder to keep the times the same at all time but the amount per week will not change!


You guy’s videos are fantastic. Always look forward to the new edited videos. I’m also watching the uncut ones too but I’m only at s1ep6 atm on those. I’m like addicted to your guy’s reactions on the vids. I’m checking for new videos multiple times per day 😂

Robert L

When will the episode 7 edited version come out?


ok thx I'm still fairly new from over on YT


I am most certainly criticizing the character I see on screen, Perhaps it's a failure in the writing, perhaps it's intentional, but the language in her speech and her actions in general in recent times are not commensurate with the ideals that Dany staged in earlier seasons. I judge Dany differently from many of the other characters partaking in similar behavior because she began her journey on a moral pedestal. But she is looking more and more of a warmonger at this point.


the edited reaction was uploaded 2 hours ago but locked to Demi God? am i being a noob again?

Chef Nourhan Malik

Finally became a Patreon member super excited to support you guys


i can watch it through my email notification but on my desktop pc browser it says its locked for some reason

Chef Nourhan Malik

Thank you for the honourable mention for Summer 🐺 I honestly hated all the wolf deaths even though I understand how deeply symptomatic it was. Summer died as the old Bran dies and the 3 eyed raven is born you can even see it in Bran after he comes back this time he’s way less reactive and cold in his expressions. He is no longer Bran and the death of the wolf was a foreshadowing of that.


Dany's starting to feel the Burn...