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Game of Thrones Uncut Reaction S6 E8 'No One'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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    We hope you enjoy the video!

    Love Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length GoT S6 E8

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



Wow this is amazing thank you guys again! Another great reaction🙌🏻


Another great reaction <3


Another good one. Spartan was so proud of himself. So good. Thanks guys!


when the other girl found her at lady crains house she said that the faceless god was promised a name and "no one can chance that." Jackin tells Arya that "a girl is finally no one." meaning she changed the the name of who was promised to the faceless god and therefore free to go.

Petteri Ahlberg

Upgrading to Demi-god was the best damn decision of my life.


Here's to Queen Pudgey and prince consort Spartan!

Augustine Lee

Queen Pudgey Queen Pudgey Queen Pudgey! :D


Spartan, re: Pudgey, remember these queens and kings: -Cersai and Robert -Danny and Hisdar (almost wed) -Marg and Tommen -Debatable HOTD couples Queens in this universe may be more powerful than their kings; it’s not always the men who are in really charge. :D


Remember Jaimie was sent to riverrun by Tommen ( the high sparrow and their uncle ), not Cersei .


Have to point out an important thing people often fail to notice: Jaime did showcase in the beginning that he would not make empty threats BUT he also ordered his people to prepare for a siege, dig, set things up, etc. So where came his rush to take the castle by that nightfall, hmm? Why did he suddenly need to get Edmure to do his bidding that very day? Remember what Brienne told him to do and what was at stake for him if he failed..... (It wasn't Cersei.)


@Julien 😂😂😂😂 my thoughts exactly


The Jaime/Edmure scene was really interesting. Jaime is someone who is willing to sacrifice his honour for the people he cares about. In that scene he is basically telling Edmure "Yes, I'm this horrible person who you think I am, and I will kill your baby with a catapult". Instead of trying to convince Edmure that he isn't a bad person, that he is an honourable person, he takes on that persona of the Kingslayer, and once again saves everyone's life (including Briennes, RIP Blackfish), at the expense of his honour.


One of the favorite fan theories is that Jaqen H'ghar is Syrio Forel, and the end of this episode was the completion of Arya's training. Jaqen's smile as Arya was leaving certainly lends credence to that theory, and we never actually saw Syrio die back in Season One. It's a bit far-fetched, of course, but a fun theory nevertheless.


Yes! It's easy to miss how Jaime often first starts his interactions with people in a neutral or even respectful tone (if it's a person he admires or respects), and how only after getting insulted / been shown mistrust as a Kingslayer he takes on the role he has played for a long time. These eps 7 and 8 were a good exploration of his character.

Jake Follain

The whole becoming no one journey is actually to make her realize who she really is, not no one. She now knows who she is more than before she started. It was all part of the plan, that's why he was not phased at the end.

Tae Kellz

I pray we get the next 2 episodes quickly. Cant wait to see your reactions to the end of the season.


RIP Blackfish, another great man who died because of poor choices. As much as I love the Blackfish and respect his devotion to honor and duty, it’s selfish of him to stay in Riverrun. Especially after Catelyn’s daughter is pleading for his help to save their kidnapped brother from the Boltons who helped murder his entire family. Him holding Riverrun has no strategic advantage whatsoever, and I’m just surprised that he wouldn’t want to honor Catelyn’s memory by saving her children. Holding one castle is also not thinking about the bigger picture, where he can help Sansa and Jon reunite the North and then amass a much larger army to take back the riverlands.

Elora D. Dragneel

The scene between Bronn and Pod is so cute. Totally forgot about the reunion this time watching, and I have no idea how, it was brilliant.


Also about Arya. She thought they were serving the many faced god and thought the people they were killing deserved it. Like the gambler who left a mother and child destitute. But when asked to kill Lady Crane simply because they were getting paid to do it, that didn’t sit well with her. Like when Jon found out that Mormont knew Craster was giving the boys to the whitewalkers. I think for both of them seeing men they admired Jeor and Jaq’n do something dishonorable it made them question what their real Purpose was.


I've said it before, Cersei brings the worst out in Jamie, and now you see it even more.

Roy Koopa

The High Septon is a complete villain, in my opinion. He's trying to enforce equality where everyone needs to be equally poor because he fanatically believes everyone should be miserable. He also enforces his own morality so persecutes minorities and removes people's freedoms. In re of Cersei's walk of atonement - whilst it was done well, there was a little nuance missed that's in the books. One of the biggest problems with the Walk of Atonement, and one of the reasons Olenna is desperate to ensure Margaery doesn't need to do hers, is that it complete destroys any stature the queen has, which diminishes her position at court, effectively ruining her power at court among the nobles. I think that chase scene (which of course is not in the books) with Arya is the worst directed sequence in the entire show. When you've finished the show, it'd be really cool to see you watch a video which talks about the differences between the show and the books.


All season I have been saying I can't wait for Spartan and Pudgey to react to my favorite episodes and season. You guys are awesome Queen Pudgey and King Spartan!


Pudgey doing the patreon speech and dancing made me happy :)


All hail Queen Pudgey, first of her name 🙌 I agree wholeheartedly with the other comments, the upgrade to Demi god was so worth it. These episodes are too good to wait any longer for but I’m gonna be so sad when my favorite season wraps up soon. Also love or hate Cersei, that “i choose violence” line was epic. I actually got that tattooed on me as my first GoT tattoo. Can’t wait for the next couple reactions guys!


Jamie Threatened Edmures son. That’s why he surrendered to him


It was a bit weird how trivial Arya's injuries seemed to be. For a Faceless Man or trainee or whatever, the Waif didn't do a very good job killing her.


I know a lot of people are excited for the next episode and I am too but honestly the finale is the single best episode of game of thrones ever in my opinion. I cannot wait for that!


That's why it's called a "theory." - Syrio’s death is offscreen and thus ambiguous. - Jaqen emerges in the story around the same time Syrio disappears. - They're both mentors for Arya. - They’re both from Braavos. How many Braavosis did we see in Westeros?


The Waif wanted to make her suffer. Exactly what Jaqen told her not to do. Also, you'd be surprised how much people can endure when your adrenaline is up in a life threatening situation.


No dead body = no confirmation. Ask The Hound about that. Dave & Dave claimed he was dead, but you seem like the type who would hate the Daves and distrust everything they say.


Ugh. Expectations. Short of direct spoilers, this is the best way to ruin an episode. I give up 🤦‍♂️ Your option is far from unique, it’s literally the consensus. But part of why the episode was so amazing was that we didn’t see it coming. We didn’t have this expectation.

Erika Bade

So Jamie’s speech to Edmure was extra ferocious and more like the old Jamie because he was scaring him into giving up the castle. He convinced him that he would stop at nothing, kill/torture his whole family, if he didn’t give in. Edmure lost most of everything so he doesn’t want to lose his son and wife.


Jaime just told Edmure that he would kill his son in the scene before lol. that's why Edmure agreed to help Jaime and go into the castle and command the Tully's to lay down their arms.


True, but it reads like plot armor to me considering what other characters have died from. You make an interesting point about the Waif though. She literally twisted her knife in Arya after being told to make it painless. In the end, she disobeyed and let her personal feelings get in the way just like Arya did. Seems like Jaqen was the one who didn't do a very good job teaching either of them to be 'no one.'


Julien is right, comments like this are better when saved for the episode itself when it posts.


George has quite flatly said Syrio is dead. In multiple Q&A's. In fact he found it odd so many people thought he was still alive. There are many great theories for future plot developments in this series but this one is incredibly unlikely.


Being threatened with catapulting your child into Riverrun is definitely very motivating hahahaha


I “blame” Jaime’s degrading morals and sliding back into his worst behavior this season on Tyrion killing their father and leaving the Seven Kingdoms. Jaime was ALWAYS at his very best around Tyrion, and like many siblings on this show, they love each other fiercely. Jaime was happy to free him and save his life, and knew Tyrion would be leaving (sad enough just knowing he probably won’t see him again). But killing Tywin wasn’t part of the bargain, and Jaime’s life has really gone to shit since his dad died and all his enemies started circling around his family. So Jaime lost his brother, who is arguably the winning candidate for the combination of who knows him best, loves him the purest, and truly gets/understands him; and he also lost his father’s protection. Now he’s got *nothing* but Cersai and increasingly more dead children. I think he’s losing everything and trying not to break because he’s supposed to be strong, and he has little emotional support. So… yeah. Jaime isn’t at his best right now, but understandably so! This is NOT a case of “bad writing” or people in later seasons acting “out of character.” This is us seeing this character living at a new low, with permanent losses he didn’t have during his last low (as a hostage). He’s in a PTSD-fueled (two dead children and two dead parents), paranoid (thinking his last child may die soon, and that the Faith Militant is going to try to end Cersai), dark place right now.




You have a choose violence tattoo. Noted. I am afraid of you, but for context, I live in a place with a ton of random mass violence, and I’ve lost friends and family to violence. I hope that this tattoo means something different where you are, and that you don’t literally support violence.


Yup. This is one of the most childish theories around. I legit don’t get why people can’t let this minor character go, so so so so so many years later. Literal DECADES. Yes he was cool. But so are many others. I don’t get it. It’s wild how “no body no confirmation” is like a religion. This need for everything to be spelled out.


The Waif in that scene went full terminator. I’m so glad Arya finally killed her. She was such a pick me girl.


Not at all lol i live in the US where theres a mass shooting every day. Just had to get it for Cersei. I also have an Arya/The North Remembers too if that helps cancel it out at all haha


Yeah true. I was thinking they’re usually a few episodes ahead but forgot these are getting pretty quickly uploaded so idk how far ahead they’ve watched.


I, too, live in the land of mass shootings. Isn’t it crazy how things like cheering on characters who kill masses of people feels so different than lived experiences with violence? I LOVE when Cersai says that line, but the second I think about it applied IRL my blood runs ice and I get sweaty at the same time. How to lighten the mood? Um… the US is dark and full of terrors.


You must be brain dead, cause the mods have constantly told you guys to follow simple rules yet you're making it harder than it looks.


Matt, from your past comments, it seems your disdain for season 6 comes from your inability to follow simple plot points, which is not D&D fault. It is definitely not based on anything valid, and god knows you could’ve made a compelling argument. The story you made up in your head for these characters would make absolutely zero sense. Thankfully, it is D&D who wrote this show and not you.


I think they were talking when Jaime told Edmure he would launch his child against the castle walls.


The High Sparrow is just like any cult leader. He has lied. He told Cersei he gave his shoes away. He told Margery that he walked away from his prior life with no shoes. He's a gaslighter. There is nothing noble about that.


I think the High Sparrow is an interesting voice of the common people, something that the show otherwise severely lacks. But he orders his men to castrate and imprison people for homosexuality. He is pretty terrible. I also think Jaime was saying whatever he needed to say to get Edmure to surrender the castle without a battle.


Can’t wait for ep 9


I keep checking here to see if it's been posted yet even though I get small notifications 😢


Whats contradictory there? Those two parables seem to work fine with eachother And By Westerosi standards, HOTD and GOT? Yes there is See Tywins.. entire deal, see Rhaenys killing smallfolk with no second thought at the dragonpit etc etc High Sparrow def comes across plenty.. quote unquote noble, for Westeros He is also literally advocating for equality before the law, no getting around that.


will 6x9 uncut be posted today?

Hira Memon

Please upload 6x9 :( I need a good distraction today before I go to sleep.


But Jamie also meant it, he as he has said himself.. doesnt make empty threats Thats what he critiqued the Freys for, with their daily *we'll totally hang Edmure routine, for sure this time* that they did before he get there. Which really only strengthened the besieged Tullys resolve.

Chaz D

I hope 6x9 gets uploaded today. The last couple days I’ve came on here about 10 times to see if it’s been uploaded yet lol


Well the good news is, if not today then 100% tomorrow! ;)


6x9 and 6x10 are two of the best episodes of TV ever made, imho. Can't wait!


Who else just got a notification that they updated this post and thought it was 6x9 being posted🥲


But why? 🥲


When they originally tagged some of these videos, the tags apparently didn't go through, and so we have had people saying there was no video/couldn't find the videos since they only use the tagged video lists. So this notification was a result of them fixing the tags. Unfortunately they don't have a way of telling it to not send notifications when doing this.


It’s all good, i just knew i wasnt the only one hahahaha that’s how excited we all are for this ep! :)


cmooonnnn 6x9


I think they should take another vacation now just to piss everyone off 😂


A lot of people gonna be going through withdrawal once these last 15 episodes are over and posted lol


This is what we get for being spoiled with 3 early uncuts in the past week and a half, now we are greedy and impatient 😂


got too excited thinking it was episode 9 🥲

Jenny Tolls

I think it's interesting to see how people from the past generation refer to Jaimie as Kingslayer. You don't really hear that anymore. Really makes you feel nostalgic about the older seasons and its an interesting way to show the passage of time.


Some interesting context: The Blackfish is a hero to Jamie. One of his childhood idols.


It seems pretty clear that the High Sparrow is just a religious violent fanatic trying to obtain power under the guise of moral virtue. He is quite evidently manipulating Tommen to get that power as well.


I’m still confused by “finally a girl is no one”

Uncle Steve

Nah, religious fanaticism is rotten and corrupt always! Be it Christianity, Islam, The Lord of Light or The Seven, they all stink and end up justifying cruelty in the name of “God.” Give me science and reason any day.


I think it's pretty open ended so that people can make their own opinions on the true meaning. There's legit logic to saying either A)He wanted Arya to become no one or B)He was testing her to see if she truly wanted to be no one and would choose her own path when it was finally presented that she COULD be no one. I see Jaqen as someone who would've accepted her either way because ultimately she gave the no face God a life(the girl.) The great thing imo about the arc is that a viewer can logically spell out the valid reasons for their opinions on the topic

Stryder Garvey

The threat of his son being catapulted over the wall was too much for edmure to bear.


I took it a lot more literally because I think that’s the first face Arya has carved and brought to the many faced god.


Part of my interpretation is that girl wasn't truly no one and therefore Jaqen seeing her acting bad towards Arya and possibly for ages beforehand in other missions, was fine with getting rid of her. I think he knew Arya would never become no one and that she would end up at odds with the other girl. That the day would come where Arya would show she wasn't no one and when that time came, the girl would ask for permission to kill her. I think he suspected that Arya would be able to take her but also that either way a life would be taken. I feel at least in the show what they were going for is that Jaqen was happy with the outcome. Could be he may feel Arya has a part to play still from the point where they first met and thought he could help train her. The show could be going for Jaqen taking over her training from where Syrio Left off.