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Her new art is by Kenshin187! You can find links to their stuff on the front page.

I hope people like it as much as I do.

You can expect it, and Mara's art, to get into the game during the NPC system re-haul update, which will be after the caverns. Though maybe sooner depending on stuff.




She looks great!


Now, I am on record as enjoying Plasmid's work. I have to; I wouldn't've found this project if not for him. And I did like his take on Vivian too. I'm not sure whether I like this one more? It looks good, and it does capture much of the same mature, womanly appearance the original did. But the original's detailed look had its charms too, and fit the character's underlying aura of subtle menace a bit better. I guess I wish there were some kind of toggle switch so I could swap between them in-game? But I have no idea how feasible such a thing would be, and, for whatever reason, it really does sound like a whole lot of other players really, really hated her old look for some reason. So, I understand having to please the majority of your customers.


...Wait. Waiiit... Aw, so Vivian's old, Plasmid art is actually being recycled into a completely new character, and this Vivian is the Vivian going forwards? I can't believe I'm so stupid I didn't figure that out until just now; you basically told me back in the initial vote! That said, the two still obviously resemble one another... I wonder if that'll be a plot point? Guess we'll have to wait and see.


I personally think the original was a bit too upfront with the menace in her looks, but more importantly there's some potential things I want to do with Vivian later that aren't really Plasmid's thing, so that's one of the main reason's, aside from feedback, for the change. Cause I very much like Vivian's original art, especially with some of the minor tweaks done going over into Mara (name poll winner in case people forgot.) There's definitely still a bit of similarities atm, but I don't think it's too jarring, especially with the color changes. In theory you could mod in the original Vivian art back in, I wont be taking it out of the game files or art repo.


Don’t worry about it. Like I said, I tripped over my own feet there, and didn’t notice that you were doing something very different with her old art assets. As someone who naturally hates change, I’m willing to give this one a chance. Thank you though!


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