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Tengu art by Applehead will most likely make it in one of the small updates after the upcoming update before I start work on the caverns.

As for v20.6 itself it's moving along decently aside from some unexpected hiccups and more function stuff being needed than I realized.

My original plan was to try and get it out before the end of the month but there's no way that's going to happen. While I'm getting close to being done all the normal imp's content, I still have yet to start on the Arch-Imp stuff. 

So my guess would be it should be done sometime next week. Probably that weekend, unless Vili(Arch-Imp) content goes to hell somehow. xD




Not gonna lie, figured there'd be more of an emphasis on the butt for...obvious reasons.


I also thought there would be. Not that it's bad, that is an amazing drawing of her. Also quick notice on how pissed she looks in that angry version~