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Hello. The banner poll has been concluded, and we finally have a successor to the old page banner! It's been more than 2 years since the old one was made and it's time to say goodbye.

Now, about today's poll. It's quite technical, so strap in:

If you were using the option of not having glasses in the latest release, you might've noticed that sometimes during dialogue or whatever, an image of Serena with glasses would appear for a split second, and then glasses would appear afterwards. 

That happens because the image sets in Succulence are chopped into pieces to save space, and the "default" image for each set has Serena with glasses. And because of the specifics of image loading in the new engine, images that appear for the first time have some kind of "blink" that follows them(you might've noticed that too).

I'm currently working on trying to get rid of the issue of removing the "blink", but since I've tried a few things already and they didn't work, a backup plan is needed. The blink itself is not that annoying, but the glasses thing is the most noticable aspect of it, so it has to be removed in one way or another.

Right now there are 2 ways to do this:

Option A
Create separate image sets for Serena without glasses for each dialogue, event or scene.
This will effectively double the size of the game, which isn't a problem now, but the more content will be added in the future, the more it will become a nuisance. So choose this option if you don't mind the game having ~2GB size down the road(a reasonable guess since the original Succulence had a size of more than 1GB when it was done).

Option B
Cut off the top part of Serena's head in each scene, dialogue, etc. And add the top of her head with glasses or no glasses as a separate image each time. This is good for the game size, but the issue here is, should an image bug happen - it's going to look horrifying.

So what do you think?
If by any chance I'll find a good solution to the "blink", then both of these options will be unnecessary, but for now it will be an insurance for the next release.

Tomorrow I'll dedicate to reworking the top of the page sincei it's become quite cluttered, and I'll see you on Friday.



i am used to report those glitches, so keep it that way muhahaha


True, I guess if you've played a lot of early releases with all the bugs in them - there's nothing that can surprize you anymore :P


For option B, would you still have to render a second full-body image of Serena for each look? In other words, would option B save you on render time (since Option A requires double the renders)?


If cut her half of head.. sometimes it will look scary. . .T T


I don't have issues with how long it takes me to produce images, only the size of them is what bothers me.


Just curious - how about the other way around? (Non-glasses as default, with Serena "putting them on" while images are Loading).


The same issue would happen in reverse, though it would look less ridiculous. The reason glasses are on by default is because we had a poll on the matter a while back, and it turns out about 2/3 of the people who play the game leave glasses on. So I didn't change anything for the sequel in that regard(original game is organised in the same manner).


Any image bug is going to make scenes look strange, so I don't think it matters if option B would result in the worse bug outcome, since option A isn't immune to those same bugs. 2GB isn't bad, but keeping file sizes light is always a goal, and MV has a real issue with loading too much image data at once. Regardless of PC power, MV will chug at some point, so option B seems the only practical solution.


True, MV games clog up memory over time. I do have an experimental thing that can help with that in theory, but it requires more testing.


And if you borrow the idea from other igars, for example: in the game I'm currently playing " Cursed Armor", I noticed that all clothing items ( of which there are more than 2000) have a separate image, and each item of clothing is superimposed on top of the character's image. That is, you can make glasses (later tattoos and piercings ) as a separate element, and apply it to the main image of the character, and if there are errors and these elements are not selected, then nothing critical will be visible, just the entire character without accessories. (p. s. Google translator)


Not only for glasses, but for all clothes. If you choose the second option, it will help you in the future. At the moment we have the first option, so the addition of new clothes and gadgets is very limited.


That's already partially implemented with suits that are slightly transparent, like white suit or white top. It's just not very consistent, which can definitely be fixed in the future to further optimize game size.


btw report.. whats that strange line at the third picture... thats not what i am used to report hehe


That's just a line that shows where the cutoff for the glasses would be :P So if a bug occured you'd possibly get only the top part of the head - which has happened before, or you would get a full body picture without most of the head - which would look messed up.