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Hello! Last week has been a bit hectic, because a few unexpected weird things popped up that need investigating. More on that later, right now it's time for some news.

As you can see on the preview, I've added a sample dialogue window that will appear when Serena's talking to other characters from the roster. Some sort of relationship progress bar is also a possibility, but for now this will do. The purpose of the menu will be to gain access to other character's customization options(wardrobe, accessories, etc.), and checking their stats to see what they've been up to in their free time :P

Full list of changes since last week:
- 2 events in Serena's apartment added
- Character dialogue window added(prototype)
- Various outfit experiments were done, but none are good enough to be in a preview for now

Also I've managed to get some interesting new items that can be used in scenes and CG's. Previews of them will be posted on Friday.

Now what about the unexpected weird thing, you ask? Well, I accidentally made it so that you can hide text window with both Alt and Ctrl keys in-game.... And I don't know how I did it.
I don't know yet if it's a bug or not, so I need to make sure that it isn't, because even if it's harmless now, it could escalate in the future. So yeah, I'll have some thinking to do for sure.

That's it for this post, this week I'll be focusing on fleshing out the menu, and adding more events with side-characters.

Also there will be a poll on Wednesday, along with the results of our Banner poll, so see you then or on Friday.




i wanna see her no panties and piercing. when can i see them? ' ';


Add to our main character the ability of hypnosis, thanks to which she can influence these very characters, choose clothes, or do something. ^-^ (p.s. google translate)


"checking their stats to see what they've been up to in their free time" I love when games do this, especially when there's an implied event that you don't see but affects their stats


Hope you didn't try alt-gr because its ctrl + alt hehe happened sometimes that i press the right alt-gr for skipping (if alt is skipping text) and the textbox vanishes because ctrl hide the textbox haha


"Flirt with her"? Some more girl on girl action? Sign me up.


It's actually all 4 alts and controls. It's gotten to the point where part of me thinks I might've messed up the whole engine somehow, even though it shouldn't be possible. I think I'll reinstall it just in case.


Yep, that's one of the reasons why new game start will be required - to properly record all character stats.


There will be a lot of that added in the future for each character(and Serena might not necessarily be involved too :P)


There will be different ways of influencing a character's wardrobe, depending on the character :)


It's on my to-do list, but I don't know if it will happen in the next release. Might be in 0.25.


strike that none of those mv are running in a browser for me anymore. needs to be investigated :)


They don't run in browser for me either, so the game might need to be optimised for that kind of thing.


Hello! Would you like to shout out ? :)