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"Hey, I've just came from the shower!"
"..No, don't take pictures, it's embarrassing!"

Hello. I've done a lot of background/technical work on the game this week, and I wanted to share some images about it. First ol all, on the top you can see a new bathing towel that will be used for after shower scenes, if I'll be able to flesh it out a bit more.

I also managed to get ahold of a new gun for Ms. Stone. Before her only option was a pistol that belongs in a museum, but now she actually has a proper one. It will definitely be handy in the battles/scenes.

And that's not all:

All of the stuff above will be used for various scenes, since the items vary from adult toys to furniture pieces, and a bunch of them will be used in the upcoming release as well.

The blinking image issue we talked about on yesterday has also had some progress, and there might be a solution after all. It will be known for sure by Monday.

Also, I completely forgot about changing the OP of the page, I should set myself some kind of reminder for it for tomorrow -__-

That's it for this post, I am currently working on a bunch of new outfits(casual outfit for Yuko, and work outfit for Louise), and the previews with them will be posted on Sunday, or Monday. See you then, and I'll be going back to work.




I have a question. in period game, just she could control men, but in succulence 2, there are a lot of heroine. then, do you have plan for mind control, hypnosis or possession for them?


I can't confirm or deny that because: 1. if there are plans for that it would be a spoiler 2. it's still early in development and a lot can change, so there might be plans for it now, but they might never get done, or the other way around.


There will be mind control for NPC's though, similarly to the first game, but more detailed.