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A commission for last_of_workers! 

Edracia, Pefsa, and Liwet travel across the region using their powers to help protect people. If there were souls that needed help moving on, The grand Shaman of Gobulus Pefsa would help them on their way.

If there were deceased bodies, or monsters of hell that needed to be taken care of the reincarnation of Necrom hell's mightiest necromancer would take care of it, and if the bodies were beyond cleansing, she’d keep them safely tucked away in her realm of hell.

Then finally if there was someone with injuries that could be healed, or if there were spirits that had gone made due to being stuck on earth too long, Heaven's protector would use her holy magic to save them.

Together there wasn’t a spirit or person they couldn't save, and in their travels together the three bonded so much that they started a poly relationship between them. They often find themselves in the loving embrace of one of the others.

Between Edracia and Liwet they’re able to fulfill almost all of Pefsa’s kinky goblin needs, but even with all the time they spend on her, they find time to have some fun with each other and have gotten really close.

Despite that, they still argue like crazy during the day. So much so that they barely realize they do it, especially in public. They were walking through the streets in one of the big kingdoms arguing about how Liwet refused to let Edracia receive a bunny and keep it as a pet.

Like always it started off with them loudly yelling at each other, and then they started fighting. Luckily they didn’t cause any damage to the area surrounding them, but they did draw in a crowd of people and several guards, the guards of which were terrified when they saw them.

They didn’t pay enough to get in the middle of a fight with a deity of heaven and hell, really the only person who was willing to do that was Pefsa. She jumped in between them and told them to stop fighting, but then she antecedently got hit by both of them as they were coming in for attacks.

That led to Pesfa joining in on the fight and the three of them fought in the streets like children with no one being brave enough to stop them, at least until a valiant elven knight appeared in between them.

She danced around them as if they were walking and knocked each one out with the shieth of her sword. The crowd cheered for this knight and the soldiers under her command picked them up and brought them to the dungeon.

Or at least that was the plan. Swetyne’s wonderful wife had caught her bringing in not only an angel, but a necromancer and goblin, all of them types of people she’d never gotten to meet, and she was excited to speak to them, so they ended up in one of the lounging rooms until they woke up.

As soon as they woke up, Adelia swarmed them with questions. She asked Liwet about being an angel and if she was connected to the church, and then moved on to Pefsa and noticed right away that she was a shaman.

She asked Pefsa if she could teach her about the plants and potions that goblins use for medicine since there were no books with such information. Then finally it was on to Edracia, who she found very fascinating.

A woman who is dead, but somehow alive. She had heard necromancy was a thing, but it’s so rare nowadays, that Edracia might be the only one who can do it. The trio happily answered all her questions even if some were extremely invasive.

It was mostly because they were hoping to avoid getting in trouble. Once the princess had tired herself out with questioning them, she told them that they were off the hook for disturbing the peace, and they were welcome to spend the night at the palace.

The trio agreed and Adelia asked one of the servants to prepare three rooms for them. Pefsa then chimed in saying they only needed one. Adelia tilted her head confused and asked why they wouldn't each want to sleep in their own room.

That’s when her knight Swetyne turned bright red and chimed in. She told the princess that it was likely because they wanted to do what they do at night. The princess turned bright red and seemed surprised but in a happy way.

The princess told the trio that their room would be ready soon and someone would lead them to it, but she had to be off now. She left the room talking to her knight and the trio heard her say something about how amazing it was that all three of them were in love.

She also mentioned she didn’t know that some people did that, and the knight told her not to get any bright ideas, she wasn’t sharing her princess. The two of them could be heard laughing as they walked down the hall.

Later that night the trio was sitting in the room with a massive bed in it getting ready to sleep, when yet another argument broke out between Edracia and Liwet, this time though, Pefsa ended it early by ushing the two of them into the bed and pulling their clothes out.

They had a very wild night, with each of them getting to be on top, bottom, and in the middle. Tired, sweaty, and a bit sticky the three lay under the blanket. They were huddled up around Pefsa and were cuddling her.

Pefsa fell asleep and Edracia and Liwet started up their petty argument match again. This time they are completely still and silent so as to not disturb their precious sleeping goblin girlfriend. Of course, this really meant they were just making faces at each other.

Those faces eventually met up and they made out together and equity played around with each other's bodies until Pefsa woke up. Once she was up the three backed their things and prepared to continue on their way.

As they were leaving the town outside the castle they saw the princess and her knight along with their squadron of soldiers, horses, and carriages. The princess waved them over and was happy to see them.

She asked them if they slept well, and all but Pefsa turned bright red, while Pefsa happily said she had the best sleep of her life in that big comfy bed. The trio then inquired about where the princess was heading.

She told them she was off to the border so they could enter the next kingdom and start helping people who were affected by the mad King’s war. She said thousands had died already, and monsters were starting to be created due to high levels of dark magic corrupting the land.

Pefsa turned towards Edracia and Liwet and gave them a look. Both of them nodded at her. They all knew they had to go there and help. So they asked the princess if it was okay to accompany her and offer their aid.

The princess smiled at them and told them she was hoping they’d do just that, and that’s why she was waiting for them. She then told them to hope in the back of her carriage where her other friends were already relaxing.

So the three climbed into the carriage and met the princess's friends. One was a vampire with white hair named Loren and the other was a tiefling named Vellith. One of them made a joke about the princess collecting more misfits, while the other one welcomed them.

It was nice that they got to travel in a carriage instead of on foot for a while, but soon enough they might be walking on the outside of the carriage if they can't stop fighting and flirting with each other, but such is the life of this lovers triangle.

Now their journey takes them into a faraway land where their true skills will be put to the test, but with newfound friendship and love all around. These heroes will be all right, and perhaps, even more strange characters will join them as they protect the world.



last_of_workers (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-16 11:49:28 Hmmm the finale came out very well and I had a lot of interesting thoughts about this... I hope you don’t mind me expressing them (and forgive me for the possible confusion, I’m just overwhelmed with ideas and emotions) First of all, thank you for how well you were able to convey their relationship, their sincere love and their wonderful arguments... I can see these wonderful scenes and wonderful nights of use right before my eyes... Thank you very much for your efforts I also have a problemthought... We know that both the “mad king” and the “church” really don’t like our heroes... Now imagine what will happen if these two forces unite... It’s scary to imagine how powerful an army they can assemble. ... I doubt that our heroes will be able to win in such a situation, then let’s admit honestly that only Knight can give any serious rebuff to the enemies, since Princess is not a fighter at all... Perhaps she has several battle elixirs, but they are most likelyabout just random by-products from the production of healing potions... Loren and Vellith could possibly fight back, but knowing them, they will simply prevent each other from fighting... Well, as for Edracia, Pefsa and Liwet, at least they have potential to become a good fighting team, but they never strived for this; in general, our heroes still have no chance of winning a serious battle One more thing... Initially when I described this part I was expecting a more classic presentation“necromancer” and “shaman” but the way you demonstrated it... This is a thousand.... Not even a million times better than what I imagined, thank you very much for this Another interesting point... We have already seen that there are many races in this world... So the question is, could it be that a potion that is a medicine for elves will turn out to be poison for goblins? Or something else like that? It will be interesting... One more thought to follow up on the previous one... Alchemy implies not onlyabout the use of plants but also some other more... Specific ingredients... For example, is it possible to ask Vellit to file his horns? I am sure that the crushed tiefling horn will turn out to be a very valuable ingredient, but there is also Liwet with its feathers... I am sure that the properties, for example Flight feathers will differ from the properties of Outline feathers... But there is also such a thing as “a feather given voluntarily by an angel” and of course we must not forget about emotions such as rage or lust... I’m sure thatthis is just an unplowed field of possibilities for experimenting with potions... The main thing is not to get carried away and not pluck all the angel's feathers... Oops, I think I'm really getting too carried away with this topic... Time to wrap up... Overall, I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next part (and yes, I know what will happen next but I don't intend to give any spoilers to your other readers)
2024-01-16 11:35:48 Hmmm the finale came out very well and I had a lot of interesting thoughts about this... I hope you don’t mind me expressing them (and forgive me for the possible confusion, I’m just overwhelmed with ideas and emotions) First of all, thank you for how well you were able to convey their relationship, their sincere love and their wonderful arguments... I can see these wonderful scenes and wonderful nights of use right before my eyes... Thank you very much for your efforts I also have a problemthought... We know that both the “mad king” and the “church” really don’t like our heroes... Now imagine what will happen if these two forces unite... It’s scary to imagine how powerful an army they can assemble. ... I doubt that our heroes will be able to win in such a situation, then let’s admit honestly that only Knight can give any serious rebuff to the enemies, since Princess is not a fighter at all... Perhaps she has several battle elixirs, but they are most likelyabout just random by-products from the production of healing potions... Loren and Vellith could possibly fight back, but knowing them, they will simply prevent each other from fighting... Well, as for Edracia, Pefsa and Liwet, at least they have potential to become a good fighting team, but they never strived for this; in general, our heroes still have no chance of winning a serious battle One more thing... Initially when I described this part I was expecting a more classic presentation“necromancer” and “shaman” but the way you demonstrated it... This is a thousand.... Not even a million times better than what I imagined, thank you very much for this Another interesting point... We have already seen that there are many races in this world... So the question is, could it be that a potion that is a medicine for elves will turn out to be poison for goblins? Or something else like that? It will be interesting... One more thought to follow up on the previous one... Alchemy implies not onlyabout the use of plants but also some other more... Specific ingredients... For example, is it possible to ask Vellit to file his horns? I am sure that the crushed tiefling horn will turn out to be a very valuable ingredient, but there is also Liwet with its feathers... I am sure that the properties, for example Flight feathers will differ from the properties of Outline feathers... But there is also such a thing as “a feather given voluntarily by an angel” and of course we must not forget about emotions such as rage or lust... I’m sure thatthis is just an unplowed field of possibilities for experimenting with potions... The main thing is not to get carried away and not pluck all the angel's feathers... and yes, about the plot... it’s very good, although I really expected much more... a banal option, but here I can only thank you... I also want to thank you for adding a short narrative episode to each part about how they talked in the past world and also a special low bow to you for the fact that they were connected in a past lifeand this added some spice to the story... but what’s a pity is that the role of Loren and Vellith in this episode was minimal... of course, thank you for not forgetting about them, but it’s a pity that you paid so little attention to them... although it’s possible It’s not your fault, I fully admit the possibility that their active participation in this episode could only ruin everything Oops, I think I'm really getting too carried away with this topic... Time to wrap up... Overall, I really enjoyed this episode and can't waitnext part (and yes, I know what will happen next but I don’t intend to give spoilers to your other readers)

Hmmm the finale came out very well and I had a lot of interesting thoughts about this... I hope you don’t mind me expressing them (and forgive me for the possible confusion, I’m just overwhelmed with ideas and emotions) First of all, thank you for how well you were able to convey their relationship, their sincere love and their wonderful arguments... I can see these wonderful scenes and wonderful nights of use right before my eyes... Thank you very much for your efforts I also have a problemthought... We know that both the “mad king” and the “church” really don’t like our heroes... Now imagine what will happen if these two forces unite... It’s scary to imagine how powerful an army they can assemble. ... I doubt that our heroes will be able to win in such a situation, then let’s admit honestly that only Knight can give any serious rebuff to the enemies, since Princess is not a fighter at all... Perhaps she has several battle elixirs, but they are most likelyabout just random by-products from the production of healing potions... Loren and Vellith could possibly fight back, but knowing them, they will simply prevent each other from fighting... Well, as for Edracia, Pefsa and Liwet, at least they have potential to become a good fighting team, but they never strived for this; in general, our heroes still have no chance of winning a serious battle One more thing... Initially when I described this part I was expecting a more classic presentation“necromancer” and “shaman” but the way you demonstrated it... This is a thousand.... Not even a million times better than what I imagined, thank you very much for this Another interesting point... We have already seen that there are many races in this world... So the question is, could it be that a potion that is a medicine for elves will turn out to be poison for goblins? Or something else like that? It will be interesting... One more thought to follow up on the previous one... Alchemy implies not onlyabout the use of plants but also some other more... Specific ingredients... For example, is it possible to ask Vellit to file his horns? I am sure that the crushed tiefling horn will turn out to be a very valuable ingredient, but there is also Liwet with its feathers... I am sure that the properties, for example Flight feathers will differ from the properties of Outline feathers... But there is also such a thing as “a feather given voluntarily by an angel” and of course we must not forget about emotions such as rage or lust... I’m sure thatthis is just an unplowed field of possibilities for experimenting with potions... The main thing is not to get carried away and not pluck all the angel's feathers... and yes, about the plot... it’s very good, although I really expected much more... a banal option, but here I can only thank you... I also want to thank you for adding a short narrative episode to each part about how they talked in the past world and also a special low bow to you for the fact that they were connected in a past lifeand this added some spice to the story... but what’s a pity is that the role of Loren and Vellith in this episode was minimal... of course, thank you for not forgetting about them, but it’s a pity that you paid so little attention to them... although it’s possible It’s not your fault, I fully admit the possibility that their active participation in this episode could only ruin everything Oops, I think I'm really getting too carried away with this topic... Time to wrap up... Overall, I really enjoyed this episode and can't waitnext part (and yes, I know what will happen next but I don’t intend to give spoilers to your other readers)