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A commission for last_of_workers! 

It’s been a long time since I arrived in this village and started using my new powers to protect these people I’ve come to know as family. Of course, before I was a female angel, I was a doctor in my old world and life.

I had just recently gotten my residency at the hospital I’d been working in and I was ready for whatever challenges the medical world had for me. Of course, I never imagined my first clients would be the doctor who basically trained me here and one of his patients.

I guess his patient had done something to catch a deadly virus, and it had quickly spread to him SO both of them were quartered and I was tasked among others to care for them. They didn’t make it very long, and neither did I.

When we were preparing their bodies to be removed, I had gotten my hazmat suit caught on something and it ripped. That caused me to catch the virus and pass away a few days later. It was disappointing, but I woke up here with a new purpose.

When I arrived here I was already in the form you see today. I was a short petite girl with white hair golden eyes and of course my big feathery wings. I remember hearing words from the goddess before I woke up.

She told me she brought my soul to another world for a purpose. She told me that purpose would one day appear in this world, and when it happened my heart would know it. So I remained in this village and lived among the humans.

They welcomed me with open arms and they always referred to me as their guardian angel. Although I never really did anything to protect them. I mostly worked in the village like the rest of them.

I didn’t need to sleep and my body never got tired, so I was always working in the fields, and using my holy magic to bless the crops so they grow bigger and healthier. I truly enjoyed this life, but I often spent days looking out in the distance wondering what my purpose here was supposed to be.

Then one day a villager had returned from exploring a cave nearby and had come across something in the cave that was radiating darkness. I went to investigate and found a Whilg zombie from the ancient era.

I’m not really sure how I knew that, but that info had popped into my mind, along with the knowledge that they’re created by spreading a virus in the air and infecting humans. I couldn't save the human that was in the cave, so I used holy magic to destoy it then I rushed to the village.

Some of the villagers were coughing and had dark veins spreading on their bodies. I could sense death approaching them, and I knew if that happened they would turn into monsters. I started trying to heal them but all it did was stop the process not get rid of it.

I looked around and every villager was already infected. I was mildly panicking and I didn’t know what to do. That’s when I felt my heart hurt. This must be my purpose, to keep these villagers from turning into monsters.

I stuck my hands out and cast a magic dome around the entire village. It drained all of my power and required a constant stream of power to keep it active but I was sure I could maintain it, and I did for years.

The villagers knew what I was doing for them and most of them thanked me for it and continued to live their lives like they always had. They had nothing to fear as long as I was here to protect them, I was their guardian angel.

Still, though, I felt something pulling me, wanting me to leave this village and head to something, or maybe something. I’m not sure what they are, but it moves, and recently it feels like it’s getting closer.

Then one day they appeared. A small little goblin shaman and a tall pale necromancer. They came here to appear to save the souls of the villagers, but I know they just want to use their bodies and souls for their evil deeds.

They decided to stay in the village and try to convince me to let them do their thing, and the necromancer even tried fighting me several times, and she’s nearly won on several occasions.

That’s mostly because I’m at half-power due to keeping the villagers safe.

Then again, I think she may also how the blessing or powers of a deity and has yet to fully unlock her potential, had she done this already I surely would have lost. The tall one also has quite a strange body.

There is a stab wound through her heart and her body is basically dead, yet she walks around and lives just like nothing is wrong. I tried to heal her by kissing her, but my powers indicated there was nothing to heal, that her body was supposed to be like that.

That kiss was also quite strange. I think I may have enjoyed it, and I’m pretty sure the goblin liked it as well, as I could see her smiling behind her hands. It’s been a few weeks since then and I just continued doing what I’ve always done here, with the added work of watching them.

Then one day the village elder held a town meeting and asked that I attend. When I arrived the entire village was waiting for me and some of them seemed upset. I tried to ask them what was wrong, but they told me it was time for me to know the truth.

The villagers told me that they were ready to move on to the heavens and that the only reason they never said anything was so I wouldn't be left in this world alone, but they said that the goblin and necromancer were kind loving people, and would take me in.

The village elder then hugged me and said the last thing he wanted to do was leave me after all I did for him and the village, but they were supposed to be dead and I couldn’t keep draining myself to persevere their lives.

He then asked that I release my powers and allow them to fully die. He assured me that the goblin and necromancer would take care of everything afterward and that their souls would move on to the heavens and their bodies would be cleansed so as to not infect anything else.

I nodded and cried as I released them. Then I watched as their bodies became corrupted and they died. Then the necromancer and shaman went to work. They were true to their word, and I watched spirit after spirit ascend to the heavens.

The necromancer surprisingly didn’t do anything weird to their bodies, like claim them for her hell army, instead, she removed the impurities from them and destroyed them, then she used her minions to create graves and worked with me to mark each one properly.

It was a very kind act from someone I once thought was the opposite of me, but I’ve now learned that even though her powers come to form a worse realm form mine, doesn't mean she’s evil or bad, or even has to be those things.

The last night I was in the village I realized something. I was thinking about the words of the goddess and figured out her meaning. It was these two, I could feel myself being pulled in by them for a reason. I don’t exactly know why, maybe to protect them or even to love them.

Either way, I knew I had to stay with them, and wherever they went I’d go. Plus it helps to follow them around. I can make sure they don’t do anything nefarious, I mean one is a necromancer, and even a good necromancer can do bad things.

Plus she’s very cute when she picks fights with me over this kind of stuff, she even calls me her winged pain in the ass, as dumb as it sounds, I like being a pain in her ass. Although being a pleasure in her ass might be better.

Ugh, there I go thinking about having sex with one of them again. I swear that goblin and her constantly aroused kinky goblin body is getting to me. I almost wish she’d stop telling me about her sexual fantasies, especially when it comes to me.

It just caused me to think about it more. I mean I know I’m an angel but no one said I couldn't love someone right? And what’s even better than making love to one person? Making love to two people… I meant loving two people!




Not bad at all, well, in any case, I liked it, so let's go in order... so firstly, now that we know the history of all three, the situation with Edracia and Liwet becomes even more interesting because in a past life Edracia was an experienced doctor and now she is a young necromancer and Liwet after she died as a medical student and in this life she became a doctor... This can be regarded as a clash of ancient methods of a man (when the patient’s survival was a miracle) and modern principles (when, if desired, you can extend a person’s life almost forever), it makes you think.. Thank you very much for this, you gave me food for thought... Second, now we know exactly how real Gods exist in this world; their power, capabilities and limitations are not yet known to us, but still this is a very important aspect of this world. Thirdly, thank you also for showing that darkness does not mean evil and light does not mean good... Many authors have recently been trying to show this simple truth, but alas, not everyone succeeds well, but in my opinion you have it turned out quite well... thank you very much for this and yes I really enjoyed this story and am looking forward to the continuation